
Chiweenie (Black & Tan Shorthaired) from
churchville, MD
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by nikki223
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Rating: 10.0000 bones (out of 10)
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Favorite food: anything edible
Favorite treat: EVERYTHING
Favorite toy: rubber bone
Favorite spot to sleep: on my mommas lap buried in blankets
Archenemy: noises
nikki223 writes:
HI! im Ty. i am a chiweenie and doxie chiuaua mix. i might have the size of a chiuaua but i am ALL doxie! i act exactly like my doxie brother maxwell. im proud to be a chiweenie! my birthday is march 9th. i am 3 years old! im proud to be a big brother to maxwell. i have many other brothers and sisters. golden retrivers, chiuauas and dachs. i love to eat and snuggle. and i love to be dressed up. my favorite is when im dressed in my ravens outfit! football days are my favorite because of food. i love sitting in front of heaters or buried in blankets. that is all about me!
Ravens Ty
Ty in his Ravens outfit
Ty on thanksgiving waiting for turkey!
Ty and Maxwell
Ty and his little brother maxwell
Comments about Ty
September 10, 2023 9:23 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Hello Ty!
As our DOTD I hope your senior years are treating you well! I'm wishing you good health in the coming years and lots of belly rubs.
January 28, 2020 9:11 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Congrats TY!
It sounds like you live an active life with all your furry friends! I hope you have an awesome day as our DOTD.
January 22, 2016 10:59 am
by chunkymonkey from sacramento, CA
Proud owner of Cooper
So cute. You look like a little mouse. Love those ears! Adorable
February 13, 2015 9:22 am
by CookiesMom from Vero Beach, FL
Proud owner of Cookie (Monster)
Cute As A Button Ty!
Hello there, Ty. You are the cutest little thing in the world, but I can see what a player you are! You have the cutest face, and your Mommy takes good pictures of you! Stay sweet and happy and healthy, little fella!
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