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Sadie anne

Long haired red dacshund mix from Winter haven, FL pet profile submitted by Blacklabs1959

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sadie anne on the LEFT side
sadie at 1 yr and one month.loves kids and other pets but has seperation and social anxieties very badly despit starting socialization early.she barks non stop outdoors if she hears sounds or dosent see you at an eye view,barks indoors because she hears neighbors door opening,even started barking when i start talking back to ppl calling me on the phone,really believe she has great emotional,maybe pychotic even at times but she has NEVER been abused,neglected or abandoned and im her only owner since birth.Her dam is pure bred long hair re dacshund and sire is pure bred jack russell but she only looks like a doxie.only acts some of jack russell traits and i know both her parents.she is VERY smart and was also very quick to house training at the door to go out side.she has a adopted doxie sibling,a 4 lb chihuahua sibling and a 4 mos old kitty sibling she loves them all as well as children,she does not bite and no food agressions but the barkingneeds to be treated since teaining isnt helping i have no choice but to have her voice SOFTENED by way of a small air hole made from the inside allowing air to escape and her bark becomes quieter.i was initally against any thing like this but NO landlord would allow her in a rental from excess high pitch barking,i play with her,walk her,feed,water her,she isnt being neglected or ignored,she gets tooo much attention by barking badly,ive bewn working with her socially since her birth,she did have a siblibg adopted out and reading online seems she may have been tramatized when she lost her sibling.Also need the surgery done because Fl state laws note they can fine you,even SUE you for excessive dog barking,its way out of controll,talking her to vets to be mentally evaluated as well but otherwise she is a great loving dog id never would give up and to rent apts i cant have her barking,if she did the shelter or adopter would kill her because they couldnt have her in rentals either and i dint tie any dog outside,she does it because she is worried of loosing one of her pack team members the internet site for pets read

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Sadie anne

Favorite food:


Favorite treat:

Pig skins,pig ear treats,store brand treats

Favorite toy:

Squeeky stuffed toys

Favorite spot to sleep:

Over my stomache on the bed


Her new kitty sister and outside lizards

Blacklabs1959 writes:

I received Sadie Ann at 8 weeks old from my old roomates family dog being a purebred red long haired dacshund and the sire also resides in their home being purebred jack russell.she looks 100 percent dacshund though and acts like both in trait characteristics.she just turned a month over one yr old feb 2013.she does suffer emotionally from seperation anxiety and social anxiety disorder despite i socialized her as a young puppy,she barks at everything,at nothing,while being outside or inside,even starts barking now when she hears me talk on the phone,as sweet as she is no landlord would allow her in a rental im sure,you ant talk and hear over her barking,she does it obsessivly and she is a indoor dog with plenty of activity but cant take her to dog park now because she is protective of me while walking inthe park and she scratched off a fitted breed type dog muzzle for walking use,I never agreed on altering on dogs or pets meaning,declawing or debarking but there is a safe bark SOFTNER made by a TINY hole made inside the throat which allows air to escape and lowers the tone of her barking as she has a very HIGH ear peircing painful to ones ears type of bark,and exstremely nuisance i dont want any fines for her doing this so im electing to do this surgery,other wise she is friendly to ppl,all children of any age,our kitten she likes and other dogs,.she is a sweetheart anda lapdog

sadies adopted sister
this is sadies adopted sister named lilli mariah at 10 mos old and 4lbs,they always play silly all day.sadies sister is a chihuahua

sadie annes kitty sibling chenil
chenil likes to play tag and hide n go seek with sadie anne.chenil is 3 1/2 mos now

Comments about Sadie anne

January 10, 2024 9:44 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Congrats Sadie!

I hope things have settled down for you as you head into your senior years! I'm also wishing you an AWESOMME day as our DOTD once again.

May 28, 2020 10:06 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Hello Sadie!

Many of the traits you have are common with our beloved doxies, some are great and others not so much! Regardless you are a beautiful girl and so deserving of the DOTD honor, enjoy your big day.

October 25, 2016 8:11 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Kourtney and Amy

Congratulations Sadie

I sure hope you are enjoying your day of fame. It has been awhile since we had a visit and it is always a pleasure to see you. I guess you have outgrown some of the puppy issues by now. Hope you are able to bark at the other dogs when you want. Best wishes to you

March 21, 2013 7:01 pm
by Blacklabs1959 from Winter haven, FL Proud owner of Sadie anne

Ty for all the compliments from all my new furfriends

Well im glad im not alone in the barking department and even when my mommy has had other doxies she keeps telling me im stubborn,doxie headed when i want my way,thanks for making me feel better when mom just doesnt realize i still feel the need to keep my foot in front of the doggie trail at home,Even thought my mommy loves and spoils me my feelings get hurt easily if it looks like i wasnt included as number one certified top dog,i hate second place,i even let my siblings know i have standing rights in first place by the door to go outside by getting at the front of the line steadfast.well its sleepy time to settle down before bed time,i will certainly update,read,share,play,have furfun,and add you all on my favorites list tomorrow,thanks for your support too :)

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