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![]() Comments about JazzDecember 20, 2023 9:45 am by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy Angel Jazz!Jazz will be in our thoughts today as our handsome DOTD, RIP sweet boy! May 7, 2020 9:33 am by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy DOTD ALWAYS!It's always nice to see our dearly loved companions remembered and honored years after they have crossed the bridge. Jazz you were so handsome and missed by all who knew you. May 7, 2020 7:06 am by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie DOTD ForeverYou were such a special boy and are we miss you so much. Sending loving thoughts until we meet again June 6, 2019 10:02 am by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy Sweet Jazz!Jazz you left paw prints across the hearts of those who loved you RIP sweet boy October 4, 2016 8:55 pm by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie Forever lovedThinking of you today little one. September 10, 2014 6:13 am by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie Thanks for the kind wordsTo Jazz's Mom; thanks for stopping by and the kind words. I do believe Herbie and Jazz are now playing or most likely hunting together waiting for us. I always thought in life they were so very similar and with their passing we now share a special bond. They will be in our hearts and thoughts until we once more get to hold them in our arms. February 28, 2013 3:41 pm by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie I hope I am wrongAfter reading some of the other comments today it sounds like you have gone to the Rainbow Bridge. I know you are fine and doing well but I do miss you. February 28, 2013 3:38 pm by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie Hi JazzYou make a very handsome DOTD. Not sure of your age but you look great. I am 15 yrs old myself and I always like to visit with other seniors. Stop by for a visit sometime. February 28, 2013 1:40 pm by longdogmom from Flushing, MI Proud owner of Jazz Thanks for the wonderful comments!Yes, I do miss him but I know he's in a better place...chasing bunnies and squirrels all over the place! I'm sure he's telling Ruthie Jane, Desdemona, Sammy Jo, Kallie and Trudy hello and love from their moms. February 28, 2013 10:15 am by Aliemac1 from Charlotte, NC Proud owner of Josie Another DRNA match made in heavenHow wonderful to read of another love story courtesy of DRNA. I know your mom misses you very much. Please give sloppy kisses to my DRNA baby, Ruthie Jane. February 28, 2013 10:06 am by Grandma to Desdemona from Kansas City, MO Dear JazzHow flattering it must be to know that so many people ask you to give messages to other doxies at the Bridge. Our beautiful Desdemona is there--please tell her I love her and miss her. Warm thoughts to your mum as she sees you are the DOTD. Those are such wonderful feelings to be remembered. Rest in peace. February 28, 2013 9:20 am by Dawn from Kentwood, MI Proud owner of Cory Jo Hi JazzCongrats on being picked DOTD today. I know you have lots of friends at the Bridge and they are probably all celebrating your honor today. Say Hi to our Sammy Jo and tell him we love him. February 28, 2013 1:19 am by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hey Jazz!You crossed my mind again today. I feel so lucky to have met you little man....rest in peace. October 30, 2011 11:17 pm by Penny from winnipeg, MB Proud owner of Beau and Engli Jazz, sending hugs to your mum who misses you so much. Be free. January 8, 2011 11:40 am by Chloe-ClaraMom from Avon, IN Proud owner of Gerta Adele Good BoyPlease tell Clara that Mommy, Daddy and Chloe still miss her and that we put her little paw print on the Christmas tree again this year. January 6, 2011 8:13 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni We LOVE You Jazzman!!!One day we will meet you on the other side of the bridge....and, we'll have soooooooo much fun! Until that time, handsome boy, we'll think of you every time we find a super stinky place in the grass to roll. Everybody msses you. Sending you Angel Doxie {{{HUGS}}}. We'll keep an eye on your Mom, Gretchen Marie and even Harley for you. Love....Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni and Mom Rita January 6, 2011 9:06 am by Chloe-ClaraMom from Avon, IN Proud owner of Gerta Adele Goodby Good BoyYou had the best Mommy on earth. You'll see her again one day. You will be missed by your brother and sister. January 5, 2011 10:04 pm by bonnieandhopismom from Round Rock, TX Proud owner of Bonnie and Hopi We love you Jazzers!xo, Bonnie and Mom January 5, 2011 9:21 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe I miss you ole buddy!We were so much alike dude! You were a good buddy. I miss you. Love, JOE January 5, 2011 10:35 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hello JazzmanWe are sorry to hear, that you are enduring health issues....it's really got your mudder worried, because she l-o-v-e-s you soooo much! Sendin' you lots of prayers and mega healing rayzzz. You are in our thoughts, dear friend.xoxo January 2, 2011 1:32 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazzers!HAPPY NEW YEAR DUDE! I am still waiting for my Mom to change that silly profile pic of me! I want to be NAKED, with just the fur I was born with! I pray my Mom won't dress me in hearts and flowers for V-Day! My Mom still taking care of Granny in CA, I miss her, but she misses me more- hee hee! Auntie Nadine picks me up and makes me look into this strange box on the desk...I can hear Mom's voice, but heck I don't know what this is all about???? I just keep looking at the door hoping to see Mom come in with a load of toys and treats! Mom sent a lot of treats for Xmas, but Auntie has them hanging in a sock on the wall---she knows I could sniff them out under the tree! We got some snow, but it melted - it will come back again. I can varmint rock hunt, but they seem to hibernate when it snows??? The Rat is still sucking up all the sympathy he can get with his sore leg! I have seen him walk on it, but "limps" whenever Auntie looks at him--what a weenie! We loved the pictures your Mom tried to get of you three. Everyone looks so happy (ha ha)- hope Santa Paws brought you lots of goodies! Love JOE December 29, 2010 9:05 pm by Penny from winnipeg, MB Proud owner of Georgia You must come and say Hello to my grandma Engli who is turning 11. She's got a wonderfully frosty face like you too but she's a whirlwind yet. She can still steal the ball away from me and I'm just 3! Georgia. Jazz, best wishes to you in 2011 and may you have many more healthy happy years bugging your sister Gretchen. December 14, 2010 9:16 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There Jazzman!!!Just wanted to stop by and say "Hi!" Mom's been kinda a lazy bum, but she said she'd update our pictures soon. We've been practicing being good for the arrival of the Big Ho Ho. Mom told us he was watching us ALL the time....He knows when we've been naughty and he knows when we're nice! Sounds amazingly like stalking to us!!! BUT....we're not taking any chances. We'll be the best doxie girls that we can....no promises though! Hope you, Gretchen Marie and Harley have been well. We heard Harley was "getting outta jail" around Christmas. Bet he's gonna be one happy camper when he gets sprung!!! Tell Gretchen we're thinking of her. Stay warm Jazzman!!! Sending you Christmas Cookie doxie hugs and kisses. Love, the Angels December 1, 2010 5:23 pm by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie Hi Jazz ManHope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are looking forward to seeing Santa Soon. November 27, 2010 11:49 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of The Doxiefollies Villa Hello Jazzman!Stoppin' by to see how your Turkey Day was?? Did you, sis Gretchen & brudder Harley get some turkey?? We had a gRRReat Thanksgiving.....it was at our house. Mudder said, we were good lil' furlings...she was proud of us!....only one incident, Oliver spied nanan gettin' outta her chair and he jumped in it and was about to get on the table, when mudder busted him! heehee Oliver was a gettin' a lil' impatient waitin' for our turkey and pumpkin pie....but it was delish when we did finally get it! Now....the countdown is on for the man in the red suit, you know the big Ho-Ho!....this year, I'm gonna catch him and those reindeers!....let me know of any Ho-Ho sightings! How is brudder Harley and his back doin'?? We sure hope he is feelin' better! Have a gRRReat week-end:)xoxoKillian September 29, 2010 9:40 pm by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie Hi JazzJust stopped by and see if you had a lot of fun this summer. Love your pictures especially the playtime one.It was hard to even see the gray squirrel squeaky toy with you and your friends. Take care friend. September 18, 2010 12:52 am by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazzers!Mom finally taking a break from "farming"--whatever that is! I hope you got the chewies I sent to you...it was a thank you for being our guide at the Doxie Fest and letting us have a potty break at your house! Our Doxie Meetup here will be having a Halloween Costume Ball in Oct - would be nice if you three could come! It has been raining a lot here, but Mom doing her best to let me get some serious varmint rock hunting done inbetween the storms. Brother Rat must have strained his skinny long leg chasing golf balls...he has be walking on 3 legs and trying to get sympathy. I splintered one of my toe nails - no crying on my part like the RAT. Mom took me to the Vet-they just gave me pills to prevent infection. I took care of the problem myself, and chewed that dang nail right off! Mom was proud of me! (I think). It feels so good to be outside again! We would love to have a big backyard like you, Gretchen and Harley have! I don't think I would ever want to come back inside! Stay cool dude, your Pal JOE September 5, 2010 9:12 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There Jazzman!!!Sounds (and looks) like you, GM and Har had a doxie good time with Joe and his gang! It must have been really cool to hang out with them at the Bavarian Doxie Fest. And...all those other doxies! We bet there was LOTS of things to do. Wished we lived closer! Sending you wet Doxie Love wiener kisses. Love, the Angels September 3, 2010 6:21 pm by wigglebutt68 from columbus, OH Proud owner of pixie nubberbutt NO BABY SISTER!!!!Hi Jazz,In eight weeks, I'll have a baby sister named pixie nubberbutt. I"M the 'BABY" and one and only DIVA!!! How did you react when new siblings were introduced in your family? I'm willing to give her a chance, but if she tries to OUT-DIVA me, steps WILL be taken! LOL The only good thing about this whole situation is that there will be someone else for momma to humiliate with costumes!!! She'll be coming home right before halloween. I already know that momma is plotting on us-matching costumes-here we come! xoxox P. Wiggle September 3, 2010 11:18 am by Wienerdog from Monroe, MI Proud owner of Buchanan (Boo) My new bro "Jazz"Hi there Jazz. My mom just adopted another doxie (a rescue from a hoarding situation) and his name is Jazz too! (Mom just put a pix of him on my page). He's a little older than me, but I am so excited to have a friend (other than my mom's five furball cats)! tee hee. We've been out to the pond, and chasin' fish together already! Hope you are having a good summer, cuz' it's going by fast! Luv, Boo August 27, 2010 9:16 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Here There Jazzers!!!How cool is it that you and your family are going to be able to meet up with Joe and his gang!!! Wished we lived closer....sounds like it could be one WILD doxie time! We'll just have to settle for going to the dog park on Sunday. That's OK....we have a good time at the park. Hope you have a grrrrrrrrrreat time at the Festival. Sending you wet Have A Doxie Good Time wiener kisses. Love, the Angels August 26, 2010 9:51 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of The Doxiefollies Villa Evenin' JazzmanStoppin' by to see how you and the family are doin'?? I hear you are meetin up with Joe this week-end for the festival....that sounds like a weinerful time!... the weather is gonna be purrfect for it. Take some pics, we gotta see what doxie antics you all will be pullin'!! BOL! Safe travels!:)xoxoKillian August 24, 2010 1:15 pm by Chloe-ClaraMom from Avon, IN Proud owner of Chloe Love to see Jazz is still playingLove the photo called "Bookends". We call that London Bridge when they lay like that. When they are curled up together, we call them "infinity". Got to love these dachshunds. August 15, 2010 11:09 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hey JazzmanIt's been so stinkin' hawt, that we haven't had much outside time at all!! Mudder and cousins Bryson & Brent were goin' for a walk on the nature trail and I threw such a hissy fit, that mudder took me and carried me the whole time....I rather enjoyed it....my chunky lil' paws stayed cool and I didn't even get hot.....mudder sure looked hot, there was water rollin' down her face and it wasn't even raining!...she kept mumblin' about some furry thang that was causing her to be much hotter....I think the heat was makin' her delusional because she wasn't wearin' anything furry! Tomorrow is my brudder Chandler-Bing's 3rd Birthday....you know what that means....yummieeeee ice cream!! Hope you, sis Gretchen and brudder Har-Har are stayin' cool during this hawt mess of a summer! 10 bones!:)xoxoKillian August 5, 2010 9:22 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hellooooo JazzmanGlad you found the The Villa profile!! Mudder is goin' to make a list of our cookie recipes and email it you....then you can put your mudder to work whippin' up some yummieeee treats for you, Gretchen & Har Har!!...okay, mudder just shot me the stink-eye for that comment. Hope you and the family have a Fab-U-lous Friday!!:)xoxoKillian August 4, 2010 7:26 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe HI JAZZERS, Gretchen and Har Har!MOM IS HOME!! I am sure if you had stuck your heads outside you could have heard all the commotion when Mom got here! The RAT just screamed and screamed! I grabbed one of my toys and ran wild circles around her feet--sqeaking my toy all the time. Sis Kallie and Mom Trudy BARKED like crazy with their noses in the air--they knew it was MOMMY! I got new toys and treats! It has been crazy hot here! We get to sneak out for a short run just before dark, and now with Mom home, we get up EARLY and go to the park on our street. We gotta get a break soon from all this heat though...a lot of varmint rocks lurking about thinking they are safe! Wierner Fest soon DUDE..hope to see you all there! How are you doing on your meds? Mom says my chest is getting hairer...very MACHO! Love, JOE August 4, 2010 10:04 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of The Doxiefollies Villa Mornin' Jazzman!!Mudder has created a profile for The Villa....so stop by and see us handsome boy!! Hope you, sis Gretchen and bro Harley are havin' a fab-U-lous day....10 bones:)xoxoKillian July 25, 2010 8:31 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Evening Jazzman!!!Sissy Koni sure was surprised when she fell in the water!!! It's like she just didn't know....which she didn't!!! We bet she'll be more careful next time. Maybe, Mom needs to give her swimming lessons! That's why we don't go too near the pool!!! Poor Harley....poor Mom's beige carpet. Our Mom did our nails last night. She uses a dremel, except on Macy....still uses the nipping kind. Sissy Koni wasn't having anything to do with the dremel either....big babies!!! Mom gonna try the nippers on Little K this week. Maybe Harley needs to change his name to Houdini! Does he dig his way out, climb out or just poof, he's gone? Sounds like your Mom's had a hard Harley week. It's always an adventure with we doxies, isn't it! Hope everyone has a better week and stays as cool as you can. Sending you wet And Wild wiener kisses. Love, the Angels July 23, 2010 5:31 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazzers!How are you, Gretchen and Har Har doing in all this heat? My Aunt takes us out just before dark to let us run in the fields...I chase varmint rock, Kallie digs holes, Dobby just runs, and Trudy will sniff a few things, then relax on her blankie! My MOM comes home on Tues...so you know it is PARTY TIME in West MI! I know there will be treats in her bag...and a new squeaky toy for me! How are you doing on your meds fella? My Aunt says I am getting more hair on my belly...it had been getting rather thin there. Still working on my diet - which I hate! Hope to see you three real soon! LOVE JOE July 18, 2010 2:07 pm by wigglebutt68 from columbus, OH Proud owner of peanut wigglebutt Hi JazzWatcha been up too! I'm thankful that the ohio doxie picnic is over for another year! Grand champion again!!!! momma had a great time and she bought me a hug-a-dog harness from dachshund delights! They measured me right there so I got the right fit. Momma bought it when we first got there but then won a free one when I won grand champion in the costume contest! I also got a big jar of chicken treats-Yumm! It has been VERY hot here in columbus and next week doesn't look any better! Momma was mad at the picnic cuz she didn't have a camera handy when I layed down in a cold bowl of water at the picnic-what's a diva to do? Ididn't want to be sweaty for my big win! LOL take care and have a great week! xoxoxo P. Wiggle July 13, 2010 10:08 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There Jazzers!!!We're all doing pretty well together. Sunday night, we were even doing our version of the Dachshund 500 up and down the hallway. Boy....that Koni is FAST for a little wiener!!! Our kitty brother isn't very impressed with Koni. He hisses at her, then jumps up on the shelf and, then, Koni barks at him! Silly puppy! She's sleeping in the big bed with the rest of us....right on Mom's pillow! Mom said, that the little dress fits Koni very nicely. We'll make sure Mom gets pictures of it this week. Koni especially likes the little colorful toy that was in the box....and the red, white and blue ball. We think she's an OK little wiener. Sending you wet Puppy Love wiener kisses. Love, the Angels July 11, 2010 8:53 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hey JazzmanIsn't that Princess Koni one precious pooch?? Now there are 4 bea-UUU-tiful doxie angels in that family....I didn't think the family could get any cuter and then here comes along wee one Koni!! Hope you have a gRRReat week....10 bones:)xoxoKillian July 10, 2010 11:12 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni The Koni Has Landed!!!And she brought toys and treats with her!!! And....she shared everything with us! How cool is that! Soooo....she can stay....at least until the treats run out. Tomorrow, we....we mean, she gets to check out the package your family sent her. And, the celebration continues!!! Maybe having a new baby sister isn't so bad after all! Mom said that she would post new pictures tomorrow. Sending you wet The Puppy Can Stay wiener kisses. Love, the Angels plus one. July 9, 2010 9:38 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Suspended Butt Wiggles....Huh....Sounds Painful!!!Mom was busy after we got home from work tonight. She was putting stuff in the SUV that she is taking to give to the rescue group, DARE, that is putting on the "Puppy Shower". We saw some of our old toys....which didn't make us very happy. There was some human baby stuff....blankies, play pen, towels. Some of our old coats, sweaters, harnesses and leashes. Mom left a little room for Koni's travel crate. That SUV looks like Santa Paws sleigh!!! We get to stay a a new boarding place for the day while Mom's picking up Koni. Mom's getting the camera charged up, so she can take lots of pictures at the shower....then later, when we get to meet and greet Koni. We are sooooo excited....we can barely contain ourselves!!! Then, we get to spend all day Sunday together. We'd better get to bed now, so we're well rested for tomorrow!!! Sending you wet Good Night, Jazzman wiener kisses. Love, the Angels July 8, 2010 10:02 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Two More Days!!!LOVE those butt wiggles you sent. We'll make sure to share them with Koni when she comes home. It's getting hot here, again! It's been partly sunny with 60% chance of CRANKY....probably closer to 100% CRANKY!!! Sending you wet HOT, HOT, HOT wiener kisses. Love, the Angels July 3, 2010 8:24 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Frosty Paws Sounds Like A Really Good Idea!!!Maybe on our way back from the dog park tomorrow morning, we can convince Mom to stop at the store and get us some. She never got us the swimming pool we asked for....but we probably wouldn't have used it anyways! There was a nice surprise waiting for Mom when we got home from work tonight. It was a package from you, Gretchen, Har Har and your Mom. Mom wouldn't show us what was in the package! She said it wasn't for us, but that we could see what was in there when our baby sis Koni comes home next Saturday. We hope Koni shares her stuff with us! We think it's really cool that you guys get to hang out with your Mom for three whole days!!! Sounds like a chance to sleep in late to us. On Mom's day off, we get up regular time to do our business, then we all go back to bed. Mom thinks that is very nice....to tell you the truth, we like sleeping late! Hope you guys have a good 4th of July. They're starting the fireworks early here....people are already shooting them off outside. Macy's not too happy about that! Mom promises to get LOTS of pictures next weekend when sissy Koni comes home. Think we're getting kinda excited! Sending you wet Independence Day wiener kisses. Love, the Angels June 26, 2010 8:16 am by wigglebutt68 from columbus, OH Proud owner of peanut wigglebutt Hi JazzHow are you doing? Momma likes the pics of the doxies rolling in the grass-they look so cute doing it! The kent ohio doxie picnic is 2 weeks from today! Momma is working hard on my costume and float! I snuck into momma's photos and posted a few of muttdusa in progess! Come, look upon my poor tortured face!!LOL Have a great weekend!xoxoxo P. Wigglebutt June 16, 2010 6:32 am by Dashldy from Ruskin, FL Proud owner of Sophie Hi Jazz!Thanks for stopping by and the congrats. My mom was worring about all our friends in Mi. and Ohio last week because of the tornado's and storms. Stay safe your friend Sophie. June 15, 2010 9:23 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Delaney Hello JazzyStoppin' by to see how my handsome boy is?? Looks like you are soakin' up some sun in your new pic. I'm not into the new pool so much that mudder got us....I just watch some of the others play in it....they get all wet.....ewwww! Have you been keepin' that brudder Harley in check??....he does realize that your the "King" right? Have a fabulous evening handsome! 10 hear bones:)xoxoDelaney June 13, 2010 9:31 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There Jazzman!!!Did you guys get any of the bad weather? All we've had is HOT-HOT-HOT!!! Mom's doing her best to keep us comfortable. She says that she will get us a small pool....like Killian's family got. Maybe, we'll try it out if she gets one. Hope you, Gretchen, Harley and your Mom are doing well. Sending you wet Is It Warm Enough For You wiener kisses. Love, the Angels June 11, 2010 2:25 am by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazzers!How are you three doing in the Hot and Humid? Auntie has been pretty good at letting us run and play between the rain and thunder periods! Our field where we hunt varmint rocks and dig holes is full of high GRASS! Kallie gets lost easily, so Auntie has her "flag" back on her! Kallie is a "roamer", Me and the Rat stay close...and Mom Trudy mostly just suns herself by the car! Still missing my Mom. She sends parcels with treats and toys! She told me that Granny's Doxie - Heidi - tore open MY parcel before she sent it and stole all the treats!! Mom thought I was the only one that would do that! A doxie is a DOXIE no matter which side of the country we are on! Stay Cool Dude....Love JOE June 2, 2010 6:07 pm by wigglebutt68 from columbus, OH Proud owner of peanut wigglebutt Hi Jazz and gang!Whatcha been up too? I see your momma got pictures of you guys rolling in the grass. Are you like me? I Love to roll in dead worms or any other rotten critter out on the lawn or in the garden!! Momma goes to kiss my head and then says eeewwwe-dead worm smell! She makes me take a bath when I get too smelly! Momma is in full muttdusa costume mode! The doxie picnic is july 10th. She's been painting plastic snakes gold and she keeps putting styrofoam on my head that is covered in rubber snakes. Momma will email you a pic when the costume is finished-oh woe is me!!!! Have a great week! xoxoxo P. Wigglebutt May 26, 2010 9:46 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There Jazzers!!!It's been hot here, too! But....that's perfectly OK with us! Mom puts a fan up for us at work, so, we stay cool. When we're at the dog park, we hang out AT the pool, not IN the pool. Mom wishes we would go into the pool. We say "NO THANKS!!!"....We're fine where we are! Our baby sis, Koni, is getting bigger and starting to eat dog food. We know that she will be here soon....so, we're waiting as patiently as we can. Hope you and the rest of the family have a doxie good rest of the week and a good holiday weekend. Sending you wet Snuggle Puppy wiener kisses. Love, the Angels May 26, 2010 4:40 am by bonnieandhopismom from Round Rock, TX Proud owner of Bonnie and Hopi Hi Jazz!So I see you like sun.......we have plenty here to share. It's in the 90s now and it's starting to feel pretty hot. Makes us wish for the 40s, when it was cold (lol, for us). Really love the photo of you and GM as bookends. xo, Bonners May 24, 2010 1:49 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazzers!I have been thinking about you, sister Gretchen, and the wildman..Harley! Hard to get my Mom to start typing!!! Now...she is BUSY with some dang game she plays on the computer! I will be lucky to even see her on Video chat now. When I do see her, she has to go "harvest her crops" or whatever. It has been too HOT here! Better than winter I guess! Looking forward to meeting you nose to rear! Love, JOE May 23, 2010 10:51 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Cassidy Hi JazzyAppreciate you comin' by on my special day here at DD sweet boy!!! Everyone got vanilla cookies in my honor!! We had an eventful Friday night....we had tornado sirens goin' on & off for 2 hours!!....brudder Franklin does not handle sirens and thunder well at all...nope!...he was barkin' & pacin'....mudder tried holding him, but it didn't help much....and brudder Chandler-Bing was doin' his usual shakin' with his eyeballs as big as saucers....snuggled up in mudder's neck!...he's like that trash bag commercial....wimpy...wimpy...wimpy!!....mudder says, maybe she should have named him Barney Fife...cuz he's skinny & scared of everything like him! heehee It's suppose to be 87 degrees here today....hope you have a fabulous day handsome boy...10 bones:)xoxoCassidy May 20, 2010 11:38 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Franklin Hello JazzmanAppreciate you comin' by and for the kind comments yesterday handsome boy!!! I sure was a BIG deal yesterday!!..... a weenies gotta l-o-v-e all that attention! I've been livin' with my new family for 8 months now and I have come a loooong baby!! I don't even have seperation anxiety anymore....I don't bark when mudder leaves....I don't have to be in the same room with a hooman....I'm quite content with my own company. Mudder can brush me without me biting the brush now....I've really got a handle on the sassy talk with mudder. But when I'm outside playin' with my big blue ball....the whole neighborhood is aware of who I AM!!....cuz I love to chase and BARRRK at my big blue ball and boy am I consistent with that!!...hey, mudder says, I have to release my attitude someway! heehee Leavin' all my friends 10 bones for all their love and support!!xoxoFranklin May 16, 2010 8:00 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Isn't A Good Roll In The Grass Grrrrrreat!!!And the sunshine and the warm weather!!! That's what it's all about! We had a good day today hanging with our friends. It's always nice to spent time outside. We heard your Mom did some yardwork today. Our Mom did her version of yardwork - poop patrol and pulling some weeds. She mentioned something about getting the weed whacker out next week. We'll see if that happens. Hope you guys have a roll in the grass good week. Say "Hi" to Gretchen and Harley for us. Sending you wet Grass Stained wiener kisses. Love, the Angels May 16, 2010 10:35 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Heidi Mornin' JazzyThanks for stoppin' by and wishin' me and my sis Hannah a Happy Birthday...we were queens for the day!!! How have you been??....are the meds workin' okay? Yesterday, mudder was using Gorilla Glue on a handle and it flew off the counter and landed on Cassidy's back!!....there was a glob of that nasty stuff on her....it bonded within seconds....mudder tried and tried to get it off, but not before it pulled a clump of hair and skin off Cassidy!....she has a pink bald spot on her back now! Mudder felt horrible....so she's been applyin' an ointment....poor Cass, she was just trottin' by minding her own business and BAM....she gets glued!! Hope you have a fab-U-lous Sunday handsome boy! 10 bones:)doxie *smooches*xoxoHeidi May 15, 2010 12:40 am by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazzers!Heard you were doing well on your new meds Pal! Glad to hear that - but, you can't let SIS sneak your food! I mean, we can do it because we are DOXIE DUDES, but can't let our sisses take advantage of us! Been raining hard and heavy on this side...my Auntie takes us out to play everytime there is a lull!! Mom is sending me a parcel with goodies---I plan to open that one myself! When she gets back she said we will be planning a play date...can't wait to meet you little buddy, and your SIS and of course that furry tornado, Harley! JOE May 12, 2010 9:14 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Gidget Hi JazzyAppreciate you comin' by and wishin' me a Happy Birthday handsome boy!!! Mudder has 7 furkid Birthdays in the month of May....that's crazy!! Have you been enjoyin' the Spring weather?? It's been rainin' here for 2 days. Hope you are havin' a fabulous evening with the family...10 bones:)xoxoGidget May 10, 2010 5:59 pm by wigglebutt68 from columbus, OH Proud owner of peanut wigglebutt muttdusa costumeHi jazz,Mudder keeps bringing home plastic snakes! She will be painting them gold and attaching them to the bottom of the float. Last week, a six foot plush snake arrived at my house. I heard momma say dat she will cut off the snakes head and use the body as part of my muttdusa costume. She has 25 small rubber snakes for my headdress-heeelllpp!!!! things are beginning to get started. The picnic isn't until July 10th so I still have time to spoil momma's dastardly plan. I chewed one plastic snake up already, only around 3o more to go!!! xoxox P. Wigglebutt May 9, 2010 9:38 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Evening JazzmanAppreciate you stoppin' by and for the Happy Mudder's Day wishes!! Mudder took nana out to eat and they joined Great Auntie Ginni and the family....we had to stay home though. Then this early this evening, Noah our white fluffy bunny in the Easter pic with Delaney, appears to have had a stroke....he can't sit up....mudder has been cuddling him, but it doesn't look good....pleeeze keep Noah in your prayers. Hope your mudder had a Happy Mudder's Day too!:)xoxoKillian May 9, 2010 8:41 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There Jazzers!!!We like when we get to do stuff with Mom. Even when it's just a good, long nap after we get back from the dog park. The visits to the pet supplies store give us an opportunity to practice being adorable and getting extra doggie goodies. Sometimes it works....sometimes it doesn't! We are excited about getting a new little sister. Mom said her name is Koni....short for Konia....which is Hawaiian for Princess. We'll have fun teaching her the "Angel" ways! We know Mom will share more pictures when she gets them. It's been kind of hot here lately - high 80s-90 degrees. It was absolutely beautiful for our dog park visit this morning....sunny and started at 70 degrees. We hung out there for a long time visiting with friends. Macy's foster Mom, Jeanne, was there with her 6 dogs. Macy and her doggie foster Mom, London, had a good time playing. It was a good day! Hope you, your Mom, Gretchen and Har had a good Mothers' Day. Sending you wet Happy Mothers' Day wiener kisses. Love, the Angels May 9, 2010 6:33 pm by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie Back at you Jazz ManUs seniors really know how to work the cuteness. Since we almost look like brothers you would probably like a puzzle also. My Mom had to get me something to do whenever she would leave for work because I would cry and whine as she walked out the door and that made her feel guilty. May 2, 2010 10:18 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Delaney Mornin' JazzyStoppin' by to see how my handsome boy is doin'?? It's been rainin' cats & dogs here all week-end....so we are chillin' and watchin' TV. On Thursday, mudder finally got me to chase a ball, it's only taken her 2 years....I'll have to admit, it was pretty fun, but you are the only one I'll admit that to....don't want to ruin my princess image!! Hope you are havin' a fab-U-lous week-end handsome! 10 bones:)Toodles!xoxoDelaney April 30, 2010 7:55 pm by wigglebutt68 from columbus, OH Proud owner of peanut wigglebutt Hi Jazz, I got my revenge!!!!!Momma was walking me along the sidewalk today, up and down the street. When we got back to our double, momma let me off the leash and she saw me head for the neighbor's front porch. Dey wweren't home so I took a potty right on their porch in front of the door. Momma was amazed at how fast I was able to "pinch a loaf" That's my way of saying "take dat mean pittbulls!" Momma didn't even yell at me! All she said was 'pinch a loaf for me" LOL Momma did clean it up. Momma said I was saving that one for them cuz I didn't do my usual potty during my walk! It wasn't very diva-like BUTT I got my point across!!!!! have a great weekend! xoxox P. Wigglebutt April 28, 2010 10:34 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazzers!Hi Guys! I love your new profile picture! Hasn't this weather been fabulous! Kallie and My Mom Trudy just love to soak up the sun! Even the "RAT" will lay on the porch for hours sunning himself! I'm not much of a sun bather, but I do love to roll in the grass on my back! You look great dude...the pills must be working wonders for you too! Mom says she has circled the date - 8/28/10 - for the Bavarian Weenie Fest! We plan to come! Wow, the 4 of us, and the 3 of yous...we will be some great looking PACK! How has life with Har Har been progressing? We have heard he is a regular Weenie Tornado! Good Luck Keeping him in line Dude! JOE April 24, 2010 8:43 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Reisa Evening JazzAppreciate you stoppin' by and for the kind words! I had a day full of treats....bein' Queen for the day sure has benefits!! Are you keepin' that wild Harley in line?? We seniors have to show the young guns who's boss! heehee Have a fab-U-lous week-end handsome.....10 bones:)xoxoReisa April 24, 2010 4:11 pm by wigglebutt68 from columbus, OH Proud owner of peanut wigglebutt Hi JazzI love your pet cemetary-I have one too! After I'm done destroying a toy, I hides it behind the couch so the new toys don't suspect what is in store for them(evil laugh)How are you and the other doxies doing? We had a meetup last sunday and we celebrated my birthday early. Momma made party hats for all the doxies so I wasn't the only one humiliated!!! Today is my actual birhday-I'm 3 years old! Momma keeps singing happy birthday to me and of course I must howl along with her! Hope all of you are doing goood! Thank heaven for the spring weather!!!! xoxoxo P. Wigglebutt April 19, 2010 9:13 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Mornin' JazzmanThat Harley sure is a firecracker!! When he's a naughty lil' critter, it just makes you look better!! heehee I'm not into chasing balls at all...nope!...ain't happening! Franklin is like the tazmanian devil chasin' that big blue ball!...who knew that lil' roly poly could move that fast! I've been havin' dreams of you, Gretchen, Harley, The Angels, Bon Bon, Joe, Juice, Bailey & Miss Peanut Wigglebutt all gettin' together....would that be a par-tay or what!?!...there would be all sorts of doxie antics! Hope you have a gRRReat day handsome boy! 10 bones:) April 13, 2010 11:11 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There Jazzers!!!We DID have a good/busy Sunday. Hanging out at (not IN) the small dog pool was kinda fun. We made fun of the big dogs that wanted to get into the small dog pool area. Wasn't gonna happen!!! But, it was fun to play around in an area and not have to worry about getting run over. We're glad you're doing well on your medication. Does it make you feel better? Has Gretchen been to the vet's yet? And...Wild Thang....what's his latest adventure/mischief? It's always something....isn't it! Sending you wet We're Walking On Sunshine wiener kisses. Love, the Angels April 11, 2010 3:38 pm by longdogmom from Flushing, MI Proud owner of Jazz Our mom has lost her mind!She posted a message to the angels on my page!! Proof that she's losin' it! April 5, 2010 8:02 pm by longdogmom from Flushing, MI Proud owner of Jazz OMG!My mom was going through the mail tonight and came across a card from Jacksonville! Let me tell you, us kids gave her he-double toothpicks!! We're pretty convinced she's getting senile! She says it's cause she keeps looking at the size of the junk she has to drink for her test and that's all she can think about! We don't believe her for a minute..we think it's a sympathy ploy and we are the only ones that can do those!! Sorry we missed telling you how much we liked it! It's been so nice but I heard them say on the tv something about thunderstorms. I'm runnin' for cover. I HATE those! I bark my head off at the thunder. Doesn't matter what time of day it is I let 'em know who's boss in this house! Hope you're enjoying this pretty week. Lots of doxie kisses for you pretty girls! Jazzamatazz April 4, 2010 6:50 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni No Extra Goodies....Just Dog Food!!!But, we did have a good Easter outing at the dog park. Good weather, lots of squirrels to track down and doggie friends to hang out with. We didn't get any Easter goodies. Mom did share her lunch with us. It wasn't much, but we'll take anything we can get! We hope you, Gretchen, Harley and your Mom had a good Easter celebration. Sending you wet Springtime wiener kisses. Love, the Angels April 4, 2010 11:06 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Happy Easter Jazzman!You sure look like your enjoyin' yourself in that profile pic!! We got some goodies from that big wrabbit!!...but he snuck in and out like nobody's business....he even stayed under Piper's radar!!....he must be a bunny magician! Did you some goodies handsome boy?? 10 bunny bones:) April 4, 2010 10:30 am by wigglebutt68 from columbus, OH Proud owner of peanut wigglebutt Happy EasterHappy easter everyone!! I tried to catch the easter bunny but he escaped-maybe next year!!!! oxox bunny kisses P. Wigglebutt April 3, 2010 10:56 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Happy Easter Jazzers!Just thought I would check in on you Pal..your Mom says you will get your first blood test tomorrow. I still get excited each time...love all the attention I get at the Vet's. I am real "dude like" and don't let them see me squirm. Those pills you get will help..sounds like those along with our good weather has already gave you energy. Think your appetite will improve as you adjust to the new meds...Mom keeps hoping mine will stop improving- ha ha! We can both get well together! Give Gretchen and Har Har hugs from all of us! Love JOE April 3, 2010 9:23 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Oh So Close!!!They needed just one more chance to score! We've had nice weather most of the week....70-80 degrees....much more to our liking! We don't see many bunnies down here, so we aren't expecting to catch a glimpse of Peter Cottontail. Mom promised us that tomorrow, after we go to the dog park, we could visit the pet supplies store. She said she needed to pick up some dog food for us. Maybe, if we put on our best sad doxie faces....we'll score some doggie goodies. Hope you guys have a Happy Easter! Sending you wet No Prize This Year wiener kisses. Love, the Angels April 2, 2010 9:38 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Looks Like You're Having A Goooooooood Time!!!Our grass is finally starting to grow. Can't wait to go to the park on Sunday and get some good rolling in. Got any technique suggestions? We just get down and wiggle for all we're worth! Well....tomorrow's the big day for the Spartans! Mom might miss the first part of the game, but after that....she'll be doing some hollerin' for the Spartans. Better get our ear plugs out! When do you get results from Monday's blood tests? We sure hope things are going well for you. How's that "Wild Indian" doing? He is a cutie, but....he's no Jazzman!!! Sending you wet Gooooooo Greeeeeen wiener kisses. Love, the Angels April 1, 2010 9:42 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Mornin' JazzmanAre you gettin' the sunny warm temps today in Michigan, like we are here in Ohio?? Mudder said, we all are gonna go outside for awhile today....she's more excited about it then us! I don't like sittin' or layin' on the ground outside...nope!...I like to go out and snoop around....than I'm good and ready to go inside. Sendin' good luck rayz for your basketball team! Yep....London is now gettin' along with Patrick...kudos to him! We have just been soooo worried about our friends P. Wiggle and her mudder Christine after that dog attack....so happy they are safe now. Have a fabulous day handsome boy....10 bones:)xoxoKillian March 30, 2010 6:31 pm by longdogmom from Flushing, MI Proud owner of Jazz Hey KillianWas it nice at your house today? Wow, it was really warm here. I got some good rolls in the grass it. Felt really good! Sorry all of your mudder's teams lost. My mom will be carrying on this weekend. If MSU had lost, she was going to pull for Butler. She doesn't get too excited about Duke either...and she doesn't have any exs from there! I hear London has won the Good Citizenship award! How awesome you can all be together. Your mom is a miracle worker/dog whisperer all rolled in to one package! I'm doin' okay on my pills I think. I don't feel much like eating so mom is watching me like a hawk! A man can't do anything around here without her being right on his heels! It's supposed to be in the 70s tomorrow. I hope it's that nice where you are too and that you all have a weinerful week! Jazzers March 28, 2010 9:11 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Way To Go Green!!!There must of been some hootin' and hollerin' at your house this afternoon! Mom watched the first half of the game....but missed the second half. She had to go to the farm to check on a sick horse. It took longer than she planned. What a nice surprise when she saw that the Spartans won! She did some hootin' and hollerin' herself. Woke us up from a sound sleep. Silly woman!!! Mom plans on cheering for The Green on Saturday. We'll make sure she gets plenty of rest this week, so she can stay awake for the WHOLE game! How's the pill taking going? Does your Mom try to hide them in a piece of cheese? Isn't it nice to be able to hang out outside. We're certainly glad the weather has gotten warmer. Even the grass is starting to grow. We hope you, Gretchen and Harley have a doxie good week. Sending you wet Keeping Our Doxie Paws Crossed For The Spartans wiener kisses. Love, the Angels March 27, 2010 8:45 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There Jazzy!!!Guess who's handsome doxie face was on the home page when Mom opened up DD this evening? Our #1 Jazzman!!! We hope you and the crew are having a doxie good weekend. Sending you wet Keeping Our Doxie Paws Crossed For The Spartans wiener kisses. Love, the Angels March 26, 2010 11:38 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Way To Go, Spartans!!!Mom watched the last half of the game - well...most of it. We looked over once, and we could have sworn that her eyes were closed. It doesn't matter....your Spartans won. We'll make sure Mom stays awake for Sunday's game. Go, Green!!! Speaking of green. It looks like you have more grass than we do! Isn't it nice to feel that soft green stuff on your doxie paws? We LOVE "Pet Cemetary"!!! Sending you wet GO GREEN wiener kisses. Love, the Angels March 26, 2010 9:19 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hey JazzmanWe are lovin' your new pics!!...pet cemetary! heehee How is that new lil' brother Harley doin'?? I hear he's a real livewire! We woke up to that white stuff on the ground!!....and it's windy and cold! No sun basking on the porch today! Hope you have a fabulous week-end handsome boy! 10 bones:)xoxoKillian March 23, 2010 9:40 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Have You Started Taking Your Magic Pills Yet???Mom said she was going to cheer for your Spartans on Friday night. And for Killian's Buckeyes and Muskateers. We think she just likes to hear herself yell at the television. Sometimes she scares us when she hoots and hollers! Crazy lady!!! Sending you wet Go Green wiener kisses. Love, the Angels March 21, 2010 7:17 pm by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie Hi there JazzJust checking in with you to say Hi. I really do like your red coat. Stay warm spring should be here soon or if not we will go and chase that groundhog. March 17, 2010 9:15 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Happy St. Patty's Day!!!We hope you, your Mom, Gretchen Marie and Harley got a chance to find your Pot 'O Gold! We didn't find our's yet, but Mom said that we were her Pot 'O Gold! Sending you wet Go Green wiener kisses. Love, the Angels March 15, 2010 9:38 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hi JazzmanToday was the first day we could be outside longer then 5 minutes....for 3 days straight it rained and the yard was a holy muddy mess!! Simon was my nana's kitty and she had to have him put down last Friday....he stopped eating for three days....and was withering away....chest leukemia was causing the windpipe and esphagus to swell to the point he couldn't eat any longer. We all are very sad, cuz Simon was a sweet beautiful boy....but now he's in heaven and not suffering anymore....thanks for asking about him. Well....it sounds like Harley is quite the character and is keepin' your mudder busy!....he's only makin' you look better by bein' so naughty! heehee Hope you have a fabulous evening! 10 bones:)xoxoKillian March 10, 2010 9:44 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hi JazzmanWe were stoppin' by to say "Hi" and we see you aren't feelin' well....sendin' you many healing rayz buddy and we will say a lil' prayer that you are alright. Paw Hugs and 10 bones:)xoxoKillian March 9, 2010 11:35 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazzers!Mom told me you weren't feeling very good...had to stop by to let you know we are all thinking about you dude! I hope you are feeling better - your Mom must be so brave, my Mom can't even watch when they take my blood for tests! Trust that Vet, he will make it all better! Love Joe March 9, 2010 9:18 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There Jazzman!!!Just wanted to say, we were thinking of you today. Sending you wet Boy Toy wiener kisses. Love, the Angels March 5, 2010 4:18 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe PS Jazzers...I was barking too at the store...most everyone thought I was so cute! The "RAT" was just crying like a girly dog...he didn't like riding in the cart! JOE March 5, 2010 10:05 am by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe HI Jazzers!Are you enjoying the warmer temps and all the SUN!! Mom took us walking (naked) for the first time this year. If felt SO GOOD! Soon...that dang white stuff will be all gone and we will be able to RUN in the backyard! How are things going with that new guy? Hope to see all three of you guys this Spring! JOE February 28, 2010 8:44 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There Toy Boss!!!Just checking in to see how the battle goes. Sometimes our sister, Chewy, doesn't share the toys very well and Mom has to put those toys away. Sounds like you, Gretchen Marie and Harley are doing well. Sending you wet Top Dog wiener kisses. Love, the Angels February 24, 2010 11:58 pm by bonnieandhopismom from Round Rock, TX Proud owner of Bonnie and Hopi Hi Jazz!You look so cute in the snow! It snowed for us yesterday, which is amazing. I think the last time it snowed was 6 years ago. I wasn't crazy about getting my feet wet AND cold, but by the end of the day I was a trooper about it. Hope you guys are having fun. Love to you, GM, and Harley! xo, Bonnie February 24, 2010 7:45 pm by longdogmom from Flushing, MI Proud owner of Jazz Whoo Hoo!Your Mom is home! Bet you're gettin' kissed to death! A varmit rock from California! How cool is that? I was so impressed with you digging for it in the snow. What kind of toys did you get. I'm not sure if you know or not but I'm the Toy Boss of the world. I am so disgusted with the new kid. He drags every single one of them out! Like their his. I have one thing to say to him - HAH! So the rat was squealing like a girl eh? Figures. No where near as cool as us. Hugs and kisses for all of you! February 23, 2010 10:18 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazzers!Mom is Home, Mom is Home! I was so exicited, almost peed inside the house! "The RAT" just was crying with that high pitched bark of his...such a girly dog! We got toys - I grabbed the whole bag and made The Rat cry all over again! Got a new varmint rock and played in the snow-posted new pics! Sun was out - some snow, but not too bad. How are things going with you, Gretchen and that new kid? Mom's home, so Spring has to be NEAR! Love Joe February 22, 2010 9:47 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni We All Got Our Nails Done!!!Somehow Chewy didn't feel getting her nails done qualified as a prezzie! We did get extra time at the park because it was so nice. And Mom shared her lunch with us. We'll be back wearing our coats by the week's end! Is Harley respectful of your position in the family? We hope so. Sending you wet Snuggly Warm wiener kisses. Love, the Angels February 22, 2010 6:31 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Winston Hey JazzmanHow's it goin' with the new kid??....has he figured out you are the Big Cheese at your house? heehee It's finally stopped snowin' here....it's in the 40's and raining....crazy weather!! Have a gRRReat day handsome boy! 10 bones:)xoxoKillian February 21, 2010 9:24 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There Jazzman!!!Just checking to see how you, Gretchen and Harley are doing? We had a good day today at the park....got to hang out around the pool with our friends. Have you guys been able to get outside and play? We hope you have a good week. Sending you wet Silver Dapple wiener kisses. Love, the Angels February 21, 2010 9:27 am by DistinguishedDachshund from Roscommon, MI Proud owner of Gulliver SweetJazz is so cute. I see how he loves to snuggle. I hope things are going well for you and your new brother Jazz! February 19, 2010 1:42 pm by cookie from Galera, -- Proud owner of Oban, Hamish and Sasha oh sunshinethose patio windows look so warm February 14, 2010 9:17 pm by Penny from winnipeg, MB Proud owner of Beau and Engli Hi Jazz! Your tan is going grey like my Engli's tan. She's 10 now and still plays hard! Hope the snow goes away soon! Happy Valentine's day! February 14, 2010 7:02 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Thanks For ALL Those Doxie Smooches!!!We had a good day made better!!! Sending you wet Back At You wiener kisses. Love, the Angels February 14, 2010 5:58 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni We Love The "Frosting" On Your Nose!!!"Happy Valentine's Day" to you, Gretchen and Harley. Hope you had a good day. We got to go to the park. It was cool, but sunny. How is Harley doing? Does he like the snow? We hope you guys have a good week. Sending you wet Candy Hearts wiener kisses. Love, the Angels February 13, 2010 11:07 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Reisa Hello JazzmanWishing you a Happy Valentine's Day handsome boy!!! We l-o-v-e your new profile pic....that dab of snow on your nose is too cute!! doxie *smooches* and 10 Valentine Bones!:)xoxoReisa February 12, 2010 6:44 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There Jazzamtazz!!!What do you think of your little brother? Sounds like he's made himself right at home....playing with all of the toys. Hopefully, he behaves himself and doesn't torment you too much! Sending you wet Number One Big Brother wiener kisses. Love, the Angels February 12, 2010 3:51 pm by bonnieandhopismom from Round Rock, TX Proud owner of Bonnie and Hopi Hii Jazz Man!Thanks for letting me know about the new addition to your family! The photo of the three of you on Harley's page is absolutely precious. I left Harley 10 bones but their for you and Gretchen too! xo, Bonnie February 12, 2010 9:59 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Well Jazzman.....Today is the BIG day....you get your new sibling!! Can't wait to hear all about it! 10 bones:)xoxoKillian February 10, 2010 9:02 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hey Jazzman!!My mudder is soooo eXXcited about you gettin' a new sibling, she can't wait to hear all about it! Just make sure he knows you are the BIG CHEESE around your house! It finally quit snowin' here....a weiner could get lost in our backyard!! Stay warm pal! 10 bones:)xoxoKillian February 5, 2010 11:48 am by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazzers!Not to worry about the "new kid"! I was worried when Mom brought home the "Rat" - but that turned out ok. We play tug a lot - argue over "MY" toys, but he is entertaining, You will probably love Harley more than anybody--its Sis that might be a bit perturbed...after all she just got you trained! ha ha! Hang in there little buddy--SPRING is just around the corner...don't care what that Putsy Sam says! JOE February 4, 2010 10:17 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Think About It, Though....If Harley keeps Gretchen entertained, that means MORE quality time with your Mom! We bet she'd LOVE that. And....you can have more time to socialize with ALL of your female admirers! Huh....Huh!!! What do you think? Sending you wet You're Gonna Be A Big Brother wiener kisses. Love, the Angels February 3, 2010 10:23 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There Jazzman!!!Just checking in to see how you're doing. It's a little warmer here....but not much! Sounds like it's still pretty cold for you. Hope you're staying warm! Sending you wet Be Our Valentine wiener kisses. Love, the Angels February 3, 2010 8:03 am by bonnieandhopismom from Round Rock, TX Proud owner of Bonnie and Hopi Cute photo Jazz!Dropping by to say hi and leave 10 bones! xo, Bonnie January 28, 2010 9:57 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Lil' Ally Hi Jazzman!!You are such a silly boy...your tushie is hangin' out from the blankie!! heehee Mr. Freeze is hangin' around Ohio until about Monday...buRRR! Wishing you a fab-U-lous week-end handsome!!10 bones...and doxie *smooch-smooch*xoxoLil' Ally January 27, 2010 9:17 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Looks Like You've Found Some Snuggly, Warm Blankies!!!What more could a guy want....soft warm blankies, a good squeaky toy and a sister and Mom to LOVE you! Hang in there, Jazz. Spring isn't too far away. Mom saw the robins today. They were getting a good meal before they started their trip north. Sending you wet When The Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob Bobbing Along wiener kisses. Love, the Angels January 27, 2010 8:54 pm by wigglebutt68 from columbus, OH Proud owner of peanut wigglebutt what's upHi Jazz,watcha been up too! I haven't been doing too much, just eing lazy! Mudder got a big box of rubber snakes in the mail yesterday! I tink day are for the making of da costume for the kent ohio doxie picnic this july. Mudder says I'm going as MEDUSA! I must find a way to destwoy dem so mudder can't torture me with yet another costume! HELP!!! P. Wigglebutt January 25, 2010 9:26 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There Jazzy!!!We're soooooo glad the weather is finially warmer! It wasn't much fun when it was kinda cold. We got to go to the dog park (the last couple of weeks) without wearing our coats. No coats certainly makes rolling around in something really stinky a whole lot more effective. We hope you and Gretchen are able to get outside more. Do you still have lots of snow? Soon, it will all be gone....hopefully! Sending you wet Spring's Just Around The Corner wiener kisses. Love, the Angels January 17, 2010 8:34 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hey JazzmanStoppin' by to see how my pal is doin'?? Did you watch the Jets win today?....it was such an awesome game!!! The Chargers did not exhibit good sportsmanship!! The Jets should be very proud!! Hope you had a gRRReat week-end! It was rainy & cold here.....ewwwwie!! 10 bones!:)xoxoKillian January 9, 2010 9:52 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hey JazzmanI know, that Bengal kicker was waaay off his mark today...those were even short field goals!! If we were gonna lose, at least it's to the Jets....they are mudder's second favorite NFL Team....they have always been underdogs like the Bengals....mudder has a soft spot for them, because they have always had good sportsmanship conduct....so we will cheer them on. We are very proud of the Bengals, they won their division and they haven't done that like forever! Are you stayin' warm during these freezin' temps?? I actually was chasing Elijah Blue thru the snow today, it was fun!! Hope you are havin' a gRRReat week-end friend...give your sissy & mudder a doxie *smooch* for me! 10 bones!:)xoxoKillian January 5, 2010 8:53 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Rudy Mornin' JazzRudy here...Killian's brother. My mudder gets most of our clothes from 3 different friends who have small pet supply shops at the big Ceasar's Creek Flea Market (where mudder use to be in with her friend) & Treasure Island Market....they give her big discounts, if not....mudder wouldn't be able to afford to get us all clothes....her one friend orders from Pet Edge....then the one friend makes alot of the clothes. Have a fabulous day my friend!10 bones!:)xoxoRudy Roo-Roo January 4, 2010 9:56 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hey Jazzman!That Birthday cake looked delish!!! Nice of you to share with your sissy Gretchen Marie. Did you get a new squirrel stuffie??...we have a few squirrel stuffies....sister Bianca is always tryin' to rip the squeakers outta our toys....she is our resident toy serial killer and mudder is always performing operations on them, stitchin' them up! Hope you are havin' weinerful week friend!xoxoKillian January 4, 2010 6:28 pm by wigglebutt68 from columbus, OH Proud owner of peanut wigglebutt Happy new year!!!Hi Jazz,Happy belated birthday! hope you had a nice new year's eve! Momma left me with daddy and went home to visiot her family! I was very depressed and searched the whole house for my momma! When momma finally came home. i practically gaver her a bath in happy pee! Havw a safe and wonder ful new year!!!xoxo P. Wigglebutt January 3, 2010 8:21 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Belated Happy Birthday, Jazz Man!!!That cake sure looked tasty! It was nice of you to share your day with Gretchen Marie. Did you share the cake as well as the toys? We did go to the park today. It WAS kind of COLD (for us)! Mom waited until almost 11 am and it still was only 38 degrees! At least the sun was out! We wore our sweatshirts as well as our coats. It was a shorter than normal visit, but we still got to hang with some of our friends. We got to do lots of snuggling and napping with Mom when we got back from the park. We had a good day! Hope you, GM and your Mom had a safe and Happy New Year's eve and day. January 3, 2010 5:57 pm by bonnieandhopismom from Round Rock, TX Proud owner of Bonnie and Hopi Hi Jazz!Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a good one. I know it is cold for you up there - you look so comfy lying in the sun. Hope you're having a great 2010! Leaving you 10 birthday bones! xo, Bonnie January 1, 2010 6:27 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazz!I heard you were 10 yrs OLD today!! WOW, a New Year's Baby! I was 10 last August, so a bit older than you. We are at our PRIME dude...those young pups don't have anything on us. Hope we get to strut our stuff together at a meetup in the Spring! Love Joe January 1, 2010 9:04 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hello Birthday Boy!!Happy Birthday Jazzman!!!! You are a decade old now....just means you are more wiser!! Hope you have a treat filled day with lots of belly rubs handsome! Time for you to par-tay!! 10 bones!:)xoxoKillian December 30, 2009 1:00 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Sidney Hello JazzKillian's older brother here...just stoppin' by and we seen your new profile pic....you look warm and toasty in your red coat....that white stuff gives us frosty paws....yikes! Hope you are havin' a gRRReat day!! 10 bones!:)xoxoSidney December 29, 2009 10:41 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazz!Just me checking in on you. My Aunt had to break away the ice at back door so we all could get out to do our business! BURR, is it COLD here! I miss playing outdoors...getting pretty boring playing tug with brother RAT (Dobby) and cleaning my Sis's ears! Start taking my magic pills today--Vet gave my Aunt her cell phone number in case I have a bad reaction. Feeling GREAT though..Mom tells me I should get my hair back--kind of naked on my neck. Missing my Mom..hope she comes home soon. Stay Warm--Love, JOE December 27, 2009 2:26 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni We're With You, Jazz Man!!!Cold, Cold....Go AWAY!!! December 24, 2009 5:27 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Merry Christmas JAZZ!Be careful wearing those antlers...still hunting season here in MI, and you know those guys will shoot at anything with antlers! My Mom coming home soon. I start taking some pills next week...Mom says it will help regrow some hair and hopefully help my belly shrink. Mom says it is expensive, but I am worth every PENNY! We all are worth EVERY penny to our Moms...we are Doxie Dudes! JOE December 20, 2009 9:39 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Jazz.....When I stopped by this morning, you were playing with a red ball....I come back this evening and now you are a weindeer!!...I see a red-nose comin'!! heeheexoxo December 20, 2009 4:53 pm by Dashldy from Ruskin, FL Proud owner of Jazz Jazz what a great name.That's because my name is Jazz too. Congrats on being DOTD. That snow looks so neat but you have the right idea sit inside and look out. Merry Christmas from you friends Jazz, Sophie, Kathie, and Bandito, December 20, 2009 12:05 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Congratulations Jazzamtazz!!!"Reluctant Reindeer" is awesome! That holiday bow tie completes the outfit. Santa Paws will be impressed and you should be a shoe in to make Santa's sleigh team this year! We're glad you were chosen to be today's special Daily Doxie. We hope you and Gretchen Marie have a super doxie kind of day. Sending you lots of wet Grandma Got Run Over By A Weindeer wiener kisses. Love, the Angels December 20, 2009 8:17 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Jazz!!!We were sooo excited to see you on the front page!!!! Congratulations on bein' DOTD handsome boy!!! I know you will enjoy your special day with eXtra treats!! We love your new pics too!....the one of you and your sissy is crazy cute!!....sisters can be annoying, I hear ya on that one!! leavin' 10 bones for my buddy!! xoxoKillian December 20, 2009 7:28 am by Kimberly from Haines City, FL Proud owner of Lily Belle Hey Jazz ManCongrats on your Doxie Day! You are a very handsome fellow. From all of us here, Merry Christmas! December 20, 2009 1:08 am by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Congrats to my Pal JAZZ!!!WOW--what a great choice for DOXIE OF THE DAY! A handsome dude! I am so happy you have been chosen! We love your new pics too. Isn't this snow something?? It looks great when you are looking from the inside out! Enjoy your special day dude! JOE December 19, 2009 5:42 pm by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie Hello JazzMerry Christmas from one senior to another. Enjoy yourself in whatever you do. You are a cute guy December 18, 2009 9:57 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Cool New Pics!!!That red ball looks like something that our sister Macy would LOVE playing with! She has a small rubber ball that fits right in her mouth. It squeaks very loudly and Macy loves making it squeak! The picture of you whispering in Gretchen's ear is precious. She doesn't look like she's listening to you! We girls can be a little independent.....like you didn't know that! Also looks like it's been snowing at your house. It looks beautiful.....from the inside of the house! Here's hoping you and Gretchen Marie have a doxie good weekend Stay warm. Sending you wet It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas wiener kisses. Love, the Angels December 16, 2009 10:04 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hello JazzMy silly mudder has posted on our own pages before too!!...good thang they have us or they would be lost! Mudder made us some doggie cookies too...peanut butter poppers & garlic cheddar cheese bites...they were delish! I'm sure the big Ho-Ho will bring you lots of ropes! 10 bones!:)xoxo December 16, 2009 5:18 pm by longdogmom from Flushing, MI Proud owner of Jazz What fun!Love seeing all the close ups! I know I would have won the tug of war...no one gets between me and the toys. I asked S Paws for lots of new ones this year. Did you get some cookie dough? I'd have been beggin' like a crazy fool! Hope you week is too special like all of you. Jazz December 16, 2009 9:26 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Georgie Hello JazzMy mudder posted more pics on my page and my sister Gidget is wearin' the Santa dress this time that you sent....Oliver is wearin' the Santa suit again, I think he's claiming it....he does look really cute in it. Hope you are havin' a fabulous week....my mudder has been baking...baking...and baking!....I love Christmas goodies! heeheesendin' doxie *smooches* handsome! 10 bones!:)xoxoGeorgie December 14, 2009 2:22 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazz!We are getting just a bit of a break from SNOW and COLD....at least I don't have to plow my own path to do my business! I go to the VET today - that has my Mom worried, but I am having FUN...3 car rides in one day, and Dobby has to stay home..ha ha! And..I get a lot of attention with the Vet gals...who can resist us Doxie Dudes, right? Stay warm--snuggle with Gretchen! We thought your Xmas Card was EXTRA SPECIAL. I have it hanging on my side of the WALL...thanks JOE December 13, 2009 12:06 pm by wigglebutt68 from columbus, OH Proud owner of peanut wigglebutt christmas cardI'm glad you and your mudder got the christmas card we sent! I made my mudder put up 2 stockings for me this year becuz I've been extra good! sending doxie kisses! xoxo P. Wigglebutt December 8, 2009 7:36 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Lil' Ally Hello JazzI just love the Santa Paws dress you sent, I was runnin' like a rugrat and it never came off....not even once!....now that's doxie proof!! I'm sort of a treat stealer....mudder says, I need to work on my manners during treat time...what's wrong with standin' on my siblings backs and grabbin' their treats??....mudder gives me major stink-eye!! We are suppose to have damaging winds tomorrow...anywhere from 50 mph - 70 mph winds with the storm...mudder prays we do not lose our electric!! Sendin' doxie *smooches*xoxoLil' Ally December 5, 2009 10:53 am by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazz & Gretchen!BURR--still COLD today! My MOM is wondering, "Why the heck did we move here"? She says that every winter. I'm a tough guy and love the snow. Mom has to force me to come back inside! She says my "tweeter will freeze" whatever that is! My coat came from Chewy, Macy & Cyndi. Those Angels live in FL but FREEZE?? I love my coat, a bit big around the neck is all. You might check with the Angels, she knows all about the best coats! JOE December 5, 2009 8:58 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Mornin' JazzieCheck out my sissy Chloe's page and see if you find the Santa clothes you sent!! Oliver & Lil' Ally is wearin' them and they look sooo cute!! Hope you are havin' a weinerful week-end!! 10 bones for my pal!:) xoxoKillian December 4, 2009 2:10 pm by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie Hi JazzGreat to see your pictures and profile. I agree with you about the Vet visits and nail trim thing. You appear to be the king of your domain. Yea for the Black Doxies that have a few years on them. We still have what it takes to be adorable. December 4, 2009 12:56 pm by myLILmunchies from bullhead city, AZ Proud owner of munchies lucy hi from munchies..awww arent you a cutie??? lots of wags and licks from munchies =) December 4, 2009 9:07 am by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hey JAZZ & Gretchen!SNOW here this Morning! Deep DEEP stuff! I mean, I had a difficult time making it under the picnic table where I finally could do my business! Mom has a "tent" that I peed it...hee hee. My Sis and Mom don't go much past that! Did you get any of that wonderful white stuff? Stay warm Dude and Dude'est! JOE December 3, 2009 10:38 pm by willowsmom from Plymouth, MI Proud owner of Willow Rosen-Berg Hello Jazz!yes I got to eat my whole cake, after mom took it and broke it into chunks so I wouldn't choke;-) November 30, 2009 9:52 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Oops!!!Our Mom's not known for her great memory! Mom's e-mail address is ritalachance@comcast.net We've got to keep an eye on her all the time. She's getting old, slow and forgetful. Hope you and Gretchen Marie have had a GREAT day. November 30, 2009 7:20 pm by Newbyrd1 from Lynchburg, VA Proud owner of Harley Hey Jazz!My Mommy thinks that you look like her other doxie Ruffy that she lost in May. She was really sad till she got me. I was bad today and Mommy is mad for ripping her new carpet. Any suggestions on how I can get her to love me again? November 29, 2009 4:28 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There Jazz!!!Have You written your Christmas letter to Santa Paws, yet? We've been the bestest doxie girls that we could be this year. After all, we are doxies and sometimes we can be a little naughty....only a little! Our Mom would like yo send you and Gretchen a Christmas card. If your Mom would sent your address to our Mom's e-mail address, that would be wienderful! Sending you wet Christmas Is Coming wiener kisses. November 28, 2009 11:36 am by MorenaChula from Virginia Beach, VA Proud owner of Mocha I have a soft spot for older dogs. He's aging so gracefully. I love a frosty face! November 27, 2009 9:03 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of MacKenzie Hello JazzThanks for stoppin' by handsome boy and wishing me a special day!! Mom promises eXtra treats for my special day! We really indulged yesterday...in honor of Thanksgiving! heehee Turkey, mash potatoes, stuffin', corn casserole, yams, pumpkin pie with whip cream....sooo delish!!....we all were really well behaved, so mudder really rewarded us! doxie *smooches* and 10 bones!:)xoxoMacKenzie November 25, 2009 9:42 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazz!Hey - this is some nasty weather we are having! I don't mind the snow, but hate the rain! Mom has to give me a nudge to go outside to do my business! We are getting TURKEY tomorrow! I pouted, and finally they promised me some turkey when they come home after their feast! I won't get much, but I will be first in the chow line! Hope you and Gretchen will score a few turkey bits tomorrow! JOE November 24, 2009 8:39 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Those Turkeys Make Us Crazy, Too!!They strut around like they own the place! We'd make them run and fly if Mom would turn us loose! They certainly would look better on a platter filled with stuffing!!! Hope you and Gretchen have a good turkey day. Sending you wet Thanksgiving wiener kisses. November 24, 2009 3:19 pm by wigglebutt68 from columbus, OH Proud owner of peanut wigglebutt christmas cardsHi Jazz, I don't think my mommy got your mommy's address yet! Email it to cae68@columbus.rr.com! peanut wigglebutt November 23, 2009 9:56 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Caleb Hello JazzThanks for stoppin' by!! We are lovin' your new pics....you handsome devil!! You are not gonna believe this!....but we have the same carpet in our living room as you do!!...when mom looked at the pic of you sunnin' yourself, she couldn't believe it! You made a comment about my soulful eyes...yeah...I haven't met a man, woman, child, dog, cat I haven't liked....mom calls me the christian gentleman. heehee Leavin' 10 bones for my friend!:)xoxoCaleb November 20, 2009 7:06 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hey Jazz!We got our package today!!!! We really l-o-v-e the outfits!!! Mom is gonna try & get some pics of us furkids together this week-end with our outfits on!!...we'll let you know when they are! Thanks a zillion Jazz, Gretchen & mom!!! sendin' ya doxie *smooches* and 10 bones!:)xoxoKillian November 18, 2009 9:21 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hey JazzAwesome!!...we will be lookin' for them!! Hope you are havin' a great week! 10 bones!:)xoxo November 16, 2009 9:07 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hello Jazz!Thanks for stoppin' by!! Wish your Christmas outfits would have fit....cuz we know how cute you and your sissy Gretchen would have looked! I have several siblings that are between 7-10 lbs....and we would be soooo thrilled to have them, cuz we have to share....there are just too many of us!! If you email us at doxiefollies@hotmail.com we can give you our address. Our heart's gratitude for thinking of us. Sendin' doxie *smooches* to your mommy! 10 bones!:)xoxoKillian November 16, 2009 5:39 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hey Jazz!Great idea about Killian and the gang....they all like to get dressed up too! JOE (Hey, not worried about you being FAT...I know my Mom worries abourt me...I'm just HUSKEY!) November 16, 2009 12:06 am by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe PS JAZZ..Sometimes hard to tell how big we are in pictures...but, my sister Kallie and me are about 16 lbs, and 15 inches from base of neck to base of tail...so am thinking those Santa suits might be a bit small for us??? JOE November 14, 2009 8:12 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazz!My Mom has been very bad about checking in on my ole buddies. She did make me, Kallie, Trudy and brother RAT (Dobby) a outdoor potty of sorts for Winter in MI...a tent! It is meant for a Motorcycle, but it should keep the snow and rain off our backs! Man Dude, a Stanta outfit? I am a tweenie too..weighing in at 16 lbs! Most of the Divas I know are full figured gals as well. My Mom thinks they must be CUTE--and was laughing even thou you didn't post pics of yourself in them. Mom would like your address for Xmas cards..let her know your address at devrao@chartermi.net....THANKS JOE! November 14, 2009 8:08 pm by wigglebutt68 from columbus, OH Proud owner of peanut wigglebutt Hi JazzI promise I won't tell anyone that you wear your sister's clothes. Some of my best friends are cross dressers!LOl Brutus, the HUGE mastiff down the street, was dressed in a pink tutu nad a princess crown-you got off easy!! xoxo peanut wigglebutt November 1, 2009 10:37 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hello JazzMy thinks you are such a pretty boy in your sissy's Halloween hat!!!....waaay cute!:)xoxo October 31, 2009 9:50 am by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hey Jazz!Hey Dude! You look great in that Halloween hat! I hate hats, but if that is all that your Mom made you wear - you are a lucky Doxie! Your Mom has a thing for hats, right? The yawning picture is terrific--very scary! JOE October 30, 2009 9:06 pm by wigglebutt68 from columbus, OH Proud owner of peanut wigglebutt Hiwhat a cute little hat you hve on! Thanks for voting for peanut wigglebutt! I'm sending out christmas cards and if you would like to receive one email me your address to cae68@columbus.rr.com. also, keep your fingers crossed! Tomorrow morning when I get the paper, I will find out if peanut won the newspaper's costume contest!!! xoxo christine and peanut October 30, 2009 8:27 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Nice Hat, Dude!!!Looks like you have a shirt that matches the hat. We hope you and Gretchen have a fantastic Howl-o-weener and that you get lots of goodies. Sending you wet wiener kisses! October 30, 2009 8:24 pm by bonnieandhopismom from Round Rock, TX Proud owner of Bonnie and Hopi Hi Jazz!You look great in your Halloween duds! I was frightened till I read you were yawning. Hope you have a fun Halloween! xo, Bonnie October 11, 2009 8:08 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Franklin Hello JazzThanks for stoppin' by and for the kind words!! Mom says, I'm doing really good!....that protective urge we share....it's getting so much better already. I have alot of distractions here, cuz of all my new siblings. Hope you are havin' a fabulous week-end!xoxoFranklin October 4, 2009 12:47 pm by Dawn from Kentwood, MI Proud owner of Cory Jo Hi Jazz!Just wanted to thank you for stopping by my page, sounds like we're alot alike! Looks like you had a lot of fun at that Doxie Fest, we went to one too, in Frankenmuth, MI. nice to meet you! October 3, 2009 11:12 pm by bonnieandhopismom from Round Rock, TX Proud owner of Bonnie and Hopi Hi Jazz!Thanks for stopping by on my special day! I like to visit your and Gretchen's pages. You guys definitely look like doxies I would like to hang out with. It was a fun day - I got several treats and got to hang out with mom because it was Saturday. I hope you and Gretchen are having a fun weekend. xo, Bonnie September 17, 2009 5:22 pm by Terrasmom from Ft. Myers, FL Proud owner of Terra Hi JazzBurrrr, no summer you say? It's been really hot here but I like sun bathing. My Mom got my car seat at....inthecompanyofdogs.com. We looked and looked and this was the one that turned out the best for ME! Stay warm. Love Terra September 6, 2009 7:59 am by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Delaney Hello JazzersThanks for stoppin' by handsome!! I love food too...so delish!! I see where your sissy Gretchen can get on your nerves, my brother Chandler gets on my nerves....I can't go anywhere without him...phhfffttt! Hope you have a fabulous Labor Day week-end sweet boy! 10 bones! Toodles!:)xoxoDelaney September 2, 2009 3:55 pm by LyndseyRich from Royal Oak, MI Proud owner of Murphy WellllllLittle Miss Lily is quite the little dominator. She rules over my 2 boys for sure, but when she tries it with me....I have to re-explain the rules. Mommy is queen and you are princess, remember Lily? hahaBut then she comes over and plays nice nice to get on my good side after we have a tiff. She is too cute not to forgive. :) September 1, 2009 8:17 pm by Terrasmom from Ft. Myers, FL Proud owner of Terra Hey JazzDRNA rocks! You look for squirrels, like I look for lizards. My Mom and Dad used to live in Livonia Michigan but now we all live in florida. I was 3.5 too when I was adopted. Have Fun! August 29, 2009 1:28 pm by Babette from marlborough, -- Proud owner of Babette Hey hansomeWe love your distinguished look, just like George Clooney. Best wishes Babs August 26, 2009 9:36 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Hey There, Mr. Jazz!!!We like your Doxie Fest pictures! Looks and sounds like you had a real good time. We wish we had something like that near us! It would sure be fun to hang out with a bunch of doxies!!! August 26, 2009 6:49 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe WOW! Sounds like you had great FUN!My Mom is kicking herself ...says she REALLY wished we could have made it to the Doxie Fest! She would have loved to check out all the dachshund stuff...she promised me NEXT YEAR for sure! I hope the tiny hats are all gone...but, I sure would have liked to look for those varmint rocks! Do you and Grecthen belong to a Doxie Meetup group? Trudy, Kallie and I belong to the Grand Rapids group on this side of the state. We have so much fun meeting all these other doxies once a month--we have picnics and races, and even a costume ball on halloween! Take care Dude! JOE August 26, 2009 8:09 am by LyndseyRich from Royal Oak, MI Proud owner of Murphy We had the best time ever....all 3 of mine passed out on the car ride home. :)Thanks for letting us knwo about the festival...we are fairly new to Michigan and we will be going every year for sure. August 25, 2009 7:03 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Killian Hello JazzLooks like you had a fabulous time at the Doxie Fest!!....we love all your pics handsome boy!:)xoxoKillian August 25, 2009 1:54 pm by LyndseyRich from Royal Oak, MI Proud owner of Murphy Did you guys make it to Doxie Fest. All 3 of mine packed up the car and drove us there. :) August 23, 2009 10:40 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazz!Gosh Darn! We just had all our plans dashed by things beyond our control...so we missed the Doxie Fest! But, we were so happy you and Gretchen made it there. We want to know ALL ABOUT IT! We love your pictures with the tiny tiny hat! It made us laugh out loud! Next year...we are going for SURE! Were there a lot of Doxies there? Oh how I wish we could have been there...was there lots of "Doxie" stuff to buy? I am a nut for that! Devra and Joe August 23, 2009 4:29 pm by bonnieandhopismom from Round Rock, TX Proud owner of Bonnie and Hopi Hi Jazz!Great new photos! You look like you had so much fun at Doxie Fest and I love your nose shot. What exactly is Doxie Fest? Is there a website? xo, Bonnie August 20, 2009 8:41 am by willowsmom from Plymouth, MI Proud owner of Willow Rosen-Berg Thanks for the info Jazz;-) August 17, 2009 2:37 am by jamesdavidf from Bowling Green, KY Proud owner of Rory awww thanks for the hiding under the blankets tip...I'll be sure to do that tomorrow...what mischeif I can get into if Dad isn't watching....P.S. You need to come patrol for squirrels here in bowling green, ky .... we have albino squirrels! August 10, 2009 8:07 am by ormega from san antonio, TX Proud owner of wolfales whats all the jazzwe really like your name jazz. we see you like to chase squirrels do you ever catch any? all your pictures are really neat wolf wolf jazz. August 5, 2009 8:20 am by Ferdinand from Marlbrough, -- Proud owner of Ferdinand HelloHello Jazz. Thankyou for leaving a comment on my page yestoday when i was daily doxie. you are a sweetie. your picks are very nice i like your coat you may not like it but it keeps you warm love ferdie xxx August 4, 2009 9:07 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Piper Ann Hello JazzThanks for stoppin' by my page & for the nice comments! You look really dapper in your coat....I like to wear clothes! Have you caught any squirrels lately?? Have a fabulous week!:)xoxoPiperAnn August 4, 2009 10:53 am by 1DoxieMom from Medford, OR Proud owner of Fudge Hey Jazz!I love your name. Thanks for visiting my page; I love new friends! I like your photos and I am so glad you like to do squirrel patrol too; we got to keep those darn critters in line! August 4, 2009 10:52 am by 1DoxieMom from Medford, OR Proud owner of Fudge Hey Jazz!I love your name. Thanks for visiting my page; I love new friends! I like your photos and I am so glad you like to do squirrel patrol too; we got to keep those darn critters in line! August 3, 2009 10:37 pm by lolasmomma from Wellsville, OH Proud owner of Lola Jean GLAD YOU SAW ME TODAY!THANKS FOR STOPPING BY ON MY DOXIE DAY! I HAD ITALIAN SAUSAGE AND NOODLES FOR DINNER AND WORE A PINK DRESS. MOMMA WILL POST PICTURES SOON! CHOW! LOLA August 3, 2009 2:00 pm by LyndseyRich from Royal Oak, MI Proud owner of Lily We would love to go to the festival!!!!! :)When and where? August 1, 2009 4:31 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazz!It was such a beautiful day here in Michigan..then the rain came! I hate rain! Thanks for sending my Mom the info about the Bavarian Weiner Fest on 8/22/09. Mom has marked it on our calendar...can't wait to see all the other weiners! Maybe see you there too! JOE July 31, 2009 5:26 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazz!When is the Bavarian Festival? I think we have heard about this, somewhere....I think my Mom would love to take me to that! If you have any details, let me know! I would love to see other dachshunds! Joe July 31, 2009 5:01 pm by bonnieandhopismom from Round Rock, TX Proud owner of Bonnie and Hopi Hey Jazz!Cute Cute new profile pic! Have a good weekend. xo, ~B July 29, 2009 11:05 pm by Devra from Wayland, MI Proud owner of Joe Hi Jazz!Joe and I just love the picture of you with your Camo-hat! Yes--I think that fits all Doxies' alter egos for sure! And the coat! Joe has a ton of them, thought he would need them for our cold MI winters...he'll have them on going out, but when I check on him, the coat will be hanging around his legs or gathered around his neck. He would prefer facing the bitter cold NAKED! You look to be the same kind of tuff guy as JOE! Your Mom and I are so lucky to have our tuff guys--because you are also so tender and loving--we promise not to let on we know! ha ha...Devra and Joe July 27, 2009 1:00 pm by lolasmomma from Wellsville, OH Proud owner of Lola Jean HI JAZZ!YOU ARE A CUTIE! SOMETIMES YOU JUST HAVE TO HUMOR YOUR MOMMY AND WEAR THE COAT. IT WILL KEEP YOUR BELLY WARM. I GOT USE TO MINE I AM ON MY SECOND ONE I OUT GREW MY FIRST ONE. I HAVE TO BE UNDER A BLANKET! I WILL CRY UNTIL SOME ONE COVERS ME SO I CAN NAP! COME SEE ME AND MY PICTURES! CHOW! LOLA July 26, 2009 9:58 pm by doxiefollies from Wilmington, OH Proud owner of Sidney Hello Jazz!You are a handsome doxie dude for sure!! I love to chase squirrels too....they like to tease me & my siblings! So happy you have such a loving home & are loved!:)xoxoSidney July 26, 2009 9:13 pm by chewysmom from Jacksonville, FL Proud owner of Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Can We Join Your Squirrel Patrol???What a guy!!! We love the way you relax. Underneath blankets is one of our favorite places to be. Your coat is very handsome on you. We have coats we wear when it gets cold here. July 26, 2009 7:06 pm by bonnieandhopismom from Round Rock, TX Proud owner of Bonnie and Hopi Hi Jazz!Love your photos - looks like you have a great yard to chase squirrels in. I'm not a fan of clothes on me either, although sometimes I tolerate it. Glad you joined DD! xo, Bonnie |
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