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Red Smooth Dachshund-tweenie from Wayland, MI pet profile submitted by Devra

Joe is spending the winter here in California with me. Feels good to have him warm and comfortable with me.

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Favorite food:

Hills Prescription-RD & green beans

Favorite treat:

Chicken jerky strips-PUPCORN of all things!

Favorite toy:

Rocks...and squeaky toys

Favorite spot to sleep:

on my back - in the BIG BED of course!


Varmint Rocks and that scary vacuum cleaner!

Devra writes:

My sweet baby boy passed away on August 25, 2015...he was 16 years old. This little guy was my heart and soul. He was so can tell that by looking into his eyes. I know he was loved every second of his life (which he spent with me - he was mine the day he was born!) and I know he had a full life...but it still seems so cruel that he only lived for such a short time compared to my life. It seems like the pain in my heart will be with me always. I have only just been able to look at his pictures and talk about his death. This little boy was so special. I thank GOD that he brought Joe into my life - I must have been special to warrant such a wonderful gift. I love you were my life...WAIT for me like a good boy, I will be home soon.
Hi, My name is Joe. I live with my Mom - Trudy - and half brother Dobby (who is a Rat Terrier) and now also, Kallie my sister. Kallie came to live with us when her human Mom was no longer able to care for her. Kallie is blind like my Mom Trudy. But, just like mom, that doesn't seem to slow her down a bit. I was the only boy of the litter and I am a tuff guy! I love to EAT!... And chase rocks. I play a game of "varmint rock". I will push the rock with my nose until it falls into a hole....then I bark and bark at it, and dig and dig until I "capture" that varmint rock! It drives my Human Mom crazy, but I love to play this game. My Human Mom's backyard is full of holes where that varmint rock has tried to escape! My Human Mom says I am the love of her life...not too sure what that means, but I get squeezed real hard when she says that! It is a great life here in Michigan...A lake to swim in the summer, leaves in the Fall, grass to eat in the Spring, and snow to dig and play in in the winter! A Doxie Dude paradise!
UPDATE 1/7/13 Joe's Mom Trudy passed away at the ripe age of 16 yrs. We love that little girl so much! Joe's sister, Kallie, passed away shortly after. We were devastated at her loss. She was the same age as Joe, but had some health issues. I am treasuring every minute I have with my little guy. We have gotten a new brother for Joe...JACK....who is a very lovable guy!

Merry Christmas!
Jack, JOE, and Dobby wishing everyone a Happy Holiday!

Joe the Varmint Rock Hunter
Joe was named after JOE of course we are big 49er fans!

Joe and his new brother JACK
Jack is a long haired black and tan, about 5 yrs old. He is a rescue. We just love him to death. He and Joe get along beautiful!

Mandy - Joe - Kallie 7 weeks old
All of Trudy's pups, I could have kept them ALL!

Joe loves puddles!
Joe found this puddle of water and just had to go "swimming"!

This is MY Puddle!
Joe, growling to let Brother "Rat" know that this was HIS puddle!

Joe chasing "varmint" in Fall Leaves
We throw his varmint rock into a fresh pile of raked leaves - and he dives right in after it! I think he would dive into the fire to catch his "varmint rock"!

Comments about Joe

April 7, 2022 9:29 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy


It's so nice to see Joe remembered and honored today as DOTD! He knew he was loved each and every day of his life and left a huge paw print on his moms heart.

October 11, 2018 6:32 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Thinking of you Joe

Wanted to visit and remember all the fun we used to have before you left us to join the other loved doxie across the rainbow bridge. Good friends are never forgotten. Would like to meet your other babies some day soon.

October 8, 2018 12:45 pm
by chunkymonkey from sacramento, CA Proud owner of Macy and Bailey

It makes me cry to see all the pictures as we miss our little boogers! Hope you are doing well!! Can't wait to see your new little ones,

October 8, 2018 12:39 pm
by chunkymonkey from sacramento, CA Proud owner of Macy and Bailey

so sweet of you to give my girl a shout out. Still think about our friends here at DOTD even if they are no longer with us.

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