
Cookie (Monster)
Short haired miniature chocolate dapple dachshund from
Vero Beach, FL
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by CookiesMom
Rating: 10.0000 bones (out of 10)
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Cookie (Monster)
Favorite food: Just 6 (lamb and rice) and Purina Beneful mixed blends
Favorite treat: Cheese and deli ham
Favorite toy: Loud squeaky toys
Favorite spot to sleep: Under her red bankee between her Daddy's legs in his recliner chair, and under the covers at night with Mommy and Daddy
Archenemy: All loud noises but is terrified of thunder. Has to wear a Thundershirt in every storm.
CookiesMom writes:
Cookie will be 7 years old 2/9/15. We bought her from a local breeder. Her mother was a chocolate doxie and her father a long haired chocolate dapple. I have pictures of both parents (both owned by the breeder). Cookie was named that because she looks like a chocolate chip cookie. She also acquired the addition of "Monster" to her name because she is not friendly to anyone but us. She is a one-family dog and does not like anybody else. Don't even try to pet her if her Daddy is holding her. She is Daddy's girl!! She is not friendly at all to anyone else, which was a surprise to me because I've never owned an unfriendly doxie. Maybe the dapple in her breeding bloodline makes her temperament different like that, I don't know. Our other doxie was a long haired black and tan, Ayla, who lived to be just shy of 16 years, and she was the friendliest, most loving dog we've ever owned. She never met a stranger, but Cookie is just the opposite...she's very unfriendly. Ayla was blind and deaf in the last two years of her life, but we made out okay. Ayla learned to know hand signals before she lost her sight. Cookie was never very close to Ayla because Ayla was old, but Cookie loved her "big brother" Neo, our yellow Lab, and she was very sad when Neo crossed the Rainbow Bridge four months ago from liver cancer. Prone for doxies, Cookie developed periodontal disease recently and has lost 8 teeth. I have to brush her teeth almost daily, but she tolerates that fine. Keep up with that, folks. Cookie is so special and such a blessing to us because we got her when we needed her and didn't even know that then. She comforted her Daddy every single day for six months when he was having to take meds that made him so sick. She would not leave his side for one minute, and now that he's well, I think she is just so protective of him...she's Daddy's girl, for sure!! Cookie has a ton of toys but loves the loud squeaky ones best and loves to run up and down the hall and play "Zoom-Zoom". She loves to go for walks with her Daddy and go for rides in his truck, and whenever he goes to Home Depot, he takes her and lets her ride in the cart, and she's good about tolerating "store strangers" who walk up and want to pet her. She seems to know she has to behave in public! She's so adorable and we love her to pieces, and she's the spoil-dest doxie on the planet!!! She's just our Cookie Monster!
Cookie at 8 wks. old when we got her
Cookie's mommy and daddy, Duke and Sasha
Ayla (a/k/a "Ayla Honey")
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Sitting on Daddy's legs in his recliner.
I lost my best friend, Neo (yellow Lab) four months ago when he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Now I'm an "only child" and so beyond spoiled!!!
Comments about Cookie (Monster)
April 28, 2022 6:45 pm
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
All Right!
I'm so happy to hear Cookie is enjoying her senior years, god bless her and yes many more years for sure! Such a beautiful doxie, you rock Cookie.
April 28, 2022 6:22 pm
by CookiesMom from Vero Beach, FL
Proud owner of Cookie (Monster)
14 And Doing Good
Many thanks for naming Cookie DOTD. She is now 14 years old and still very hale and hearty and maintaining her cute 14 lbs. She still likes her walk around the block every morning, and she is still Daddy's girl and the most spoiled dog on the planet. Praying for a few more good years with her.
April 28, 2022 9:24 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Congrats Cookie!
I hope your day of doxie fame finds you happy and healthy and as spoiled as ever!
September 17, 2018 9:51 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
So Sweet!
Congrats Cookie as you are the perfect DOTD and have so many doxie traits...good and bad! Don't change a thing, that's what makes doxies so great.
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