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Good article
Thank you for posting the link to this article. This has been a great source of concern to me.
My dear little girl doxie passed due to an auto immune disease this summer. Now my other doxie has an auto immune disease. Teddy has immune mediated polyarthritis and Megan had SARDS. (They are not littermate related)
I switched vets due to my belief that the dogs are given too many vaccines. I know as a RN, that people do not get yearly vaccines that have the same vaccine strains in it. Flu vaccines are given yearly due to different strains of flu that is predicated. So...I have had a problem with this for a long time. I have found a vet that agrees and has told me the main reason for yearly vaccines is that it is a money making part of the vet's practice. He said that when they are seven or older there is no reason for the yearly vaccines.
My little boy doxie is currently being treated for his immune disorder and trying to put it in remission. No vaccines are given to him and my vet said he will write letter stating so if any problems.
Thanks again for the link and info. If I had it to do over, my doxies would not have had those yearly vaccines. But I do believe that puppy vaccines are very necessary. If I have another doxie in the future it will be done differently.
Teddy's Mommy
Posted by
- December 9, 2010 at 6:27 pm
The following message was in reply to the "parent" topic above.
Thank you for reading.
The only thing I have to say is that Alice just turned 4 years old in June of 2010, she has had no annual vaccines since her first set as a puppy. I have pulled her blood for the Titer each year at the annual exam. For 3 straight years she has come back with a strong immune system not requiring any vaccines.
The rabies vaccine is a State Law, but is not required by the owner. You can have your canine and feline exempt from the rabies vaccine. Alice's liver paid the price for my stupidity.
Now if we look at the different animal's body organs and limbs, we see a difference through evolution. If a lizard gets his tail chopped off it will grow back, not my dog or cat's though.
Now if I drank ever day, my liver dies - end of story. The canine's liver though does something completely different, it creates shunts. These extra blood vessels come from somewhere, and always appearing in people's canines from nowhere. Just think how many canines are diagnosed with liver shunts by their 4-5 year of life. If Alice should develop these shunts due to what I have recorded and witnessed, what are my options?
Well it's either operate and remove or let her live out her life. What about the veterinarian? Well they simply say, "It was an underlying issue."
The veterinarian medical community just turns it's head and is protected from law suites of any kind. So it's up to people to learn and take the right steps for your animal(s) sake and well-being.
I always say "Kibble & Cans Kill" almost in a joking manner, but the reality is. Add that food to the annual vaccines and the rabies vaccine and you have what we are seeing through the animal world. A pandemic, no matter what breed of canine you have they are all suffering through the same diseases and ailments, it is truly sad. In any given community around this world we are sharing the same diseases/ailments as our animals.
I'll add the pet food recall link so people can better understand what they are feeding their animals and where to truly look for accurate information.
Posted by
- December 10, 2010 at 9:39 am
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