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My female doxie just spent 5 days at the vet hospital due to gastritis; has anyone else had this problem? We had found small amounts of vomit with grass in it for a couple of days, but could not figure out which doxie was sick since both were acting fine. Then Ella (6 yr rescue) stopped eating but was not vomiting. The next day she began eating and several hours later came the large amount of green bile like projectile vomiting. The vet was called and we were advised to try some pepto; of course this was the weekend. More vomiting came and she started to cry and fuss while we waited on hold with the vet tech. A lighting speed trip to the vet clinic followed where she was admitted for severe dehydration and tests. X-rays showed a large abdominal mass the size of a baseball; steroids were added to IV meds. The next morning (Sunday) an ultra sound was performed and the mass was considerably smaller and the doc was able to tell that there were no foreign objects. More x-rays, ultra sounds and various other tests were performed and the mass continued to decrease over the next couple of days. An internal medicine specialist examined her and gave her the gastritis diagnose and advised that there was scar tissue. Shes now home and expected to make a full recovery!
Posted by
- October 1, 2009 at 1:14 pm
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