
Rudy & Hannalore
Black &Tan shorthaired& Silver Dapple shorthaired from
Baltimore, MD
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by Heidi
Rating: 9.7436 bones (out of 10)
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Rudy & Hannalore
Favorite food: Beneful
Favorite treat: everything!
Favorite toy: squeakies
Favorite spot to sleep: our bed & laps
Archenemy: big loud noises, ie: the vacuum cleaner, windup toys
Heidi writes:
Rudy is a black & tan "tweener weiner who is a little on the chubby side. A sweet & loving guy, he was born in October, 2002. We love him so much that we thought he needed a companion, especially when our schedules changed. Also, he entered our lives when we had 2 grandma cats, who have since passed (1 at 14 from feline eneuritis & her sister at 15 from age). Two years ago, my husband rescued a feral cat. This has not been the same for poor Ru. Finally, we got a new puppy, a female silver dapple- a true mini, born December of 2008. She is full of energy; my husband calls her feisty. She is very talkative, active, & immediately coopted all the squeakies. Of course, Ru does not remember that he stole all the cat toys when he came on the scene. It's a little bewildering at times, but they are getting used to each other. We try to give "equal time". They both affectionate &love attention & are excited to meet new people.
Hannalore & Ru
Making friends
TV star Hannalore
A visit to the vet prompted this request to be a part of a pet tips program on local tv
Hannalore & Ru
Bath time at Petco lead to a photo op with a pro
Dogs day out
There is a large public park about 25 min away & they love to go on this "field trip"
Comments about Rudy & Hannalore
May 3, 2024 9:21 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
DOTD Always!
What we have here is two beautiful doxies as our DOTD, loved always!
September 18, 2020 9:36 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
So Sweet!
Rudy you will be in our thoughts today as Hanna enjoys her day of doxie fame!
September 18, 2020 7:31 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Special Rudy and Hannalore
It was such a pleasure to look through the pictures of 2 dachshunds that were and are very much loved.
February 15, 2017 3:51 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of June
Great to see two special dachshunds as DOTD. Hope this day brought you extra hugs and kisses.
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