Lola Jean
smooth black and tan from
Wellsville, OH
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by lolasmomma
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Lola is a new Mommy!
this is one of six....3 dapple boys and 3 sable girls!
Rating: 9.7814 bones (out of 10)
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Lola Jean
Favorite food: a mix of eukaueba doxie and iams
Favorite treat: pig ears cow hooves mashed potatos and momma's flip flops any grilled meat
Favorite toy: any thing with a squeaker and fluff. the fluff MUST come out!
Favorite spot to sleep: in a big bed under covers on her back. she must be touching some one to take their body heat
Archenemy: grinnies, squirrels, bunnies birds,leaves and ducks anything to chase that is in the yard
lolasmomma writes:
Hi! My name is Lola Jean. My Daddy picked my first name isn't it pretty? Jean is after my aunt Kimmy her middle name is Jean. My Birthday is May 29th and I will be 3!
My momma said she always wanted a doxie. When she came to see me and my littermates, I was the only puppy who hadn't been picked by a family. Momma came for a boy...but she got me instead. Momma said I was for her, BUT, when I met my new Daddy I was in L-O-V-E love! He carried me everywhere cuz I was sooo tiny. 3.2 pounds (not now though! I am 17.8 pounds.)! I have him completely wrapped around my paw! When Daddy is on the computer all I have to do is whine and he will hold me! I don't know how he types with one hand, but he is good at it.
One of my favorite games to play with daddy is called pick up my toy. I play with my toys on the bed or couch and will knock them on the floor and whine till some one (usually Daddy) picks it up.
I have tons of toys and a whole drawer full of dresses, t-shirts and sweaters. I have a pink winter coat too! Sometimes I am bad. I chew every pair of flip flops Momma gets. I can't help it really...my first family let all of us pups have one as a toy. I do it when I am mad...Like if I wanted to go in the car...and they leave me HOME!
Magic is my best friend ever (even though he isn't a doxie.) He taught me everything I know about being a dog! It took him almost a month to get use to me, but he gave in and started to play with me. Now we are always together. I LOVE YOU MAGIC DOG!
Miah is another friend of mine (though I don't think she really likes me much) She lives with Mike and Sally (daddy's mom and dad) in Maryland. They come to visit alot and I love to snuggle up to Miah in Mike's recliner. Miah is very warm and she lets me share the chair with her.
UPDATED Nov 23, 2010...Magic man crossed the rainbow bridge...bladder cancer....Lola and Salvy searched the house and yard for alomost a week looking for him....totally broke my heart...Lola finally caught a grinny....hid it in my closet fro safe keeping....saw her get it out at 3am....brought it to bed with her....found out it had no head....that was awsome...NOT! They both love the dog door we put in for them....I love the paw prints all over my kitchen floor when it rains....
Momma and babies....
the family....
Comments about Lola Jean
June 24, 2023 10:31 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Lola will be in our thoughts today as DOTD, and loved always!
November 11, 2019 9:45 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Congrats Lola!
I hope you are enjoying your senior doxie years with your family.
November 11, 2019 3:46 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Hope you are doing well. You are very popular on Daily Doxie and make a perfect DOTD
April 12, 2016 9:07 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Congratulations Lola
You make a beautiful DOTD. Hope all is well with you and your friends and family. Enjoy your day of doxie fame(Herbie's mom)
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