
Smooth Coat Dachshund from
Santa Clarita, CA
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by SassyDoxies
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Baby Riley
This is Riley's baby picture. He is such a cutie! He has a little white on his chest.
Rating: 9.9091 bones (out of 10)
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Favorite food: Riley eats Taste of the Wild dry food that he really enjoys
Favorite treat: Riley loves to eat bananas, apples and carrots.
Favorite toy: Quacky Duck and anything with a squeaker!
Favorite spot to sleep: He loves to sleep on his hammock outside in the sun.
Archenemy: Live Rabbits! He goes crazy when he sees them on the hill behind our house.
SassyDoxies writes:
UPDATE: I lost my dear sweet boy this Feb 19th. One day he was fine and then on Velentines Day he wouldn't eat. We brought him in and he had Pancreatitis again. He's had it before and I was sure he would be fine. Unfortunately, he died within 15 minutes of being check by the vet on their morning rounds. They believed he developed a blood clot. It's now July and I miss him more than I can say. I would gladly give up years of my life to have him back. He was my son in a dog body. I miss you Riley and hope to see you over the rainbow bridge some day.
Riley is our 10 year old miniature red smooth dachshund. He is a very sensitive boy who suffers from seizures and allergies. He's starting to get white around his muzzle and paws and unfortunatley, due to a bad reaction to his seizure medication, has scars around his muzzle and eyes. But he's still my handsome little man.
Riley is very lovable and enjoys music (mostly female artists). If you hum or sing he will immediately come running and presses his face to your mouth and literally vibrates! He shares his home with us and three other doxies. He tolerates the other dogs but lets them know with a growl if they invade his space. He loves wearing bandanas and sweaters for every season/holiday. Riley doesn't have any hair on his underside so when he lays out in the sun during the summer he gets a dark tan!
This is a professional photo of Riley. He was three when this was taken
Riley Outside
This photo is Riley sitting on the lawn. I didn't realize he had a twig in his mouth until the photo was developed.
Jammin' Riley
A photo of Riley with headphones. He actually loves to listen to music, it really soothes him
Lazy Doxie
Riley taking a much needed rest. He's been up for all of 10 minutes!
This is a picture of our Riley last year taken with my iPhone. This was taken a week before he got really sick due to an allergic reaction to his Potassium Bromide which he takes for his seizures. Unfortunately, he went through so much he has a few scars now. He's still my handsome man!
Black & White photo of Riley
Comments about Riley
July 18, 2022 9:09 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Thinking of you today Riley as our DOTD, you were such a handsome boy! Loved always and missed dearly. RIP Sweet Riley
December 6, 2018 9:41 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Riley you left paw prints across the hearts of those who knew you!
July 22, 2016 9:02 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Riley, one fine doxie!
I read your life story today and you were an awesome Doxie! I know you will always be missed, as it is six months today since we lost Dewy and we think of him each and every day.
April 21, 2015 8:47 pm
by Hub from Villa Rica, GA
Proud owner of Koffee
God bless little Riley
Riley gave you memories that can't be replaced. God bless the little man for that!
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