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Black & Tan Smooth from Santa Clarita, CA pet profile submitted by SassyDoxies

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Haylie growing up
This is Haylie at 9 weeks old.

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Comments about Haylie

  Rating: 9.9054 bones (out of 10)
Rating: 9.9054
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Favorite food:

Nature's Ultra Choice

Favorite treat:

Ice cream, ice cream and ice cream!

Favorite toy:

All toys

Favorite spot to sleep:

curled up next to Savannah


People - She was very shy around them.

SassyDoxies writes:

Haylie was the puppy that I got after Kodi past away. She helped me so much during my grieving of losing Kodi. She was a very sweet puppy with lots of energy. We affectionately called her "Pickle" because she had a zesty personality!

We had Haylie for a year and half and sadly one day she got out of our house and we never saw her again. It is one of the worst feelings never to know what happened to her. I hope that someone found her and kept her but we live near the mountains with lots of wild life. Because we had her such a short time I am starting to forget her personality and that is very hard.

We miss her a lot and got her half sister Kaylie from the same breeder. Amazingly Kaylie was born the same day Haylie disappeared so it was meant for us to adopt Kaylie. We see a lot of Haylie in her. So she lives on in Kaylie.

Haylie in her first bed
This is Haylie napping in her new bed

Ad Photo
This was the first photo I saw of Haylie. I thought she was beautiful and contacted her breeder. Her breeder as well as Kaylie is Laura Schwimmer at She is the best breeder and loves her dogs. We keep in touch because she is always interested in how her dogs are doing at their forever home.

Pretty Girl

Tearing up a toy
Haylie tearing up one of her first toys

Beautiful Points
I thought Haylie had beautiful coloring. None of her colors bled into each other.

Sittin Pretty
Haylie posing for a picture

It's hard being a puppy
I almost didn't see her hiding in the blanket which just came out of the dryer. Doxies love to curl up in warm blankets and towels!

Comments about Haylie

January 18, 2023 9:28 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

So Sad!

I'm happy to see you Haylie as our DOTD, but saddened by your life story! In our thoughts today you will be.

June 8, 2019 2:45 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Sweet Haylie

Your story is so sad. I pray that someone found you and gave you a good home or that you are running and playing on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge

June 8, 2019 9:26 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Thinking of you Haylie!

Haylie you left paw prints across hearts of those who loved you! RIP sweet girl.

December 24, 2012 2:22 am
by lindajp6 from Lees Summit, MO Proud owner of Teddy Bear

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you, dear doxie friend! And a wonder filled new year (with lots of treats)! Your friend, Teddy Bear

Read all comments (13 total)

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Admirers of Haylie

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Lola Jean Snuggles Bunny Bianca
Henry lady with betsie,bitty and smoky Beanie Bailey
Bella Daisy Herbie Macy and Bailey
Killian Leo Chloe Piper Ann
Kosmo Cory Jo Franny Mae D'Artagnan
Bonnie and Hopi Stan Duchess Haylee
Sherlock Chandler Poppy Lou Caleb
Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Abbey Winston Dewy
Gidget Ginger Rudy Dewdrop
Hannah Odie

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