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doxie being scared on certain walks...
So, here is the issue...my Murphy will not go any further than the mailboxes at my townhouse complex after dark if it is just one of us walking him. If my husband and I both are there he is fine. If it is just one of us he will pull and cry, and stop dead in his tracks until he gets to go back home.
Yesterday (during daylight), I tried to take him on a walk down a street we always walk down and he started freaking out like I mentioned above. I decided to turn around and go back home and he was practically dragging me the whole way back.
Any ideas on why he is doing this????
Thanks much,
Posted by
- April 17, 2009 at 2:12 am
The following message was in reply to the "parent" topic above.
He picked up a scent?
I had a similiar problem with Petunia but not on the same scale. I have conservation land around me and there was a fisher cat that came around the property one summer. Petunial for weeks would not go potty at night. She stand there and cry and tug on the leash to go back into the house. Maybe Murphy is picking up on a scent of some animal that is scaring him.
Posted by
- April 21, 2009 at 7:24 am
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