
Sophie Lugosi
Red, short hair smooth mini doxie with a lil bit o' Piebald. from
Baltimore, MD
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by Ilovemycrazydoxies71
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Sophie loves the Baltimore Ravens. Since she is rather petite, she has a difficult time keeping her Ravens clothing from falling off. But, she has told me that she supports the Ravens--even naked. :)
Rating: 9.9476 bones (out of 10)
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Sophie Lugosi
Favorite food: Blue Buffalo MEAT!
Favorite treat: I loves cookies, milk bones, you name it.
Favorite toy: I love to terrorize Schultz. Just kidding. I love my new rubber Bobo toy. I can't seem to rip it to shreds anymore. But, i'll fi
Favorite spot to sleep: Nestled with my cozy, big bath towel. It's heaven on earth! Also, I love sleeping with the hoomans.
Archenemy: People who disturbs my beauty sleeps! Grrrrr!
Ilovemycrazydoxies71 writes:
Hello! My name is Sophie Lugosi. I am an 8 year old female miniature doxie. I came to my forever home at 6 months of age after my mommy's now husband (HI DADDY!) bought me for as a birthday and Valentine's Day surprise. Mommy was very excited to get me. We bonded instantly and have been close ever since. I love everyone very much. I want to say "hi" to my Daddy, the awesome Jon (I loves him very much, too! I give great doxie kisses! He knows of my "licker problem" all too well); Grandpa Frankie; and Auntie Donna (See! I don't growl at you anymore!) and of course, everyone here at DailyDoxie.com!
I am referred to as "Nine pounds of doxie dynamite". Yes, I am named after that famous Dracula, Bela Lugosi, because he's cool. When I'm not napping or eating up a storm, I like to have lots of fun with my big brudder Schultz and terrorize him, but he knows I am just playing and that I loves him very much....and he tolerates me very well. He's a good big brudder. I am very excitable and be careful if I'm following behind you. You know what happens: the takeout behind your knee! Everyone says I have this unique habit of jumping behind you and hitting the back of your leg. When I do this, everybody's leg always gives out. Heh heh heh! I'm small, but mighty! :)
Everybody loves me very much, too, and I'm pretty spoiled by everybody, too. That's ok with me because I love the attention and I loves them. I always get fun stuff to play with and wear and occassionally, I get the best yum yums to eat. I loves cookies very much...the Cookie Monster has nothing on me! :)
Barks and Kisses, Sophie
Hello, everybody! I'm Sophie Lugosi!
This photo was taken during the first week at my forever home!
Ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille
I have great focus....can't you tell? :)
The Weinerdog of Alcatraz
"Oh thank goodness you're home from work, Mommy! Now GET ME OUTTA HERE!" :)
That was funny!
Tell me another joke! I love to laugh!
I got the treat! I got the treat!
Here I am eating a delicious Milk Bone. I keep on telling Schultz, you snooze brudder....you lose! This is photographic proof of what I keep on telling him! I loves him!
Ho Ho Ho!
Merry Christmas!Even though I am over a year old, this was my first official Christmas! Mommy and her boyfriend took me and Schultz to Petsmart to get our photos taken with Santa! I got a "Santa's Little Helper" shirt! A jingle collar! and loads of deeeelicious treats on Christmas Day! Schultz doesn't wear clothes. He lasts about 30 seconds in them, but he loves the treats! We made out very well for Christmas...toys and food! :)
Comments about Sophie Lugosi
February 5, 2023 9:17 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Sophie you will be in our thoughts today as our DOTD!
June 26, 2019 9:28 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Sweet Sophie!
What a great honor for such a beautiful girl!
June 26, 2019 6:49 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Congratulations Sophie
Hope this day brings extra joy and love
November 9, 2015 6:14 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Congratulations Sophie
Glad to see you as DOTD. You surely are a little dynamo girl. So happy you have such good humans and doxie pal..(Herbie's Mom)
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