
Piebald Dachshund from
Los Angeles, CA
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by Buddy and Alli in Valley Glen
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Rating: 9.9351 bones (out of 10)
and Alli in Valley Glen
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Favorite food: Evo Ancestral Diet - both Dry and Wet
Favorite treat: Dried liver and chicken
Favorite toy: All of them. Pet frog.
Favorite spot to sleep: With Buddy on my chair
Archenemy: Squirrels
Buddy and Alli in Valley Glen writes:
It's been four and half years since I adopted Alli. The past several years have been nothing but pure joy. She and Buddy love to travel with me - we stay at pet friendly hotels and motels and with friends and go on car trips to Nevada, Arizona and Utah.
On May 16, 2009 I adopted another Piebald Dachshund from the same Dachshund Rescue Organization. She is a female named Alli who is about 12 pounds a Mini with predominately white coloring and is about 6 years the vet estimated. She has also had her vocal cords cut, her ribs were broken to accommodate more pups and came from the same puppy mill that Buddy did - they could be related. They are both getting along beautifully and have made my home doubly welcoming to all.
Alli is another rescue dachshund from the same Fresno location. However, she barks and is dominate and territorial - I need to work with her as I did with Buddy but she is a real alpha dog. She has adjusted very well and is literally at my feet or close by all day. I figure if she was in a puppy mill for 6 years she needs to be close by for reassurance.
She loves to play with Buddy and has brought Buddy out of his timidity somewhat-Buddy is now freely approaching people but still does not allow anyone but me to pick him up. Miss Alli will let anyone pick her up, cuddle and kiss her. She barks at dogs big and small and I have to watch her because yesterday she started to go at a little Boston Terrier in the neighborhood.
She loves toys and has already destroyed a toy cow and started in on the moo device which I have taken away. As a result Buddy, now plays with the toys which he did not previously.
UPDATE: April 8, 2011 - Alli is still very dominant and I have to keep on a short leash on our walks - although she is a Diva she loves to lie in the dirt with the sun shining after her especially after being groomed!!! What is that all about. She tears up her toys and of course love to eat her food and would eat Buddy's food if I allowed it - they are both kept on a diet to prevent back and health issues.
Alli Ready for Bed
She is spoiled!
Buddy and Alli's Closet
Who says they're spoiled!!
Alli Peek a Boo
Bath Time!!
Alli & Buddy Love Argyle
We Love Argyle
Snuggle Buddies
We love each other lots!
Comments about Alli
September 5, 2023 9:02 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Such a sweet girl, who will be in our thoughts today as DOTD!
January 23, 2020 9:20 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Sweet Alli!
I hope this day finds you enjoying your senior years and good health as our DOTD!
June 24, 2016 1:17 pm
by Buddy and Alli in Valley Glen from Los Angeles, CA
Proud owner of Alli
Thanks Daily Doxie!
It been more than 7 years since Buddy and I rescued Alli. She's going on 13 - 14 years and still active
June 24, 2016 7:35 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Adorable Alli
I always enjoy visiting your page because it brings pleasure to me to visit Herbie's special friends that are loved so very much by their humans. You are a beautiful DOTD(hERBIE'S MOM)
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