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Norma Jean

black & tan smoth coat mini doxie from Ft Wayne, IN pet profile submitted by mybabynorma

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norma Jean
I am one hot looking doggy girl

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  Rating: 9.9672 bones (out of 10)
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Norma Jean

Favorite food:

purana 1 rice and lamb

Favorite treat:

whatever I can snatch

Favorite toy:

any thing that sweeks

Favorite spot to sleep:

beside her mommy


the vacuum cleaner

mybabynorma writes:

Hi, my name is Norma Jean. I am all of 8 weeks old. My mommy said she had always wanted a doxie to love. A few weeks ago she was looking in the newspaper and saw a ad about doxie pups for sale. needless to say she wanted the one who was the sweetest and the smartest pup there. She chose me. ( I knew she would ). So now two weeks later I am a happy well loved little girl. My mommy puts me with her in the big bed at night and gives me lots of kisses and cuddling. I can be a stinker at times. She was not to happy when I chewed up a whole roll of paper towls. But then she laughed and said that evev when I am being a brat I am too cute to be mad at. All in all life is great.

My mommy told you all about me last October when she brought me home. Now here it is May already, wow how time flies. We moved out of Huntington and are now living in Ft. Wayne In. I am just about grown up now, but mommy says I will always be her baby. I now like to crawl into the front of my mommy's night gown at bed time. Thats where I sleepnow. Nice ad toasty. And I still think that life is great when your a doxie.. Hugs ans licks, Norma jean

have not have the web in the last 5 months. But got back on line today. mommy is sooo happy. Now I can be back on touch with all of my friends here at daily doxie. love, norma Jean

Hey, Been a long time. But i am back at last. Now almost 2 years old. things are going good in my life. Except the other day. I got stung by a nasty bee. I got so sick my mommy had to rush me to the vet. But a shot and 3 days of pills and I am all better now.
But now when my mommy sees a bee she picks me up and takes me back inside. Catch ya later, Norma Jean

Norma Jean looking sweet!

Norma Jean
Who can say no to this face

Just too cute

me and my uncle Tom

this is when I was still a baby

Comments about Norma Jean

February 23, 2021 9:26 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Congrats Norma Jean!

My two boys are sending doxie kisses your way this morning and two paws up! I hope you have an awesome day as the DOTD and I'm wishing you good health in the coming years.

July 16, 2017 9:35 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

What a Sweetie!

Congrats Norma Jean on being DOTD once more, tell mom you want extra treats today! Wishing you good health in the coming years.

July 16, 2017 8:21 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Congratulations pretty girl

Norma Jean you are so beautiful and sweet. So nice to see updated pictures of you. You make the perfect DOTD. Hoping each day is the best day ever.

July 16, 2017 4:19 am
by Slinky7 from Memphis, TN Proud owner of Slinky


You are too cute. Happy daily Doxie Day!

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