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Excessive barking
My two doxies are very protective of the house, street, yard etc. I don't mind their barking when someone is in the vicinity but they won't stop no matter what I do. They have both "graduated" from training schools but nothing stops their aggressive behavior toward other dogs. I have tried the squirt bottle method and having the distracting treat handy but nothing really stops them from their aggressiveness and LOUD barking toward other people and especially pets. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Posted by
- August 18, 2009 at 1:02 pm
The following message was in reply to the "parent" topic above.
Dachshund Luke liked to bark too....
We had the same problem with Dachshund Luke and began to get complaints from people in our street. The water bottle trick did not work and he would just run and hide. One day I clapped my hands loudly above his bottom and said 'you are going to get a smack on the bum' (he has never been hit nor would we ever!) Anyway the noise startled him and he stopped barking. We repeated this for a week or so. Now if he barks I only have to say the words or clap my hands and he stops! Hope it works for you because these little Dachshunds do have a loud bark!
Posted by
- September 20, 2009 at 2:28 am
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