
lady,scrappy,stewie, and minnie
mini dchsund from
somersworth, NH
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by ladymae10
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minnie, stewie and there sister missy
the puppies chilling at nannies house,from left stewie,minnie and missy-missy is my mother in laws puppy but they are all the babies of lady and scrappy. I love them all!
Rating: 9.9863 bones (out of 10)
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lady,scrappy,stewie, and minnie
Favorite food: Beneful and caesers wet food
Favorite treat: Dingos and chew eez strips
Favorite toy: Squeekies
Favorite spot to sleep: anywhere that is really warm, we like warmth!!!
Archenemy: people walking past my house, and i really dont like being held down by my mom to get my nails clipped
ladymae10 writes:
Foofy was the first one my White pekeingnese he is 4 years old. I adopted him from people that couldnt give him a good home and i couldnt be happier he is awesome.
2nd was scrappy he is 2 years old brown and tan dapple-smooth coat with wild bore overture. He loves the red light and loves to run for hours. loves to cuddle under the blankets when i let him sleep with us. Usually he is crated at night so we dont have accidents.
3rd was my best friend lady mae rose(brown and tan with white long haired) i got her at 8 weeks old and in my book she was the pick of the litter. about 5 months ago her and scrappy became the proud parents of 6 puppys 4 females and 2 males. which brings me to......
Minnie moo,(brown and black smooth coat) one of the puppies she is 5 months old and just a love bug like her mom she is a brute for sucha little dog she thinks she is a great dane the way she carries herself
then last but by no means least Stewie black tan dapple with white overtoan he was suppose to go to a new home but at the last moment i couldnt do it him and minnie are to attached and i just love him he is just like his dad through anf through........
Missy was another one of the puppies my mother in law adopted her but i see her all the time and she still acts like i am her momma i just love her, a big piddler but we still love her she is dapples with white spots and just beautiful.
well we are proud to announce that we are due to have some puppies in mid april give or take, we are so excited as soon as she has them we will have pics up, let me know id anyone would like to adopt one stay tuned
my name is lady and i was walking down my doggie stairs when my mom took a picture of me i dont like it to much but she likes taking pictures of me, i love her
Scrappy Clause
on turkey day i decided to dress up scrappy(stewie minnie and missys dad) up as santa clause he didnt like it to much but did it for me, i love him so much
scrappy the hot dog
This is of halloween i dressed them all up and they loved it!!
Lady Mae
we went up to the mountains and took herwith us. Shewas real close to havng her babies and didnt want to chance leaving her home but she loved it there and we loved taking her
minnie moo
my mom bought us new sweaters to keep us warm, i guess they arent that bad. They do keep us warm!
RIP my boy stewie
minnie and sewie in there favorite place there bag in there christmas sweaters. I just love them, they are the babies to my male and female doxies sadly stewie has passed away i am so sad its like a piece of my heart is missing....
doofer is my pekingnese and we just love him the doxies all try to gang up on him. He dont take there crap so he stays right at my feet.
Comments about lady,scrappy,stewie, and minnie
August 10, 2022 9:36 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Lovely Doxies!
I hope all is well in your home as DOTD and again Stewie is in our thoughts!
December 29, 2018 9:57 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Congrats !
What could be better than a house full of doxies, nothing! Enjoy your day of doxie fame and thinking of Stewie also.
May 14, 2015 7:37 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Congratulations to all
Pretty special to have a whole doxie family as DOTD. Hope all of you are doing well. A special thought of remembrance to Stewie also (Herbie's mom)
May 14, 2015 4:38 pm
by kathleen320 from La Habra, CA
Proud owner of Millie
They're all so cute!!
What a great household of dogs. I'll bet they keep you laughing!
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