
tweenie smooth haired red doxie from
Carterville, IL
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by jakesmom05
Jake as a solider
Jake shows his support for the troops by dressing in his Army Green.
Rating: 9.8250 bones (out of 10)
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Favorite food: He eats a lot of Pedigree, not only is it good but some of the proceeds go to help shelter dogs, and he really wants to see all
Favorite treat: He likes Snaps
Favorite toy: he likes to de-stuff animals and play with the remains of the toy
Favorite spot to sleep: He loves to sleep under his "blankies" either on "his couch" or his basket.
Archenemy: The deer that live out by our house, he thinks that they are on his territory
jakesmom05 writes:
I got Jake when he was just 5 weeks old and it was love at first sight! At the time i was living alone and I wanted a small dog so i could have someone to come home to at night. My friends doxie had just had a litter of puppies and my mom thought it would be a great idea to get a doxie puppy. I went to her house to take a look at the litter and there he was, so tiny and adorable!!! I had to have him!
I brought him home and he was so little that he could fit into my handbag so that is how i carried him, he went EVERYWHERE with me (and still does)! He has been the greatest little gift ever!!! My husband and i got engaged on Valentines day of 06 and got married the following November and ever since then we have been a very happy little family.
People always ask my husband and i when we are going to have kids and i say who needs kids we have Jake! Those of us that own Doxies only understand the feeling that doxies give you, they are the sweetest dog loyal to the very end!
Jake is a wonderful little guy!! He is sweet and so funny!!! He likes to play and take walks with his mommy and sit and watch TV with his daddy! He is our baby and we love him so much!
jake loves football, just like his daddy
Daddy and jake watch football every sunday and he wears his football sweater to cheer on his favorite teams!
Captain Jake Sparrow
Jake was dressed as his and mommy's favoirte movie star Johnny Depp as the fearless Captain Jack (Jake) Sparrow
Jake as solider #2
Jake wants everyone to know that you don't mess with the United States Army or you will have him to deal with. That is pretty Scary!!!
jake and mommy at dog races
Jake, mommy, and daddy went to the annual wiener dog races in October and we had so much fun racing and meeting other doxies!
Here is my kitty sis Abbey Grace
Jake now has a "sissy" meet miss Abbey!
Comments about Jake
January 23, 2022 10:45 am
by fatboy from charleston, MO
Proud owner of cap
Little dandy
Jake you are a cute little guy. Lot's of company for your mom and dad I bet.Congratulation's on your day of fame.
January 23, 2022 9:16 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
DOTD Always!
Jake will be in our thoughts today as DOTD, truly a handsome boy!
June 14, 2018 9:09 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Congrats Jake!
Always nice to see a red smooth as our DOTD, Jake you are a handsome boy for sure. I'm wishing you good health in the coming years.
October 24, 2014 10:51 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Hello Jake
It has been awhile since I visited your page. Herbie has gone on to the Rainbow Bridge but still try to keep up with his Doxie Friends. Enjoy the special day of fame
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