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double dapple with one eye blindness
well we just had puppies 3 weeks ago. bitty just opened his eye (well one eye isnt really opened but its open enough) that one eye is whited over. the other eye seems perfect. he is perfect. its so sad about all this. we are beside ourselves we were never told by the vet about any of this double dapple business. this is her second litter and the first litter was absolutely perfect... and now this litter first off the first puppy born passed away after 9 minutes and now little itty bitty has blindness i am hoping that this will be all that he has wrong with him. any ideas, comments, suggestions.. please do not put us down we care deeply for all of our dogs and went to the vet through her pregnancy and all.... help
Posted by
- April 29, 2009 at 7:42 am
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