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Not sure what's wrong with Lily...HELP! PLEASE!
She has these fits where she's perfectly fine and then all of a sudden she rolls on her back and yelps like she's in agonizing pain for about 30 seconds. When Irun up to her, worried to death, she tries her hardest to get to me(while she's still yelping) but it's like she forgot how to walk. It looks like she's swimming upside down. When she finally comes to, i put her on her feet and it's like she can't use her legs. Not like she forgot at this point, more like she knows what's supposed to happen, but she can't move one leg after the other. Sometimes which ever or how many legs decide to give out, are limp, like she's paralyzed. When she finally gains the strength to walk again, she looks like she's drunk. She comes straigt to me because she's scared out of her mind and has no idea what just happened to her. She shakes and she acts like she can' even remember her surroundings for a bit. She remembers me, but not my mother or anyone else. The first time this happened i decided to wait a day amd see if it happened again becaasue i thought maybe somehow she hurt herself just being a puppy and nit knowing that being clumsy isn't always the best thing. The next day i kept an extremely close eye on her and she had an attack out of the blue, she was perfectly fine the millisecond before it happened. I took her to my primar Vet and told her exactly what was going on and they gave her a steroid shot and told me to give her a half of baby asprin twice a day(becasue she was so tiny at the time, they couldn't give her a muscle relaxer) and they ran bloodwork and checked her for epilepsy. I had to wait till the end of the weekend to get he blood results back, and during the weekend lily had more attacks. So i had to rush her to the emergenct vet where they gave her yet again another steroid shot and perscribed Lily this liquid medication i had to give to her twice a day. They told me to continue giving her the medicaion until it was gone and to consult my vet first thing that monday morning, because they had no idea what was wrong with her. That monday morning i called my vet and she said to bring lily in because she had her bloodwork back anyway. When i brought her in she told me lily's bloodwork came back normal and that she didn't hae eplepsy and that was a relief, but i told her something was still very wrong with her because sh'e still having attacks and although we ruled out some serious things, somethin way more serious could be wrong with her. The vet said she consulted a speacialist, and he said he had seen something similar to Lily's condition and he thought it was a spinal disease. They took an x-ray and said that her second and third vertabrate looked off and that they wanted to do an x-ray with her sedated so that they could maneuvar her neck and get a better angle, and i told them she was schedualed to be spayed that week that i would have the x-ray done then. They did the x-ray the day of Lily's operation and he said that everything was fine there as well and that there was nothing else they could do. they ruled out everything that popped in their heads. Oddly enough after that last vet visit Lily's attacks subsided completely. Just recently she started having them again and i don't know what to do. The vet's say they don't know what' wrong, but my baby's in pain. Does anyone know what might be wrong with Lily? Know anyone with a dog with similar symptoms?
Posted by
- July 8, 2009 at 12:18 am
The following message was in reply to the "parent" topic above.
Hang in there.
I don't have a clue, but I'm not a vet. Those episodes sound terrifying, but you are doing the right things by taking your little fur-baby to the vet and emergency vet. I hope things get better for both of you.
Posted by
- July 8, 2009 at 10:06 pm
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