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Black and red brindle miniature dachshund from Santa Cruz, CA pet profile submitted by Junerose

Dascher at Avila Beach, CA

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  Rating: 9.7458 bones (out of 10)
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Favorite food:

Blue Buffalo for small breeds

Favorite treat:

raw hide chew sticks, Buddy Biscuits, or anything that drops from the table.

Favorite toy:

anything with a squeaker

Favorite spot to sleep:

with his Mommy & Daddy at night, or his pet sofa during the day, or in a sunny spot.


Rocky, the Border Collie across the street.

Junerose writes:

Dascher's birthday is October 23rd, 2005. He was the runt of the litter and the pick of the litter. The breeder said when she would come home from an errand, all the other pups would run around crazy and Dascher would just come to her feet and just lay. His sister is Sweet P, owned by Darla1992, in Grover Beach, CA. Dascher likes to hang out in his bed, under the blanket. He is a couch potato. He has 2 human siblings, Sativa (age 7) and Zachary (age 3). Dascher was named after the Trophy Dash race at Ocean Speedway, where his Daddy races at. Dascher is great with other dogs and children. He "talks" alot when people come to the door, but then quiets down and requires their attention when inside the house. Dascher enjoys walks and trips to the beach or park. He likes to go for rides in the car or VW camper van, of which he stands on the driver's hip and looks out the window. When his sister, Sweet P, comes to visit, Dascher will get out of bed several times a night to check on her. He also counts his toys by mouthing them and knows when one is missing. He tends to chew up a toy when thinking about his sister, or if he knows she is coming to visit.

Dascher with his sister, Sweet P, and friends, Issy and Frieda (the doxie) at the park.

Dascher & Sweet P at doggy beach, Avila, CA.

Dascher hating his Halloween sweater, while in bed.

Dascher likes to eat corn on the cob on Labor Day.

Dascher sunning himself in the yard.

But Mommy, let me lick you!

Ain't I sweet?!

Comments about Dascher

September 8, 2022 9:19 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy


Dasher you will be in our thoughts today as DOTD!

January 27, 2019 10:21 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC Proud owner of Dewy

Handsome Boy!

Well Dascher you appear to have all the good things that doxies always want! Enjoy your big day with your loving family.

January 27, 2019 5:34 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

DOTD Dascher

Glad to see you are honored as DOTD. You are one special little dachshund guy. How cool to have a dog park (sorry I know dachshunds are not really dogs) on a beautiful California beach.

June 12, 2015 3:56 pm
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX Proud owner of Herbie

Hello Dascher

Cute name for a handsome boy. Congratulations on being DOTD. Hope you are living up the extra fame.(Herbie's Mom)

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Admirers of Dascher

The following have identified Dascher as one of their favorites:
lady,scrappy,stewie, and minnie Phoebe Henry Stan
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Bunny Jazz Bianca Winston
Cory Jo Rupert EVIL Dewy
Odie Manny Dewdrop Sweet Potato
Greycie & Charlie Brown CHLOE, GRETTA, & PENNY Chewy, Cyndi, Macy and Koni Gidget
Ginger Hugo P. Bruni Joe Chip

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