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short hair chocolate and tan miniature dachshund from Medford, OR pet profile submitted by 1DoxieMom

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Hello! I'm Fudge!

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  Rating: 9.9843 bones (out of 10)
Rating: 9.9843
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Favorite food:

Royal Canin Low Fat

Favorite treat:


Favorite toy:

Anything that Princess has at the moment

Favorite spot to sleep:

Mom's arms


Bigger dogs and anything that goes down MY street!

1DoxieMom writes:

Fudge was born in October 2008. He loves to chase his sister, Princess, around the house and he also loves to harass her. Since she is no longer the sole dog in the house, she is learning to tolerate his existence. Fudge is chocolate and tan. Fudge has made the house very lively. He races around the house learning the Dachshund 500. Since acquiring Fudge, we have found that he is missing a bone in his back left leg but it doesn't stop him from running or playing at all. It just gives him a distinctive little "hitch in his get a long." He is the most lovable dog ever and he loves to give kisses. He has remained small and is smaller than Princess but he is definitely big in heart. He is not a "player,"; he is a "lover." There is nothing he loves more than sleeping in your lap.
Fudge, his big sister, Princess, and I moved from Virginia to Medford, Oregon this summer. The six days in the back of the car were an adventure but the kids were very well behaved. Now, Fudge has a totally fenced back yard that he can explore to his heart's content and he loves it! There are no squirrels here like at our past home but he still loves chasing the birds! Fudge never stays still unless he is sleeping!

On February 29, Leap Day, Fudge crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He will be missed forever. Only 3 years old, he will always be
"my little man."

Me and Mom
It was love at first sight!

Big Sis and Me
We love our snuggle ball beds!

The best way to sleep...on top of my sister!

Telling Mom secrets!
We were at the NC Wiener Fest--note my dorky hat that Mom made me wear so I wouldn't burn.

I graduated from obedience school!
I was second in my class and Mom was so proud! I did good, I think, considering I was not even 7 months old yet!

Christmas at our house 2010
Just when I thought hats were bad...she puts antlers on me! What will the girls all think?

My Christmas Bow Tie!
Don't I look dapper???

Comments about Fudge

May 28, 2023 9:23 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Angel Fudge!

A nice honor for such a sweet little guy, Fudge you are DOTD everyday at your home! May you RIP

October 15, 2019 8:20 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Sweet Precious Fudge.

You were one of the cutest little dachshunds I have ever known. You will be forever loved and missed.

October 15, 2019 9:56 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy


Fudge you gave and received so much love in your short life. Thankfully your mom has those good memories that will last her life time. Today we celebrate your life as our DOTD.

May 8, 2014 8:53 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Still Missing You

Even though you are no longer with us I still have to stop by your page. Mom always thought that you were the most adorable little guy she had ever seen (next to me of course) I am 16 yrs old now and know that some day soon I will get to meet you .

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