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Short-Haired Black and Tan Dachshund from Helena, MT pet profile submitted by nuger93

Bud sitting just bein him

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Favorite food:

Anything that i give him. Hes a garbage disposal

Favorite treat:

Peanut Butter

Favorite toy:

Tennis ball

Favorite spot to sleep:

under the covers at my feet


My sisters cat

nuger93 writes:

I found Bud in the summer of 2011 at the Lewis And Clark Humane Society here in Helena, Montana. I was there doing service hours for National Honor society and i was also looking to get a new puppy to fill a void left by another dachshund that had passed on. Well Bud was only about 10-12 months when i first brought him home on Paws-Ability (a two week trial program our humane society has in place to ensure that the pet found its perfect forever home). well i knew i fell in love with him at first glance and Bud has become quite the loyal pup. Im a senior in high school and he got sad when i didnt come home one night (overnight basketball trip). he is so loveable and just has a fun persona to him

Bud vs the Water Monster
Bud thinks he so fierce and is protecting the family from a monster we know as the water hose

Handsome Boy
I was just looking through stuff at a local Goodwill and i happened to find a dachshund sweater. Well i put it on bud and he would strut in it but he refused to look at the camera

I was sleeping!!
i snapped this one right after Bud awoke from a mid afternoon nap

Look what i can carry
His 2nd day home, Bud stole a rope ball from our Chocolate Lab husky cross. and brought it inside and carried it even though it was bigger than his head at the time

At the park, we discovered Bud is easily distracted by squirrels and we also found out he loves to chase squirrels as well.

The old man and the Young Gun
Bud (left and still on paws ability at the time) and my parents akc show-dog dachshund (the old man) Red-Ball Express (Right) having a little meeting of the minds

You wanted my attention? You got it
While he was still on paws ability, we began training Bud how to act and rewarded him with treats. However he thought if he just sat and looked pretty he would get one

Comments about Bud

January 16, 2023 9:48 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Hey Bud!

I hope you have your best day ever as our DOTD and I'm wishing you good health in the coming years!

January 16, 2023 8:13 am
by rulersoftheroost from Billings, MT Proud owner of Oreo

Big Sky boy

Handsome Montana dude. Enjoy the big blue sky and keep the humans happy.

June 6, 2019 9:55 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Hello Bud!

Bud you are such a handsome boy and a great choice for DOTD once again! I hope you and your family have an awesome day celebrating your day of doxie fame.

October 20, 2015 8:34 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Congratulations Bud

I think you are a most Handsome DOTD. You remind me so much of my sweet Herbie. He also loved to fight the water hose. Enjoy your special day of extra doxie fame.(Herbie's mom)

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Admirers of Bud

The following have identified Bud as one of their favorites:
Henry Herbie Cory Jo Oreo
Bunny Odie Lacey D. Clark Dewy
Payton Clark Bert HARLEY Macy and Bailey
Beanie Stan Maddie

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