
Lazer Swift
short-haired tan male dachshund from
Los Angeles, CA
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by adizz
Come Hither Sir Lazer Swift
Lazer is taking a break from workin so hard at the office.
Rating: 10.0000 bones (out of 10)
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Lazer Swift
Favorite food: TREATS!!!
Favorite treat: ANY (ie, apples, celeryw/peanut butter, kong stuffing, rawhide, etc)...even AIR TREATS!
Favorite toy: former stuffed animals turned into treat puzzle toys
Favorite spot to sleep: on my lap
Archenemy: nail clippers and hair dryer
adizz writes:
Lazer is one very happy and playful fellow! He loves to sleep with me and cuddle all the time! He is a crazy treat monster! Anything that is remotely edible or looks like a treat, he is interested in and gunning for! Lazer is also a very smart pup! He will figure any puzzle toy out for that treat inside! He just turned 1 in Oct 2011 and now has quite his repertoire of tricks....including, but not limited to...sit, shake, lay down, bang!, roll over, up, fetch, let go and we just perfected our sit pretty and high five!
Lazer shares his last name with his big sister Taylor Swift! In the car, he looves listening to t-swizzle with me! Whenever his Aunty Sylvia plays her harmonica...Lazer can't help but sing-a-long!
watch his first time singing...
He also follows me pretty much everywhere, I love my little shadow! I am a new pet owner so we are definitely learning together. I am sooo happy to have a dachshund! He is the best dog and companion I have ever had!
Check out pics from our adventures on www.instagram.com/adizz
Lazer Norris
Lazer gives high fives in his sleep...standing up!
It wasn't me...
....mmmhmmm sure you didn't!
Sleepin' Mirror Pups
Lazer and Indi knocked out mirror images of each other after a doggy play date.
Unlikely Duo!
Xing (pug) and Lazer are work buddies! Here they are droolin over a treat! what else!?
How You Doin?
Lazer and a hat from build-a-bear!
brothas from the same motha
Indi, Lazer, Einstein
Baby Lazer
Probably the only time he fit that shirt. I even had to roll up the sleeves.
Comments about Lazer Swift
January 8, 2022 9:54 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Congrats Lazer!
My boys are giving you high fives and two paws up as you celebrate being DOTD once again! I hope you have an awesome day with your family Lazer.
May 30, 2018 9:24 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Way too Cute!
Well Lazer you blew the cuteness scale up MR Handsome Boy! My boy Willie does high fives also, and we laugh at that always. I hope your day of doxie fame will be memorable.
May 30, 2018 6:04 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Happy DOTD Lazer
You are such a handsome and talented little guy. Enjoy your day of extra fame. Wishing you special days every day
October 9, 2014 5:18 pm
by chunkymonkey from sacramento, CA
Proud owner of Macy and Bailey
Still cute as ever. Hope your day is full of sunshine and treats. Have lots of fun with your friends too!
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