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Holistic Vets
Thank you for suggesting a holistic veterinarian. I was completely unaware of having any such vets locally, so I googled "holistic vets" and discovered that we have two of them in our neighboring county, one of whom is in a highly regarded practice. It may mean a half hour drive for me to take my "twins" there, but I am more than willing to do it if it means that I will not lose another dachshund who has been over-vaccinated and over-medicated as was my former dachsie, Amy. I got Amy to live to be 12 years of age, but felt that she could have lived longer if my former vet had not given her so many steroids which eventually led to steroid-induced Cushing's Disease. I fear this is the path that my Abby will take because she has already had problems with elevated liver enzymes and hypothyroidism for which she was given Denosyl and Soloxine. She is no longer on these drugs because she "no longer needs them," so now I'm left wondering if she ever needed them in the first place or if her liver and thyroid levels were skewed due to the anesthesia she received for her dental in June which left her is an authistic-like state for several days afterwards. We will be seeing the holistic vet for our next veterinary visit.
Posted by
- October 29, 2009 at 9:17 am
The following message was in reply to the "parent" topic above.
I'm Glad You Found One.....
A holistic vet in your area (sort of). Let me know how you make out on your next vet visit!
Posted by
- October 30, 2009 at 10:02 pm
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