
Long-haired Red Dachshund from
Fort Wayne, IN
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by Onie
Christmas Fun, 2012
Volunteering for Lions Club by bell-ringing for Salvation Army; Ginger stopped by to help for awhile, and was the star of the show, BOL!
Rating: 9.6000 bones (out of 10)
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Favorite food: Iams Small Bites, and cousin Jinjo's food!
Favorite treat: Greenies on occasion, crunchy bits from the "magic jar".
Favorite toy: a little unstuffed pink pig named "Baby"! It's now a daily ritual to play hide & seek with!
Favorite spot to sleep: update: on the "big bed"! best alarm clock ever!
Archenemy: Falling leaves, fireworks, rain, and wind!
Onie writes:
Update: Ginger and I just had our 1-year Anniversary!! Seems like she has always been with me..such a great dog, companion, and friend! She has made my sister's dog her BFF, met lots of people, and is getting better at walking on a leash; she LOVES to ride in the car, is very affectionate, and still has "Baby", the only toy she cares for, haha! Her spay went well, recovered quickly, and we just went through a very hot summer together; now Fall is coming in, and she loves the crisp air! We are loving life together!
Ginger is between 5-7 years old, adopted her from a shelter who had rescued her from a hoarder. All I know is that she came in with 9 of her own puppies!
She stayed at the shelter for at least 3-4 months before I found her, fell in love, and took her home!
She is a lovely shade of auburn with black overcoat on her ears..her coat has been growing back in, her tail is getting fluffy! (had been shaved due to fleas and ticks she was infested with)
We are getting to know each other, have been together since September 2011!
I believe we rescued each other :)
Winter fun
I like sweaters! and getting all available blankets and pillows under my control, BOL!
1st Anniversary Dinner!
Can't believe it's been a year already!
My new friend!
adopted, and on the way home!
Pool Day!
first dip in the kiddie pool, BOL!
summer fun
sunshine bellyrub!
loves to nap, then strettttttch!
Favorite food: Iams Small Bites, and cousin Jinjo's food!
Favorite treat: Greenies on occasion, crunchy bits from the "magic jar".
Favorite toy: a little unstuffed pink pig named "Baby"! It's now a daily ritual to play hide & seek with!
Favorite spot to sleep: update: on the "big bed"! best alarm clock ever!
Archenemy: Falling leaves, fireworks, rain, and wind!
Onie writes: Update: Ginger and I just had our 1-year Anniversary!! Seems like she has always been with me..such a great dog, companion, and friend! She has made my sister's dog her BFF, met lots of people, and is getting better at walking on a leash; she LOVES to ride in the car, is very affectionate, and still has "Baby", the only toy she cares for, haha! Her spay went well, recovered quickly, and we just went through a very hot summer together; now Fall is coming in, and she loves the crisp air! We are loving life together!
Ginger is between 5-7 years old, adopted her from a shelter who had rescued her from a hoarder. All I know is that she came in with 9 of her own puppies!
She stayed at the shelter for at least 3-4 months before I found her, fell in love, and took her home!
She is a lovely shade of auburn with black overcoat on her ears..her coat has been growing back in, her tail is getting fluffy! (had been shaved due to fleas and ticks she was infested with)
We are getting to know each other, have been together since September 2011!
I believe we rescued each other :)
Comments about Ginger
July 31, 2022 8:03 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
You will be in our thoughts today as DOTD!
December 19, 2018 8:38 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Congrats Ginger!
I hope you are enjoying your big day with extra hugs and kisses!
May 4, 2015 7:45 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Congratulation Pretty Girl
You are a very special DOTD. I am so pleased you are now living the life of a princess.
May 4, 2015 10:34 am
by cpn2jxp from Tobyhanna, PA
Proud owner of Sabrett
Congrats on DD Ginger! How are things going in your neck of the woods? I bet mom has a nice celebration for you in honor of your big day. Such a pretty girl, I still want bows in your hair! LOL Take care
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