
Miniature Smooth Black&Tan Dachshund from
Easton, WA
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by Basiapie
At a Dachshunds on Parade" event where HERMAN went as a moving billboard advertising THREE DACHSHUNDS ROOT BEER...YUM!
Rating: 9.8514 bones (out of 10)
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Favorite food: He'll eat anything...
Favorite treat: Eating "anything" off my plate at dinner...
Favorite toy: Not much of a toy guy....
Favorite spot to sleep: Right beside me under the covers; or snuggled up with one of his two best friends, GWEN, a miniature Poodle, or HARLEY, an Itali
Archenemy: His "Aunt Mary" in New York....heheheh!
Basiapie writes:
HERMAN came to me as a rescue from my friend and most wonderful veterinarian, Dr. Debbie Cottrell, West End Animal Hospital, in Newberry, FL (just outside of Gainesville). He was a failure-to-thrive local puppy mill cast-off who the WEAH staff "knew" just had to be with me....but I had recently relocated across the country to Washington state.
So we booked little 5 mos. HERMAN on a flight headed from Jacksonville, FL to Seattle, WA via DELTA DASH the day after Christmas 2004....and it was love at first sight!!!
HERMAN has won Halloween costume contests as well as First Place in the annual Ellensburg, WA "DACHSHUNDS ON PARADE" event...where he was called the first "Cross-Dressing" winner (since he wore his "sister's" (CARMEN MIRANDA, a long-haired black & tan Chihuahua) hand-me-down costume of CARMEN MIRANDA complete with a hat piled high with artificial fruit.
HERMAN has lots of air miles under him, too...besides his trip from FL to WA; he accompanied me round-trip from Seattle to NYC two years ago and was the hit of the First Class Cabin and all the airport lounges we waited in.
Nothing fazes him...he's open to trying anything I ask of him.
I adore my special little dogster, HERMAN!
HERMAN & his older sister, "FERGIE" (a Yorkie mix)
HERMAN and one of his doggie friends, PIPER (a Chinese Crested "Powderpuff" variety)
Favorite food: He'll eat anything...
Favorite treat: Eating "anything" off my plate at dinner...
Favorite toy: Not much of a toy guy....
Favorite spot to sleep: Right beside me under the covers; or snuggled up with one of his two best friends, GWEN, a miniature Poodle, or HARLEY, an Itali
Archenemy: His "Aunt Mary" in New York....heheheh!
Basiapie writes: HERMAN came to me as a rescue from my friend and most wonderful veterinarian, Dr. Debbie Cottrell, West End Animal Hospital, in Newberry, FL (just outside of Gainesville). He was a failure-to-thrive local puppy mill cast-off who the WEAH staff "knew" just had to be with me....but I had recently relocated across the country to Washington state.
So we booked little 5 mos. HERMAN on a flight headed from Jacksonville, FL to Seattle, WA via DELTA DASH the day after Christmas 2004....and it was love at first sight!!!
HERMAN has won Halloween costume contests as well as First Place in the annual Ellensburg, WA "DACHSHUNDS ON PARADE" event...where he was called the first "Cross-Dressing" winner (since he wore his "sister's" (CARMEN MIRANDA, a long-haired black & tan Chihuahua) hand-me-down costume of CARMEN MIRANDA complete with a hat piled high with artificial fruit.
HERMAN has lots of air miles under him, too...besides his trip from FL to WA; he accompanied me round-trip from Seattle to NYC two years ago and was the hit of the First Class Cabin and all the airport lounges we waited in.
Nothing fazes him...he's open to trying anything I ask of him.
I adore my special little dogster, HERMAN!
Comments about HERMAN
November 11, 2024 9:20 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
DOTD Always!
Herman will be in our thoughts today as our sweet DOTD!
March 28, 2021 9:19 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Congrats Herman!
I hope this day finds you enjoying good health as a senior doxie, you are such a cute little guy!
August 17, 2017 10:37 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Hurray for Herman
So nice to see such a special little guy like you as DOTD. Sounds like you bring joy where ever you go. So nice you have such a loving and caring family. Enjoy your day of extra doxie fame.
August 17, 2017 9:37 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Congrats Herman
Well aren't you a busy little guy Herman, I hope your enjoying DOTD fame today.
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