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Comments about HERMAN

November 11, 2024 9:20 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

DOTD Always!

Herman will be in our thoughts today as our sweet DOTD!

March 28, 2021 9:19 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Congrats Herman!

I hope this day finds you enjoying good health as a senior doxie, you are such a cute little guy!

August 17, 2017 10:37 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Hurray for Herman

So nice to see such a special little guy like you as DOTD. Sounds like you bring joy where ever you go. So nice you have such a loving and caring family. Enjoy your day of extra doxie fame.

August 17, 2017 9:37 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Congrats Herman

Well aren't you a busy little guy Herman, I hope your enjoying DOTD fame today.

December 25, 2013 9:45 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Congratulations Herman

Merry Christmas to the DOTD on such a special day. You should really get a lot of treats and toys today. Happy New Year to you and your family

December 25, 2013 9:06 am
by chunkymonkey from sacramento, CA Proud owner of Macy and Bailey

Still adorable as ever. Wishing you both a Wonderful X-mas! Enjoy your special day.

December 25, 2013 8:10 am
by Dawn from Kentwood, MI Proud owner of Cory Jo


Congratulations on being the Christmas Doxie of the Day! What an honor! And a very Merry Christmas to you and your family!

December 25, 2013 4:36 am
by Bucks Cty Mike from Sellersville, PA Proud owner of Bella Joy

Merry Christmas Herman!

To you and all doxies! Everywhere! Bella Joy, Maci Grace, Anne and Mike too.

April 29, 2013 10:10 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Hi Herman

What a Dashing Young Man you are. I also was in a Dachshund Parade in Buda TX and had the Dachshund Root Beer. Glad you now have such a loving home with friends to play with. Have a great day and wonderful long and healthy life.

December 16, 2011 9:28 pm
by chunkymonkey from sacramento, CA Proud owner of Macy and Bailey

So cute! Love to see the pictures of you and your friends. Have a happy holiday season!

July 20, 2010 2:23 pm
by debbie338 from Newberry, FL

Love you, Herman

I showed everyone at West End Herman's profile. They all want to know if he likes being famous. :-)Debbie Cottrell

July 17, 2010 10:11 pm
by Penny from winnipeg, MB Proud owner of Beau and Engli

You look like a teeny tiny fella. Can a girl ask, how much do you weigh? I would love to see the outfit with the hat piled high with fruit! Come by and say Hello when you post that photo!! :o) Congrats from Canada on being the handsome fella of the day.

July 17, 2010 9:56 pm
by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian

Hello Herman

Congratulations on bein' DOTD handsome boy!!! Have you been doin' anymore traveling lately?? Hope your special day was filled with eXXtra treats...10 bones:)xoxo

July 17, 2010 9:12 pm
by chunkymonkey from sacramento, CA Proud owner of Macy and Bailey

Happy Saturday and congratulations on your special doxie of the day status. Hope you are having a wonderful summer in Washington. Lots of doxie luvs and treats to you and your pals. macy

July 17, 2010 12:38 pm
by Laylaflo from kennewick, WA Proud owner of Juice

Congratulations Herman!

What a cute guy you are! We are practically your neighbors--over here in Kennewick! Love, Juice & Bailey

July 17, 2010 1:59 am
by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe


What an adorable choice for DOXIE OF THE DAY! How have things been going for you Herman? Has it been HOT in Washington this summer? It has been HOT and HUMID in Michigan, not good for playing outdoors for long. Enjoy your special day little fella! JOE

November 28, 2009 9:58 am
by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian

Hello Herman

You sure are a handsome doxie dude!!! I've never been on an airplane....I don't like crates, so I'm sure I would make quite a ruckus!!! We are so happy you found a home where you are so loved and adored!! Your sissy Fergie is such a cutie patootie!...and your friend Piper is such a pretty girl...I have a sissy named Piper....she's a lil' crazy girl!! sendin' doxie *smooches* and 10 bones!:)xoxoKillian

November 27, 2009 8:38 pm
by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni

Hey There Handsome Herman!!!

Your sister, Fergie, looks like a little wolf! How exciting it must be to go on an airplane! Do you have your own special traveling case? Maybe we can get Mom to take us with her the next time she goes on an airplane! Sending you wet wiener kisses.

November 26, 2009 11:24 pm
by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe

Hi Herman!

What a cute little GUY you are! I can see how you have stolen your Mom's heart and soul--and, I understand how it was worth it to everyone involved to match you up with her! We are so happy you two have each other! I love the picture of you with your sister Fergie! You both are way TOO CUTE! Thanks for sharing Herman with us! Devra and Joe

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