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Pennelope Rose

Smoothe red from rohnert park, CA pet profile submitted by pennysmama

Pennelope Rose

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Pennelope Rose

Favorite food:

Cat food - don't tell Amy

Favorite treat:

whipping creme

Favorite toy:

loves balls to fluff

Favorite spot to sleep:

in my bed with me (where else)


a vacuum cleaner any loud noises

pennysmama writes:

Pennelope Rose was a Walmart special, a lady was selling her from inside the store! The little thing was sick, so I grabbed her up, and paid the lady $150.00 and took her to the vet, he told us she would not have lived another day! He told us she was approx. 5 weeks old (lady told us 8 weeks) and was being fed adult food, she was dehydrated and in poor shape. He gave us the special food for puppies and in 2 days she was much better, happy and playful like a puppy should be.

Penny has been by my side since my husband past 4 months ago, and a real comfort to me. I could not imagine being without her. She has brought me much joy (lol why am I lying about her, she is rotten to the core, but I love her anyway).

My friend needed a place to stay (MaxiandBertsmom and Hudson's mom and introduced me to the Daily Doxie site) so now Penny has a new roommate and she is learning to share her toys.

learning to share with her new roommate Hudson

Comments about Pennelope Rose

December 16, 2021 9:17 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Congrats Pennelope!

I hope your day of doxie fame finds you happy and your health issues behind you!

September 25, 2018 10:24 am
by Dawn from Kentwood, MI Proud owner of Cory Jo

Hi Pennelope Rose

What a great story with a happy ending! I'm so glad you were saved. Hoping you are doing well

July 12, 2018 12:19 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Get well wishes!

Oh Penny I'm so sorry that you are not feeling well, me and my boys are thinking of you! We are wishing for you good health quickly.

June 13, 2018 6:56 pm
by pennysmama from rohnert park, CA Proud owner of Pennelope Rose

Penny has a sezure

Sunday I had another bad day. I took another sezure. I did not have to go to the vet this time because my mom has learned how to take care of me when this happens. I feel very out of it after I take the valium I must take afterwards to prevent having another.

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Admirers of Pennelope Rose

The following have identified Pennelope Rose as one of their favorites:
Tucker-D Dewy Hudson Herbie
Willie -Wonka Cory Jo

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