
Anna Rose
Black and Tan dappled long haired mini from
Florissant, MO
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by Dachsies With Moxie Mama
User Dachsies With Moxie Mama has multiple pet profiles.
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Rating: 9.9365 bones (out of 10)
With Moxie Mama
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Anna Rose
Favorite food: Royal Canin renal
Favorite treat: yes
Favorite toy: Daddy
Favorite spot to sleep: Daddy
Dachsies With Moxie Mama writes:
Adopted Daddy and Mommy last fall, after my first family surrendered me at the vet! Then they called my new Mom and Dad and life has never been the same I rule Daddy with an iron long fur covered paw- he comes running when I bark! I love being part of a pack and get along with my sisters Ginger and Tasha, as well as my brothers Chip and Thai. I have kidney stones and bladder stones, so my treats and diet are very restricted
UPDATE- Anna Rose went to the Rainbow Bridge on 24 October 2012, due to a blockage near her heart that prevented her from absorbing her medications. She had also suffered several seizures the day before, the last one rendering her comatose, so we sent her to the Bridge. She is missed by her devoted slave, Daddy, as well as her Momma and Chip and Tasha
Comments about Anna Rose
November 18, 2022 9:24 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Forever Loved!
Anna Rose will be in our thoughts today DOTD, loved always and missed dearly!
April 8, 2019 9:41 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
What a beautiful name for such a sweet girl! RIP ANNA ROSE
April 8, 2019 7:19 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
DOTD Forever
You were such a beautiful and strong girl and now will be forever a bright and shining star that will never be forgotten. It is so sad that you left us but some day your Daddy will get to hold you once more.
February 3, 2015 3:12 pm
by CookiesMom from Vero Beach, FL
Proud owner of Cookie (Monster)
So Sorry
Sending heartfelt condolences on your loss of Anna Rose. She was a beautiful little girl and I'm sure spoiled her Daddy every day!
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