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Comments about Thai

June 6, 2021 9:30 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy


Thai you are be honored once again as DOTD and remembered as a brave and loving boy. You will be in our thoughts today RIP Thai

October 24, 2017 10:23 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

You were loved!

It is so nice to see our beloved doxies that have passed on honored years afterwards. You never let your health issues stop you from enjoying life fully. We honor you today as DOTD...RIP Thai

October 24, 2017 7:10 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Never Forgotten

You represent special doxie's very well and today we honor you once More as DOTD. I imagine you have met your friends and relatives on the other side of bridge. You were a strong little guy while here with on earth and were loved and admired very much.

March 3, 2014 12:21 pm
by Dawn from Kentwood, MI Proud owner of Cory Jo


very happy to see you being the Doxie of the Day....

March 3, 2014 8:25 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie


Going to miss you my friend. I am now 16 yrs old and have some health issues. I always looked forward to see what was going on in your family.

September 13, 2013 9:50 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

I am going to miss you

I am so sad to learn that you are no longer with us. I always thought that we could be cousins since we looked so much alike and have the same harness. I will 16 yrs old in Feb 2014 and I hate to loose a fellow doxie. Will meet you someday on the other side of the bridge.

February 11, 2012 11:25 am
by doxiemom2 from Cassadaga, NY Proud owner of Winnie


Dude, you ARE the man! Love your article!! You are one Super Duper Pup!!! Rock on! love Winnie

February 11, 2012 7:46 am
by Kimberly from Haines City, FL Proud owner of Lily Belle

Hi Thai

Wanted to stop in to say hello since I just visited with Tasha. We're so sorry to hear about your tumor and pray that it doesn't give you any more problems. I'm so happy that you are sooooo loved! Have a happy day my friend! Hugs, Lily Belle

January 3, 2012 12:42 pm
by Penny from winnipeg, MB Proud owner of Georgia

Sending you lots of love and prayers in this new year. You are indeed 'double special'!

December 10, 2010 4:25 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Hi Thai

Just checking in to see how you are doing these days. My mom and I always take a special interest in handsome seniors like myself and hope you are ok. You are double special being a rescue and a senior. Best to you my friend.

November 10, 2010 12:17 pm
by Jane from AnnArbor, MI Proud owner of Poppy Lou

You rock little guy,lots o love

November 8, 2010 8:27 am
by Penny from winnipeg, MB Proud owner of Beau and Engli

How have you been lately Thai? Wishing you many happy, wonderful days full of love, warm beds, good food. Everything a senior could hope for.

September 17, 2010 7:29 pm
by Bucks Cty Mike from Sellersville, PA Proud owner of Bella Joy

I've got a thing for older men!

Happy DOTD Day Thai! May your life with your family continue to be happy, comfortable and full of joy! We adoptees know how wonderful it is to love our people and to have our people love us, so--as a younger woman--let me congratulate and admire you and yours! Bella Joy and Anne and Mike too!

September 17, 2010 12:55 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Congratulations Handsome Senior

It is great when a handsome senior dude is Doxie of the Day. Mom thinks of you as one of her favorites because we look a lot alike plus we are both getting up in the years. I plan on being around for a very, very long time to keep mom happy and you need to do the same. Hope you have a great DOTD celebration. Enjoy the good life my friend

September 17, 2010 9:41 am
by chunkymonkey from sacramento, CA Proud owner of Macy and Bailey

I hope you have a marvelous day to day little fella. Congratulations on your doxie of the day status. You are adorable. Macy

September 13, 2010 9:13 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

How you doing Thai?

Mom was browsing the Daily Doxie site and we came across the picture of you in your black and white harness.I have one just like that. Hope you are doing well. I just recently was put on a raw meat diet, taken off my meds, & I am feeling so much better. Hope you are ok.Let me know how you are doing you handsome senior dude. LOL

September 13, 2010 9:12 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

How you doing Thai?

Mom was browsing the Daily Doxie site and we came across the picture of you in your black and white harness.I have one just like that. Hope you are doing well. I just recently was put on a raw meat diet, taken off my meds, & I am feeling so much better. Hope you are ok.Let me know how you are doing you handsome senior dude. LOL

April 21, 2010 9:06 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Hi Thai

You and I could be cousins. I am a 12 yr old black and tan. I see you are a foster. You are so great I hope you get a forever home. It makes me sad that anyone would have ever given you up. Be sure to use the senior thing to your advantage. Maybe your Dad could make (or get) you a ramp so you could get up and down the couch. It would probably help your pals. Please keep me posted on your progress. As good of help you are in the kitchen I have a feeling your great foster parents may need to keep you around for awhile. You deserve a vote of a 100 BONES.

April 1, 2010 3:02 am
by worsie from The Walks, -- Proud owner of Worsie

What a brave man he is !!

February 3, 2010 11:09 pm
by bonnieandhopismom from Round Rock, TX Proud owner of Bonnie and Hopi

Hi Thai!

I'm so glad that you are having a great foster home and family. Hope you have lots of fun with them. Leaving you and your foster family 10 bones! xo, Bonnie

February 3, 2010 9:56 pm
by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian

Hello Thai

What a handsome & dapper fella you are!!! We are soooo happy to hear you are bein' taken care of & loved by your foster family....they rawk!!! Sounds like you are a pretty good at kitchen patrol! Sendin' you lots of doxie paw (((hugs)))10 bones:)xoxoKillian

February 3, 2010 8:52 pm
by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni

Hey There Thai Master!!!

That looks like a soft, cushy place to be hanging out on. Sending you wags and licks.

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