
Mini Doxie from
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by Dwight and Susan
Evil Eye
Sophie being somewhat difficult. BRAT !
4 Months old
Rating: 9.8980 bones (out of 10)
and Susan
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Favorite food: Kibble's and Bits
Favorite treat: Banana & Peanut Butter Biscuits
Favorite toy: Battery Operated Bouncie Ball - HaHa - she cant catch it !!
Favorite spot to sleep: Within an inch of me
Archenemy: "Jack" - our Ferrett
Dwight and Susan writes:
Sophie was given to us a by a friend who breeds mini doxies.
I needed a companion after a car accident which took a horrific toll mentally and physically. Sophie has been both a companion and a friend. To this day I cant figure out where she has been my whole life. She is totally loyal, funny, sometimes mental, but mostly loving.
Sophie loves to get dressed in the mornings. She will lay on her back or sit there lifting her arms thru the sleeves.
She knows when its time for bed. She has to have her toys in bed. If theres no toy or not the right toy she will jump down until she gets the one she wants. unfortunatley every time she does that I have to lift her up. Annoying !!
Sophie also lets you know when she wants you to play with her. She usually grabs a toy, then throws it at you by swinging her head as it flys out of her mouth, or uses her nose and launches it at you.
I myslef scuba dive and would love for Sophie to try it, though I know I'm most likley barking up the wrong tree.
Sophie Pumpkin
Holloween Pumpkin 2008
Sophie 5 months old
Sophie and Jack
Sophies archenemy - Jack our Ferrett
Sophie 7 months old
Sophie the drama queen,
7 months old
Arrggg !!
Addorable 10 months, & still cant catch bouncie ball
Look at Me !
New Dress! On sale 5 Bucks !
10 months old.
Rub Me !
Another tough day !
Comments about Sophie
April 9, 2023 9:20 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Hello Sophie!
I hope this day finds you enjoying your senior doxie years in good health!
August 27, 2019 9:43 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Congrats Sophie!
I hope you have an awesome day with your mom and I'm wishing you good health in the coming years.
August 27, 2019 1:19 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Congratulations Sophie
You are indeed a very special girl that brings joy to her humans. I am so glad to see you as DTOD. Enjoy all the special attention coming your way.
January 27, 2016 8:11 pm
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
A sweatheart for sure
Tell your mom jumping off beds will injure or paralyze your spine! Play safe , live long. Finkel
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