
Bella and Thor
Miniature Long Haired Dachshunds from
Somerville, Australia
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by narelle56
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from Bella and Thor in Australia
Rating: 10.0000 bones (out of 10)
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Bella and Thor
Favorite food: Anything
Favorite treat: Goodo's
Favorite toy: Squeeky bone and Tigga the Tiger
Favorite spot to sleep: Wrapped up in their snuggle bags & grandmas knee
Archenemy: RABBITS
narelle56 writes:
My husband and I have had long haired dachshunds for many years. We found our first dachshund (Maxwell, standard long hair) outside a butchers shop (typical dachshund) so after many enquiries to find his previous owner, we adopted him as our own. When he was about 10 years old he became very quiet so we decided to get a puppy for him (best decision we ever made). So along came Robbie (black and tan standard long hair). They were the best of mates but we lost Maxwell at the good old age of nearly 19 and then earlier this year Robbie suddenly passed away (he was 13 years old and now gone to be with Maxwell). My husband and I lasted one week without any dogs and through the internet found Thor (18 months old) who was being retired as he had gained his Australian Championship and was looking for a good home to begin his new life. We had already decided to get another puppy (thanks Stacey) so along came Bella. She is a darling and both Thor and her play together and have races around our property.
UPDATE - December 2014
Thor and Bella adore each other and every day bring big smiles to their Mum and Dad.
This is (Princess) Bella (red miniature long haired) who is the new addition to our family.
Where did Santa go ..... I'm still waiting ...our stockings are still empty.
This is how you fit two dachshunds into one bed
This is Thor (Australian Champion) who is now retired and enjoying life with his little sister (Bella)
Don't anyone touch my car......Where did everybody go?
Maxwell (18 years old) and Robbie (both now in doggie heaven playing together)
Comments about Bella and Thor
September 13, 2024 12:50 pm
by fatboy from charleston, MO
Proud owner of cap
What a great story. I am so happy everyone else is happy. Congratulations. Take care everyone
September 13, 2024 9:48 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Congrats You Two!
As our two beautiful DOTD sweeties I'm wishing you both good health in the coming years!
January 29, 2021 9:39 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Double DOTD!
What a great way to start my day with two beautiful doxies as DOTD! I hope you two sweeties get a few extra treats today along with lots of hugs.
January 29, 2021 8:11 am
by Bucks Cty Mike from Sellersville, PA
Proud owner of Georgia Belle
I am so sorry that Bella and Thor can no longer play with you but...
someday, at the bridge, they will meet you again and you will be a family together not a family apart. My Bella Joy and Maci Grace both play and wait at the bridge for me and Anne but their younger siblings Georgia Belle and Mazie Grace are here with us now and someday we will all be together again! Happy DOTD days to all of us both here and beyond!!!
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