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Doxie attacked by Grey Horned Owl
I wanted to share this with you all in case you live in an area that has Grey Horned Owls.
Last Friday, while one of my doxie, Quintin when out to do his nightly duty, he was attacked by a Grey Horned Owl. Three of my doxies were in the house and I think the Owl attacked because Quintin because was on his own, quiet and the backyard lights were off. I heard him screaming and I ran outside as he was running in towards me (my screaming must have scared the owl away). My dog was bleeding all over the place and I noticed that he had lacerations to his neck. At the time, I thought a Coyote jumped our 6ft fence (we have a lot in our area). I rushed my dog to the emergency vet and when the vet examined him he said that the puncture marks on each side of his shoulders and neck were more likely due to the Grey Horned Owl. He has seen this before but the dogs usually die, because the talons pierce the lungs. We were lucky because my dog is kind of overweight (20 lbs) and stalky so the owl couldn't penetrate his lungs.
Quintin is doing fine, he had a drainage tube in his neck for three days, he's on antibiotics for 14 days, has staples to close the lacerations and the puncture wounds are closing up. But we are told to never let our dogs out at night alone.
Grey Horned Owls live all over North America and nothing I have read can be done to get rid of them. They usually attack small animals like squirrels, bunnies and skunks. We are actually lucky it attacked our biggest doxie because if it attacked any of our other three who all weigh under 16lbs they would have died.
So be on the look out for Grey Horned Owls in your area. (I've uploaded a picture of his wound on his pet page).
Posted by
- June 10, 2009 at 12:36 pm
The following message was in reply to the "parent" topic above.
I'm so glad Quintin is doing well. When I tell people about owls and hawks attacking Dachshunds, they laugh at me.
Thank you for informing people.
Posted by
- June 10, 2009 at 10:53 pm
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