
Toby & Rocky
short-hair red and black/tan Dachshunds from
Penn Yan, NY
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by lioness4doxies
Brothers by Choice
It's nap time, and my boys enjoy the occasional snuggle time with each other.
Rating: 9.9545 bones (out of 10)
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Toby & Rocky
Favorite food: PHD dry food, my homemade wet food and ground lamb
Favorite treat: homemade turkey jerky
Favorite toy: For Toby, any kind of ball. For Rocky, a floppy stuffed animal
Favorite spot to sleep: With me in the recliner.
Archenemy: They both love everyone (of any species) that they meet.
lioness4doxies writes:
Toby was the last gift from my Mom, purchased with money from her estate. He is my baby, my living testiment to my mother's love. He's sweet & funny and I can't imagine life without him. His high-energy, run-for-all-you're-worth attitude keeps me moving!
Rocky was dumped at a shelter in AL after his family had a baby. First, they chained him in the yard and forgot to feed him, so he broke 4 teeth trying to chew through his chain and was emaciated when he was left with instructions to put him down. An angel found him, took him to Southern States Dachshund Rescue (now All American Dachshund Rescue), and we were priveledged to be able to adopt him.
Rocky is our Eeyore - he plods through life with determination. He rolls his eyes at the idea of walks, and only runs to his supper bowl! He will clean your face from forehead to neck and start over again if you let him. Rocky is a lover, and he completes our family.
Toby (red) & Rocky (blk/tan)
Best Buds & brothers
Comments about Toby & Rocky
April 21, 2023 9:15 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Thinking of you two sweeties today, may you RIP together!
June 21, 2022 9:12 pm
by Lioness4Dachsies from Penn Yan, NY
Proud owner of Little Joe
These were my boys.
Toby passed away February 25, 2019 at the age of 14 from HGE. Rocky passed away April 12, 2021 at the age of 17 from complications of old age. I miss them both and will love them forever.
June 21, 2022 9:22 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Oh So Cute!
I hope your day of doxie fame finds you two sweeties happy and healthy and enjoying your senior years together!
November 12, 2018 10:02 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Double the Pleasure
Two very special and precious dachshunds. Congratulations on being DOTD
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