
Leonidus aka Bubba Doo
Black and tan dachshund from
Manassas, VA
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by cinilu
My favorite toy and I airborn
This is purple teddy......he is my favorite pal. He is as big as me and I can take him anywhere!! Look how I jump so high and get us on the sofa!!
Rating: 9.9623 bones (out of 10)
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Leonidus aka Bubba Doo
Favorite food: Anything but his dog food
Favorite treat: hot dogs, apples, peeled grapes, raw hide chews
Favorite toy: His big purple teddy bear. It is bigger than he is and he totes it everywhere.
Favorite spot to sleep: Right next to my booty or any warm spot. But preferrably with me
Archenemy: The vaccuum and flies!! Also invisible intruders!!
cinilu writes:
This is Leonidus but I call him Bubba Doo. Don't ask why I just don't know. I got him when he was 6 months old. My daughter bought him and then couldn't keep him so I gladly took him. I loved him at first site which was a photo on the internet. He is my sweet baby and is very much a mama's boy. This is probably the most loved pup ever. Everyone in the house treats him like the special little man he is. He is quite the talker and has desperate seperation anxiety when it comes to me. I know it is terrible to say but I love it that he loves me that much. I actually have the same seperation anxiety about him!! When I leave I can not wait to get back home to him. I love his kisses and his nuzzles and the way he is a little heat magnet. I love that no matter what Bubba is always glad to be with me and protect his family. Can you tell I love this baby? Bubba just reminded me to tell you he was born May 11, 2007 and that he was once almost carried off by a hawk!!!!
Daddy say I am now a road dog. I have traveled from Virginia to Alabama and back again. Then back to Alabama then on to Phoenix, Arizona back to Alabama then back to Virginia. I have been over 6000 miles and across most of the southern part of the US. I AM ROAD DOG!!! LOL daddy says so!! Mama says I am the best pup ever cause not 1 accident no whinning all that way!! GO ROAD DOG!!
We made it
You see we made it.............teddy and I are mobile!!
Getting in the pic!!
This is a pic of Bubba with his big brother and his date on prom night!!
Bubba has a bark!!
Bubba loves to go out on our deck and have himself a bark a couple times a day. He warning birds, dogs, squirrels and those pesky invisible intruders to back off.
Warm towels!!
Mama there is nothing better than burrowing into the towels fresh out of the dryer. Don't be mad I am pretty clean!!
Here I am........here I am...pick me up I'm a good boy!!
I am warning the neighbor dog to stay in his fence!!
In my yard
In my yard I am the boss!! My mama says I protect better than any other pup ever!!
Comments about Leonidus aka Bubba Doo
September 15, 2023 9:12 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Such a handsome boy and in our thoughts today as DOTD!
February 2, 2020 8:56 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Congrats Bubba Doo!
I hope you are enjoying your senior years in good health as you celebrate the DOTD honor once more!
February 2, 2020 4:29 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Special Leonidus
You are a DOTD every day. I can tell you are lived so very much. You are such cutie
January 14, 2016 7:40 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Hi Bubba Doo
Just wanted to stop by and say hello. It has been a long time since we had a visit. I love your profile and pictures(Herbie's mom)
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