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Dachshund from Slanesville, WV pet profile submitted by Pixied1971

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  Rating: 9.8095 bones (out of 10)
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Favorite food:

Mighty Dog

Favorite treat:

Beggin Strips

Favorite toy:

Anything that has a squeaker that she can promptly remove.

Favorite spot to sleep:

At the foot of the bed


Anything that enters her yard

Pixied1971 writes:

Roxie is our baby. She was born in March of 2009. She is sister to Beanie & Bunny. Risha Ruby is her mommy and Ringer Rebel is he daddy. She makes up the trio of doxies that live in our house. When she was born, my dad said he figured she would be the 'pick of the litter' well needless to say her nickname at our house is Pick! If it can be gotten into she's into it with every paw. She is loving and long and very dainty with a Tomboy attitude. She weighs 13lbs soak and wet. She is full of energy and very protective of her family.

Update for August 2014 - Roxie is still a bundle of energy, she loves to run and play, she chases Risha all the time. She loves camping and after about 30 minutes in the car she settles in nicely.....we won't say anything about the 1st 30 min. though. She loves our new kitten and just wants to snuggle with him every chance she gets. She is also our son's protector, nobody gets close to him without her approval first.

Update March 27, 2018 - Roxie is still a pretty girl. She is recovering from bladder stone surgery at the moment. She had 20-25 bladder stones removed on the 13th of March. She seems to be doing well now though, stitches are out and she is starting to move around normally again. It was touch and go there for about a week, she had some complications and the vet had given her a 50/50 chance, but she is quite the fighter. Now she is enjoying all the belly rubs and special attention! We are very happy to have her back home and on the road to recovery. Since her mommy was DOTD yesterday and her daddy is DOTD today, we figure Rox's turn will be soon. Thanks to all who check in on all out babies!

Update July 22, 2019 - It is with a heavy heart that I post this update, unfortunately we lost our baby a little after 7:00 this morning. Rox developed Cushings disease and as a complication ended up developing diabetic ketoacidosis. With an onset of pancreatitis and a severe UTI her little body was just not able to recover. If it had not been for the Cushings we would have been able to see the signs of her other conditions, but I guess the Lord has other plans for my angel. She is now with her mommy and daddy, the wiener family is all together again. I miss each and every one of them more and more each day. You will NEVER be forgotten Rox Dox, you will always be my baby! I love and miss you- now you are my angel!

Our baby

My Daddy Loves Me!

Shhhh Sleeping!

Love This Belly!!

My new coat for winter

Me with mom & dad

We Love the Car!

Comments about Roxie

November 6, 2021 9:29 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Loved Always!

Roxie you left us way to soon, but the love you gave will last forever! Roxie will be in my thoughts today as DOTD, you were beautiful.

November 3, 2019 9:29 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy


Roxie you may have left your family's life, but you will stay in their hearts forever! RIP sweet one

March 28, 2018 9:54 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Hello Roxie!

Way too much cuteness going on in your pictures Roxie! I just love that picture with you mom and dad on the chair. I'm glad to hear your feeling better now and can enjoy your DOTD fame today!

March 28, 2018 6:10 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Congratulations Roxie

Hi there beautiful girl. You are the perfect combination of the best traits from your mom and dad. Glad to hear that you have recovered from your surgery. Sounds like you are DOTD everyday in your house. Thanks to your humans for the updates. Enjoy your special day of world recognition

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