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"Cancer" - The word that opens wallets!!!
"http://www.caninelymphoma.net/" - This site is about the most common cancer to affect dogs. I use the word dog because people get into the mindset that they have something special, well you do have something special "your canine"; but regardless it is still a dog (which by the way shares 78 chromosomes with the wolf, hence they can breed).
After you read this article/site, I want you to pay very close attention to the 4 ways to cure the cancer. 1st they list chemotherapy, 2nd is an immune system booster, 3rd proper nutrition, and finally 4th is surgery.
Chemotherapy and surgery are expensive. Immune system booster and proper nutrition are not. You won't feed your children something that can be stored in a bag and on a shelf for 2 years, so why would you do it for your dog. With all the advertising and I call it it "Kibble & Cans Propaganda" put out for the regular person I would feed my dogs kibble as well. Alas, I am me with a deep respect for Nature. This respect makes me want to learn, and care about what part of nature I co-exist with; in this forum it is my co-existence with dogs.
Grains and vegetables are carbohydrates, where raw meat is pure protein. Again by me removing all grains over 2 years ago for Honey's seizure issues (Which by the way went from 1 seizure every 6 weeks, to 1 seizure every 6 months.) Alice and Pork Chop lost weight. Alice and Pork Chop were on a raw diet, but that raw food contained 10 - 15% vegetables & grains. This is where I realized that a dog does not have the enzymes in their mouth to digest vegetables and grains like a human. I guess even for me, all those sharp teeth including the molars wasn't evidence enough, but still enough proof to me why dogs do not chew and grind food like humans do - less alone kibbles.
Everyone knows I only feed my dogs raw meat, because that is what their bodies are designed to process. I have been asked time and time again to show people how to feed their dogs raw - which isn't hard, but if you expect miracles when your dog is finally sick, it's usually too late to do the right thing. I hate saying that, but someone has to!
I hope this article shows you what the professionals should be saying before your dog falls ill, but I won't hold my breathe on that one.
Posted by
- December 17, 2010 at 10:48 am
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