
Macy and Bailey
Dachshund (doxie beagle) from
sacramento, CA
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by chunkymonkey
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Monster Macy!
Talking away as usual. A Big Hole in my Heart from Missing my Girl.
Rating: 9.9707 bones (out of 10)
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Macy and Bailey
Favorite food: Purina OM
Favorite treat: Starbucks Whip Cream (Puppacino)
Favorite toy: Macy:Toys Bailey: Moms flip flops
Favorite spot to sleep: The Big Bed with my Mom of course!
Archenemy: Anything with wheels and gophers/voles
chunkymonkey writes:
With great sadness Macy went to the Rainbow bridge on August 22nd. She had some weakness in her right leg the last few weeks and after numerous appointments with specialist etc no one could figure it out. I had my suspicions it wasn't back related. On Thursday she went totally down so I rushed her to the UC Davis Medical facility and they said typical Doxie back issues will need surgery. They planned on surgery that night since they are a 24/7 clinic. At 10:30 pm my phone rang and it was the Dr. The MRI showed a cancerous nerve tumor that was crushing her spinal cord and went into the muscle. Nothing could be done but make her comfortable. She was paralyzed at this point. So I went and picked her up and brought her home. That night her pain level was too much even with the pain meds and I couldn't let her suffer. And she gave me "that" look. It was devastating to say the least and Bailey and I are trying to adjust to our new normal. Things will just never be the same. I will keep her page and still touch base with our Doxie friends. Thanks for all the support!!! Lots of hugs to your fur babies!!!
You haven't lived until you've been told off by a Doxie. Sassy pants.
My Monkey
She loved her trips to Starbucks with mom
It's only summer when it is bellies up.
My Girl
Missing my Baby Girl.
Hogging the Bed
She would get me up early just so she could have the warm spot mom left behind. Miss my little bed hog!
Nap Over
Let's play sissy
Comments about Macy and Bailey
June 9, 2024 9:07 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Double DOTD!
You will be in our thoughts today as DOTD!
August 1, 2022 9:22 am
by cpn2jxp from Tobyhanna, PA
Proud owner of Sabrett
Miss you!
I hope youre well. I miss our emails. Life took a very difficult turn after Sabrett passed. If you still have my email and want to catch up Id love that. Janet
October 25, 2020 9:54 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
It's nice to see our beloved friends honored and remembered years after crossing the bridge! Macy knew she was loved and had the best life any doxie could enjoy. RIP Sweet Macy
December 31, 2017 6:52 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Happy New Year!
Wishing you much happiness and good health for the New Year
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