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Mini Dachshund-red from Tobyhanna, PA pet profile submitted by cpn2jxp

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Our life, our love, our girl
Sabrett 12-23-1999 to 5-30-2017

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  Rating: 9.9370 bones (out of 10)
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Favorite food:

Verus Menhaden Fish & Potato-delicious!

Favorite treat:

Carrots & unsalted rice cakes, pizza crust, CHEESE!

Favorite toy:

any fuzzy toy MUST have squeaker

Favorite spot to sleep:

In our bed


Cats,noisy Trucks,Nail trimming & RAIN (she melts)

cpn2jxp writes:

I fell in love with the breed and waited 3 years for the "right time" to get her. I wanted it to be a joyous experience for my husband because it was his first dog. I wanted him to know the love of a pet and how amazing and human-like they could be. She was a delight from the beginning, VERY easy to potty train and a lot of fun. She IS one of the family and we treat her that way.

Sabrett will be 13 on 12-23- 2012. I tell her everyday that she must live to be at least 30! There is a doxie in PA that is 26, so I whisper to her "See you can do it"! I have had other pets in my lifetime but none that have amazed me as much as her. I just love the breed and hope some day to be known as the crazy lady on the street with the 3, 4, or 5 doxies!

11-27-14 Sabrett is one month away from her 15th birthday! YAY!! She is well, has had a few stomach issues. I have been taking her to the vet every 6 months for 5 years now for routine wellness exams and basic blood work. SO far all is well. I do believe the fact that she has had no rabies shots or any shots at all in 14 years has helped. She does get a annual titer test for rabies. Scary thought, her last rabies shot was 2001 and her titer shows she is still being protected from rabies. She sleeps alot but she also loves to play too. Everyday is such a gift and we truly enjoy spending all our time with her.

5-5-15 Sabrett is well, enjoying the Spring. I woke her to tell her she was the Daily Doxie and she fluffed her blanket and went back under! A true doxie! We are blessed to have her for 15 plus years! LOVE is an understatement as I'm sure you all know!

8-24-2015 Sabrett had her wellness exam. All was well except her one eye was bloodshot. Her doctor thought her eye was protruding and she might have a tumor. Off to the ophthalmologist. Thankfully just dry eye. So she has drops. She is now 15 yrs 8 months. She still has great hearing and eyesight. We also titer for rabies and she is still being protected even though her last shot was 14 years ago! Now I have to break the news to her that we'll be freezing soon and romping through the snow

Came home Sabrett's neck was swollen on one side. Vet gave her antibiotics and drew cells and said they were normal but wanted a fresh draw to send to pathology. Poor Sabrett was so lethargic it broke our hearts. But 3 days of antibiotics and she was back to herself. Then the horrible news. Vet called Monday and said its cancer. She wanted to put her under briefly and look in her mouth. We went the next day and she found nothing. The pathology report said metastatic cells and it was squamous cell or melanoma. I said the report says cancer? Are you sure? Vet said yes. I said I wanted a oncologist. I needed to know my options, if any. I certainly would not put her through chemotherapy at her age, but I had to know what cancer it was. I took her to Oradell animal hospital in NJ. Dr Bailey was wonderful and explained if melanoma it is an autoimmune disease in dogs, unlike humans. There is a vaccine. Squamous cell, not really treatable. So he removed her lymph gland the next day and sent it to pathology with extra stains and tests. We spent thanksgiving home while she recovered. Dr Bailey called me on 12-2 Sabrett has NO cancer. Yay!! He said all normal, just an infection. I'm sharing all this because I realize labs make mistakes, but I don't even want to think about the what ifs. With that past us we will be celebrating her 16th birthday shortly and we couldn't be happier. Feeling very blessed

DEC 2016
My girl was diagnosed with an inoperable bladder tumor in late March 2016. Her oncologist Didnt check for cancer since there was no point. He put her on Metacam and in 3 months the tumor shrunk. Unfortunately by August it was back to the original size and there was a 2nd tumor. Sabrett is basically still acting the same except she does urinate A LOT. She also would rather sleep on her own bed than in ours. We haven't got used to her not sleeping on our bed. I think her bed is more comfortable probably because of the place of the tumors. Since she needs to go out so often and cant our entire lower level is covered in pee pads! Lol We dont care as long as she is happy. She is still is as bossy as ever. Of course even MORE spoiled if that's possible. She now gets WHATEVER she wants. Its been stressful and she is in no pain. She will be celebrating her 17th birthday on the 23rd! We are happy she is doing well aside from the tumors.

MAY 30 2017
Sabrett stopped eating Wednesday night 5-24. We didnt worry as she was still walking,drinking and able to urinate. By Friday there was some blood in her urine. In the past year this was common and usually 5 days of Clavamox cured that. I started that right away. By Sunday there was no improvement and I made a vet appointment for Tuesday. I stopped the antibiotics and she still had no appetite. She took a turn for the worse on Monday. God bless her she never wet her bed, she was still walking to the other room for water. I moved her bowl near her but for 17 years her water dish was in the same place on that level. We couldn't believe she was still able to walk. I slept on the floor with her as she still was getting up to go to pee and drink. I knew when the water started coming up it was the end. Then she tried to pee and nothing came out sometimes. Tuesday the vet confirmed it wouldn't be long, maybe a day. Our girl was vomiting water and blood. Apparently bladder tumors in males tend to eventually block off the colon and in females they go towards the stomach. This is why she had no appetite and eventually started vomiting the water.

We made the decision to let our girl be pain free as this was always about her quality of life which she had up till 5 days before. This is torture for my husband and I. We're thankful we took her to an oncologist who had studies from Perdue that Metacam could shrink the tumors and extend her life. We had 14 more months, quality months, with our girl. If heaven has a Italian restaurant that is where our girl will be demanding her pizza and ravioli!

Till we meet again baby girl, mommy and poppie are lost beyond expression.
Rest in peace
Sabrett 12-23-1999 to 5-30-2017

Snug in her blanket
I came home from work to find just her head sticking out! She can spend minutes getting comfy!

Hurry with my chicken mom!
Sabrett watching me grill. She barks at me to hurry up! So bossy!

Halloween 2010
SO NOT happy about this pumpkin hat!

I'm squeaking as usual !
This would be 1 of 3 toy boxes. I have about 300 toys and I never destroy them. Mom wishes I would so she could have more room. I just love new "presents" and when mom asks if I want a present I go crazy!!

Sabrett needs sunglasses!
She has them but refuses to keep them on!

Baby Sabrett 4 months old!

Comments about Sabrett

August 1, 2022 4:56 pm
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Hello again

It so nice to hear from you again, it's been awhile for sure! Our boys are spending their days in the cool house this summer, but do sit out on patio in the evening when it cools down with the breeze off the ocean. Looking forward to see Gracie's profile and take care. Brian

August 1, 2022 9:20 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy


A nice honor for such a sweet girl, loved always and missed dearly!

March 9, 2021 4:24 pm
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Hello there!

I'm checking on your mommy Sabrett and wishing her well and good health!

December 24, 2020 9:52 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Merry Xmas!

Willie and Tucker-D and I are wishing you a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

Read all comments (244 total)

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