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I crate, but I'm not a pro
I was just telling my (dog) trainer yesterday that the best thing I learned from my obedience class was to crate my two doxies at night. Once they are in the crate at night, they know it's bedtime and they settle down and don't make a peep until the morning and it's time to get up.
Because Millie's very calm, she didn't have any problems adjusting to the crate, but Darma, being very timid and lacking confidence, was another matter. My trainer advised me that, before I put the dogs in the crate for the first night, I had to do everything I could to wear Darmie out so that she would be exhausted (and go willingly to bed). After I put them in the crate, I was advised to cover it with a blanket or sheet. This was over a year ago, and they have slept every night in the crate since.
I don't know if you would use the same techniques for crating during the day, because I seldom crate in the house during the day (although the dogs are confined to a single room that has outside access). I do, however, crate the dogs when they are in the car, and they usually do not fuss at all. (My policy of always crating in the car paid off in 2004 when I was in a car accident on the way to the groomer's with my beloved Amy. Although the car was totaled, we both walked away).
You might want to consult a professional dog trainer or book or video. :)
Millie and Darma's Mom (aka Kathleen)
Posted by
- May 3, 2009 at 6:27 pm
The following message was in reply to the "parent" topic above.
Definitely try to wear them out, like a nice walk. When I leave I get all of my stuff together and put them in my car, and put water, treats, favorite toy and her bed in the crate. For me I found if I put her in her crate and not say anything or act/feel bad about putting her in there, and close the door and immediately leave, just remember not to say anything and act calmly. And when I return do the same, say nothing, no look, no touch, and be calm, and she has to be sitting and calm before she is let out, and still no talking, and take directly outside to go potty. ( it is important not to get them excited before they go potty so they don't have any accidents ) It will take some time, just practice a little at a time, they will protest, but just be consistent and patient. I also have a TV in her room ( and yes she has her own room ) I have it on the Cartoon Channel, I believe it helps to drown out any noises from the outside that might make her bark, and it keeps her company. I have had a problem in the past where she would pee on her bed and flip it over and lay on the dry side,( she is smart ), so be careful about putting a expensive doggie bed in the crate.
Posted by
- May 3, 2009 at 11:29 pm
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