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Teagan Ianto Longfellow

Longhair Dachshund from Chicago, IL pet profile submitted by Cheyne923

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Lover boy

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  Rating: 9.9825 bones (out of 10)
Rating: 9.9825
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Teagan Ianto Longfellow

Favorite food:

Natural Balance

Favorite treat:

Dehydrated liver treat

Favorite toy:

Empty plastic peanut butter jar

Favorite spot to sleep:

On his mum! At night in the big bed.


So far Teagan has no enemies. He sees every encounter as an opportunity for treats or cuddles.

Cheyne923 writes:

Teagan was adopted through Illinois Animal Rescue. It was love at first sight when we met and he has brought more joy into my life since Jeeves passed away than I thought possible.

Teagan came with this name. It means 'little poet' in Gaelic and since he looks like a little poet, I kept it. I added 'Ianto', a Welsh name taken from a wonderful character in Torchwood and a last name 'Longfellow' a writer and, well, it fits.

Teagan is a cuddler, sweet and calm, hardly ever barks. He has just been learning how to play and had a great time at his first Chicago Dachshund Lovers meetup in December. Teagan is a longer than normal dachsie so I'm watching his use of ramps etc particularly closely. He really just wants to lay all over me--and I love him all the more for that.

Teagan is very beautiful and is in many tourist photos as we live in a popular area for visitors to Chicago. He enjoys the attention and usually rewards a gentle approach with a kiss.

See Teagan on Facebook--Teagan Longfellow

Teagan Longfellow is LONG

Teagan is beautiful

Teagan is soft

Teagan is a Dandy

Teagan is cool

Teagan laughs

Comments about Teagan Ianto Longfellow

October 8, 2022 10:16 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Oh so cute!

I hope you have a fun filled day as DOTD!

February 26, 2019 9:48 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Terrific Teagan!

Teagan you are soooo handsome and and cute! I hope you enjoy your big day with extra treats and of course big snuggles.

February 26, 2019 6:54 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Dashing DOTD

Such a handsome DOTD. Congratulations on this day of world recognition

July 12, 2015 6:56 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Congratulations Teagan

You make a very special DOTD. Such a beautiful coat you have. Thanks for sharing all of your great photo's. Enjoy your special day of fame

Read all comments (17 total)

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Yoshi Josie Henry DAISY
Dewy Weezer

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