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Eating poop
Any suggestions to break a dachshund from eating poop?
He's done it since he was a puppy, and I've managed to prevent him by removing it as soon as he goes, but if he's outside and finds poop from a cat or wild animal he eats it.
Can they be broke of this bad habit ?
Posted by
- December 17, 2014 at 11:01 am
The following message was in reply to the "parent" topic above.
Poop eater issue
Haha! He's normal! Every dog big or small I have ever had, ate my cats poop. My Tootsie Roll who is much smaller than my fat cat still goes to the litter box and eats his poop! Apparently cats poo is sweet tasting but still gross! My vet said as long as its not every day the dog is fine. Try to clean ( if u have a cat) out the litter box once a day to remove the poo or if the dog is eating other poo from outside, try to walk the doggie away from it or try to take the doggie another area. Its normal, don't worry my weenie does it too. Most dogs do this.
Posted by
- December 17, 2014 at 7:57 pm
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