
Graham R.I.P
Long-haired chocolate cream piebald from
Temple, PA
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by dutchdoxies
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Rating: 9.9739 bones (out of 10)
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Graham R.I.P
Favorite food: Iams proactive health puppy
Favorite treat: Milk Bones
Favorite toy: Not sure yet !!
Favorite spot to sleep: Crate
Archenemy: Not sure yet
dutchdoxies writes:
After seeing Tracker's half brother Graham , he had to come home to us too.
NOTE TO ALL OUR FRIENDS: Early Friday morning Nov, 6 2009
we lost Graham. he's had problems from the day we got him. But the last two weeks he was a mess he went down hill so fast !In the short time we had... we'll never forget him.He'll always be in our hearts forever !
The breeder were we got Graham is going to try and make things right. Looks like we'll be getting another doxie pup very soon, "BUT, it will never be our sweet little Graham. He was one of a kind !
May 16th 2009 - Nov 6 2009
Sitting pretty for the camera.
Comments about Graham R.I.P
December 23, 2023 9:46 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Angel Graham!
Graham will be in our thoughts today, such a sweet boy ! RIP Sweetie
May 10, 2020 9:29 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Your short life will always be cherished by all us doxie lovers, you are a special angel!
May 10, 2020 7:03 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
So sad to loose a baby
little baby Graham will always be remembered
May 14, 2018 9:42 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
DOTD Forever!
Remembered always as you left paw prints across all our hearts!
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