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Dachshund from Slanesville, WV pet profile submitted by Pixied1971

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My baby in her favorite position

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  Rating: 9.8095 bones (out of 10)
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Favorite food:

Anything that she can get to stand still long enough.

Favorite treat:

She loves milk

Favorite toy:

The Blue Ball, yes there's some competition in our house.

Favorite spot to sleep:

On the pillows right between my husband & I.


The outside cats.

Pixied1971 writes:

Risha is the mommy in our brood. She was born in 2007, she is a black & tan supposedly "mini" doxie, who turned out to be not so mini. She weighs 25 lbs. She is a very loving and protective dog. She and I were expecting at the same time, who knew at the time that we both would have emergency c-sections to deliver our little pups! She is mommy to Beanie, Bunny, Roxie, Dixie and Charlie. She was a very good mommy.

Risha is pleased to be featured as DOTD on Aug. 6th! She is still going strong and attempts to keep up with Roxie who likes to torture her mommy from time to time. Rish has lost a little weight over the years, but she has not made herself a mini yet. We are happy to celebrate Risha today.

To all of our Doxie family we are sorry to say that our lovely Risha Ruby has had a terrible accident. Last Friday night (April 29, 2016) she fell and broke her lower jaw. She has had extensive surgery to repair the fracture and is on her road to recovery! We are so happy to have her home with us. We have started a go fund me page for Risha. If you are interested the link is https//
We will keep you all posted on her recovery, the vet told us he expects 8-10 weeks. Bless each of you!

Even though Risha made a full recovery from her broken jaw, 1 year later I am very sad to report that we lost our baby last night (5-9-17). She was hit by a car and suffered 4 fractures to her pelvis. With her underlying conditions(Cushings and pre-diabetes) the vet felt that surgery would not be a good option for her, the risks were just too high. It is with GREAT sorrow that I inform you of her passing. She was such a sweet, lovable little girl, and she has been through so much - emergency C-section with her pups, broken jaw, cushings and now the sad news of her passing. I can only hope that she is now at peace and no longer in any pain at all. I love her and will ALWAYS miss my baby girl.

Such a pretty face

Good mommy dog

With her man, Ringer

See my belly??
Rub it!!

Resting and Relaxing
One of my favorite places with my little buddy....shhhhh she doesn't know she's not a weenie!!

Me again!!
Smiling for my mommy!!

Say Ahhhh!!
Saving the best for last!!

Comments about Risha

November 4, 2021 9:16 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

DOTD Always!

It's nice to see Risha honored today as DOTD, years after her passing! I know as an angel she is watching over Rowdy and BELLA. RIP sweet Risha

March 26, 2018 9:54 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

R.I.P. Risha

Risha although you've left us for next big adventure, you have left so many good memories for family. The Rainbow Bridge is filled with so many beautiful doxies like you, hopefully you have met up with our beloved boy Dewy.

March 26, 2018 5:51 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Angel Risha

I am so sorry to hear of your crossing over the Rainbow Bridge. You were much to young to leave us but we know you are now healthy and pain free. You made so many of us happy reading about your life. Peace to your family. You are another shining star in the night sky. We will miss you but your family will rejoin you someday. Blessi vs to you and your family.

March 10, 2015 6:33 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Hi Risha

Just stopping by to say hi to a pretty girl for my boy Herbie.Hope you are doing well. Herbie passed to the Rainbow Bridge last year on 9-4-14 and I am trying to keep up with his special friends.(Herbie's mom)

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