
Long-haired tweenie dapple Dachshund from
Little Rock, AR
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by Baby-Badger
Chewing on my antler!!
Just me chewing on my antler after a long day helping dad clean the house!!
Rating: 9.8421 bones (out of 10)
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Favorite food: Merrick Buffalo and Potato
Favorite treat: duck jerky or ice cream
Favorite toy: My rope or my antler!!!
Favorite spot to sleep: next to daddy!!
Archenemy: those fuzzy tree rats!!!!
Baby-Badger writes:
HI!!!! I'm Badger! I live in Little Rock Arkansas with my mom Lisa, my daddy James and my cat sisters Cheeta and Tiger. I'm a cuddler, a runner, squirell chaser, and general shadower of my dad where ever he goes in the house/yard. I am generally a good girl, but sometime I can be naughty and cause mischief. I don't bark a whole lot, but I always make sure mom and dad know when someone is at the door! I love to cuddle in the bed, and I sleep under the covers.
But Daddy!!!
I don't wanna wake up yet!!!
Chewing on one of my many ropetoys!!!
Just chewing and untying one of my ropetoys on mom and dads bed! Don't mind me!!
Almost untied Dad!!!
I taught myself how to untie these pesky knots Dad! Aren't you proud of me!
There is something in the backyard!
What's that! A tree rat scampering across the yard!!!
time to get my nap on :)
is it naptime yet dad? I don't care if it is or isn't I'm sleeping right here :)
Comments about Badger!!!!
February 14, 2024 8:34 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Congrats Badger!
I hope you have an AWESOME day as Valentines DOTD!
February 14, 2024 8:34 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Congrats Badger!
I hope you have an AWESOME day as Valentines DOTD!
February 14, 2024 6:38 am
by fatboy from charleston, MO
Proud owner of cap
Morning Badger
Looks like it's your day of fame Badger. Hope is all well with you on this special day
July 2, 2020 9:10 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Hello Badger!
I hope your day of doxie fame is filled with hugs and treats all day!
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