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Ants in My Food!
My Abby is not a food-dominant dog and simply grazes her way through her food daily. (She is not overweight and is very physically fit.) Unbeknownst to me, we developed a problem with ants in our house and Abby ingested some when she went to nibble on her ant-infested food. Yuck! She must have been bitten by an ant because she started swelling on one side of her face. I gave her a dose of baby Benedryl and closely watched her should I have to rush her to the ER. Fortunately, the Benedryl helped her swelling slowly subside and an exterminator solved our insect problem.
Posted by
- October 27, 2009 at 7:34 pm
The following message was in reply to the "parent" topic above.
Check Out jefferspet.com .........
They offer two types of bowls that discourage ants from getting into the dog food. There is the Fool-A-Bug Bowl. Item # DK-FP. I've used this kind before. Not too bad results. Another type is the PetMoat Anti-Ant Dish. Item # N3-P3. This is the one that I would probably choose. You do have to remember to keep water in it to keep the ants out.
Posted by
- October 27, 2009 at 10:37 pm
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