
Payton Clark
Long-haired sable dachshund from
Billings, MT
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by rulersoftheroost
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My chair
My chair with my dachsie diaries quilt.
Rating: 9.7700 bones (out of 10)
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Payton Clark
Favorite food: Eukanuba/Eagle Pack mixed
Favorite treat: rawhide
Favorite toy: Lacey
Favorite spot to sleep: next to my legs
Archenemy: doesn't have any
rulersoftheroost writes:
Payton's name was given to him because we laugh about "paid a ton" for him. We got him at 6 months to be a new member after loosing number 4 dachsie. He is a lover and cuddler and very mellow most of the time. Except when Lacey his girlfriend is playing with him of course. We call him aka "Muffy". He is a beautiful red/black sable mini boy that weighs about 12 pounds.
Good morning - Update 9/20/2020 - We so miss our lover boy Payton . We lost him about three years ago. We lost Miss Lacey 2 years ago. We cried for a long time and had a big blank spot in our hearts and on all their furniture. So, one year ago we got Oreo to fill the hole. What joy these little fur babies are when you have them for so long. Payton was 14, Lacey was 12 and now Oreo is 4. He'll be around for a long time.
I look at the daily dachshund every morning when I wake up with my coffee. All have a glorious day! Give them all big hugs and slobbery kisses every day.
Out in the wild
Walking in the wild flower garden.
King and Queen for a day
Payton and Lacey showing off their style
Payton modeling
Payton showing off his nice hug-a-do harness.
I am so Cool
This is my chair and I own it.
Visitor bonding!
This is Riley who visited us for a week. He is a darling, sweet dachsie-yorkie oops. Fun! Fun!
Comments about Payton Clark
May 5, 2024 9:46 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Angel Payton!
Payton as you wait just over the bridge, you are being honored once again as our handsome DOTD! RIP sweet boy.
May 5, 2024 8:51 am
by rulersoftheroost from Billings, MT
Proud owner of Oreo
Update: May 2024
Oh this brings back memories and all the fun comments everyone made . Payton is waiting for us and will get to meet his new friend "Oreo" sometime. We can do without our crazy wienies. Love those long bodies. Have a great summer
September 20, 2020 9:47 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
I'm sorry to hear of Payton's passing, he was such a beautiful boy! He lived a long life and he knew he was loved everyday , RIP Payton.
September 20, 2020 6:18 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
DOTD Payton
You look so handsome in all of your pictures with your beautiful coat.Hope this special day of recognition finds you happy and healthy
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