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Comments about ollie

July 11, 2023 11:24 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy


I hope all is well in your world Ollie as our senior DOTD!

November 28, 2019 10:01 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Congrats Ollie!

A big loud bark to you Ollie from my boys, they hope you have your best day ever! Enjoy all the fame that DOTD brings and wishing you good health in the coming years.

October 13, 2017 5:23 pm
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Hello Ollie!

Saw your picture today and just wondering how your life is going, you must be about 8 years old now. My boys are enjoying the warm fall weather today on the island.

April 29, 2016 3:24 pm
by chunkymonkey from sacramento, CA Proud owner of Macy and Bailey

Adorable! Wishing you a fun filled and spoiled day. Love your pictures!

April 29, 2016 11:21 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Congratulations Ollie

I am so happy to see you as DOTD. You are such a handsome guy. Hope you are getting a lot of extra attention and treats. Sending hugs and kisses(Herbie's mom)

August 8, 2014 9:28 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Hi Ollie

You sure are a cute little guy. Sounds like you live a very busy life. I guess the baby human is now old enough to play with you. Enjoy the summer and keep those humans trained.

September 26, 2012 5:53 pm
by Kimberly from Haines City, FL Proud owner of Lily Belle

Hi Ollie

Well, don't you just melt our pea pickin hearts! You are mighty handsome... We are so happy that you are living the good life bcuz that's how life is supposed to be. Hope you had an pawsome DOTD today. Hugs, Lily Belle & Muffin

September 26, 2012 3:21 pm
by Penny from winnipeg, MB Proud owner of Beau and Engli

Oh another Canadian! Loved your pics. Congrats on being the DOTD!

September 26, 2012 9:59 am
by Dawn from Kentwood, MI Proud owner of Cory Jo


Congratulations on being DOTD today Ollie! Your pictures are great!

September 26, 2012 9:00 am
by chunkymonkey from sacramento, CA Proud owner of Macy and Bailey

Congrats on your specal day today. We love sunsine on our bellies too! We love your great pictures. Have fun today!

September 26, 2012 8:12 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Congratulations Ollie

You make a very Handsome DOTD. Looks like you have grown up to be quite the little gentlemen. Hope you are having lots of fun and enjoyed the summer. Be sure you get your extra hugs and kisses today.

January 29, 2011 11:27 pm
by Penny from winnipeg, MB Proud owner of Georgia

Hi Ollie! How have you been? So you had some snow in Vancouver and loved it huh? We've got plenty that we can share with you in Winnipeg! Take care handsome!

April 19, 2010 5:20 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Oh Ollie!!

How cute you are. I love all your pictures. You look like one smart little good looking doxie. Your profile and pictures made my Mom laugh and me a little jealous.I thought I was the cutest and smartest doxie in the whole world. Sounds like you live the good life with great parents. Us doxie's understand why walk when you can get some to carry you.

November 5, 2009 6:22 am
by 1DoxieMom from Medford, OR Proud owner of Fudge

One special guy!

You are very handsome my Mom says. She says that all your photos are very good but she likes the tanning one best. I have a big sister and she chases me around the house. I just turned one this month so I am going to get big like you and her.

October 16, 2009 6:31 pm
by Penny from winnipeg, MB Proud owner of Beau and Engli

Someone has a wonderful way of capturing your adorableness on camera!! I loved every one, and boy, are you handsome!! We have a red boy too with a couple naughty pie sisters. :o) Come by and say Hi!

August 16, 2009 3:57 pm
by Babette from marlborough, -- Proud owner of Babette


Everyone else is right. You are very cute

August 16, 2009 3:56 pm
by FinnandOtto from San Diego, CA Proud owner of Otto

Too precious!

Ollie is just too cute - love the pic of him "laying out"! Sounds like he has quite the personality!

August 16, 2009 12:40 pm
by bonnieandhopismom from Round Rock, TX Proud owner of Bonnie and Hopi

Hi Ollie!

Congratulations on being the Daily Doxie! I love the photos of you in the snow. We don't get a lot of snow here but I do have a lot of chance to lie in the sun. Hope you're having a fun day! xo, Bonnie

August 16, 2009 12:22 pm
by kathleen320 from La Habra, CA Proud owner of Darma

What a cutie pie!!

Ollie, you are adorable!

August 16, 2009 11:17 am
by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni

What A Handsome Doxie Boy!!!

You've grown from a cute little puppy into a very handsome young doxie. Looks like you have the best of both worlds - snow (if you like it) and sun (we vote for the sun). We really love your "Hot Dog" picture! That's where we would be, soaking up all those rays. We're glad you were chosen to be doxie of the day. We hope you get as many buffalo and chicken treats as your little heart desires!

August 16, 2009 11:12 am
by lolasmomma from Wellsville, OH Proud owner of Lola Jean

Cute Lil Guy!

It's no wonder you get everythign you want! You are too cute! I love your baby picture! i like your first snow picture! You could be pulling a sled, you looked like you were going FAST! Hope you have a great DOTD day! CHOW! LOLA

August 16, 2009 8:51 am
by longdogmom from Flushing, MI Proud owner of Gretchen Marie

Hi Ollie

Congrats on Doxie of the Day! I love to run and play in the snow too! The last picture is funny...I give my mom that same look when I don't want to do something! Have a fun day. Gretchen Marie

August 16, 2009 8:10 am
by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian

Hello Ollie

Congratulations on bein' DOTD pretty boy!!! It sounds like you have your humans wrapped around your chunky lil' paw!! Love your snow pics!:) 10 bones!xoxoKillian

August 16, 2009 7:36 am
by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe

Congrats Ollie!

Congrats of being DOXIE OF THE DAY! Your mom sure can take some wonderful pictures of your little adorable self! We are so glad she is sharing you with all of us. Our favorite photo of you is the one of you playing in the snow! Joe loves to do that as well. Enjoy your day! Devra and Joe

August 16, 2009 6:52 am
by cpn2jxp from Tobyhanna, PA Proud owner of Sabrett

Too cute

Favorite is the tanning photo! Doxies just LOVE the sun! My girl cries to go out on the deck. Ollie, may you have many happy healthy years with your family!!

August 16, 2009 6:05 am
by Marvinvb from Virginia Beach, VA Proud owner of Riley

Absolutely Adorable!!

Ollie, you're just too adorable for words. You're pictures are the best. I love the one where you are soaking up the sun. Also the one where you are peeking. You're too cute.

July 28, 2009 4:26 pm
by bonnieandhopismom from Round Rock, TX Proud owner of Bonnie and Hopi

Hi Ollie!

You're adorable! I love your photos as a pup but I also love the ones of you grown up and running, especially in the snow. (Mom had to explain what snow was.) You look like you're a lot of fun. Can't wait to see more photos of you. xo, Bonnie

June 13, 2009 6:59 pm
by Raekiel from lethbridge, AB Proud owner of Bjorn

Greetings from Alberta :)

You're a cutey for sure.

June 9, 2009 10:29 am
by MemawAtchley from Oklahoma City, OK Proud owner of Snuggles

Love your baby pics!

Also love your snow pics...what fun. I can't wait till it snows here in Oklahoma!!!

June 9, 2009 10:26 am
by MemawAtchley from Oklahoma City, OK Proud owner of Snuggles

You are adorable!

You have the sweetest eyes! Thank you for being my friend.

May 31, 2009 6:16 pm
by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni

Love the Lil Stinkr!!!

Such an adventurous young doxie dude you are! We like the picture of you and your teddy bear - way too cute!

May 20, 2009 5:33 pm
by pioneerpup from Montrose, CO Proud owner of Maddy

Hi Ollie

Ollie, I like the white stuff too. Thank you for visiting my page. I am a happy doxie and it looks like you are too.

May 13, 2009 10:59 am
by Ferdinand from Marlbrough, -- Proud owner of Ferdinand

swettieeee ollie

omg you are a cutie. what a bewtiful coat you have and i love your picks espesialy the When I wuz little one. xxx

May 9, 2009 10:41 am
by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Sidney

Hey Ollie

Mommy was signed in under the wrong pet...that's my post below!!:)xoxoSidney

May 9, 2009 10:34 am
by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Winston

Hello Sweet Ollie

Thanks for stoppin' by....mommy thinks you are adorable! I live with several favorite is my boy Cleo...he's a big black & white brother Chandler is terrified of's really funny, cuz he screams & runs from him! Hope you have a grrreat week-end my friend....I have to go & protect my pile of toys now.xoxoSidney

May 4, 2009 11:36 pm
by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe

Hi Ollie!

I just love your pictures Ollie! You are just too precious and cute! We especially like the picture of you as King of the Mountain! Dachshunds are so brave! And we can see you are a lot like Joe...he loves to run and play in the SNOW. Joe says "Northern" Doxies need to be a bitter tougher because "we have to be able to do our business in the snow and cold"! Thanks for sharing your pictures with us...Devra and Joe

May 4, 2009 9:47 pm
by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Winston

Hi Ollie

Thanks for stoppin' by cutie-patootie! Definitely add another doxie to your's so much fun! Remember...dachshunds are like potato chips, you can't have just one!xoxoWinston

April 29, 2009 7:12 am
by lolasmomma from Wellsville, OH Proud owner of Lola Jean

Hi Ollie!

Thanks for stopping by my profile. My birthday is coming up soon and i think i heard momma say she was gonna order me a new birthday hat cuz i ate the last one. I can be a stinker...I like to eat flip flops of my mommas. When in june is your birtday? Momma and daddy are getting married the 20th. please add yourself to my favs so i can see your cute baby pic on my friends list! Talk later! Lola

April 27, 2009 3:47 pm
by Laylaflo from kennewick, WA Proud owner of Bailey

Ollie you are TOO cute!

Thanks for your visit yo my page. I, too run like the wind!! My Mom says I am "thee fasteest mouse in all of May-heeeco" (Doesn't she know I'm not a mouse?) That snow looks fun! I have not been out in that yet, but for now, I am teaching the sprinklers a thing or two!

April 22, 2009 10:17 pm
by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Winston

Handsome Ollie

You've already met some of my brothers & sisters, but I wanted to come by and say Hello too. We love your snow pics....I like to run thru the snow too!xoxoWinston

April 22, 2009 9:15 pm
by willowsmom from Plymouth, MI Proud owner of Willow Rosen-Berg

Hello Ollie!

What a handsome boy Ollie is! I just love the baby pics;-)

April 21, 2009 11:04 pm
by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Chandler

Sweet Ollie

Thanks for stoppin' by our page & for the very nice comments. We like scaring our mailman away...and it works, cuz he leaves everytime! talk to you soon cutie-patootie!:)xoxoChandler

April 19, 2009 10:15 pm
by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Sidney

Handsome Ollie

We sure like your slouch socks and boy can you run fast thru the white stuff!! We think you are adorable! We have a brother named Oliver...his nickname is of course, we LOVE your name!!:)xoxoSidney

April 18, 2009 9:01 pm
by doximom04 from Clinton, MO Proud owner of Maggie

How adorable!

Welcome to daily doxie,and I love the pictures. Someone is an awesome photographer! Of course, doxies are great subjects to photograph.

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