
Rascal & Abbie
Double Dapple & Red/White Piebald Short Haired Dachshunds from
Euharlee, GA
DailyDoxie.com pet profile submitted by Doxies2love
Princess Abbie laying on Rascal
Rating: 9.8039 bones (out of 10)
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Rascal & Abbie
Favorite food: Rascal-anything chicken flavored / Abbie-Nutro canned dog food
Favorite treat: Blueberries - fresh off our bushs
Favorite toy: Rascal-Orange "cuz" squeeky toy /
Abbie-Racal is her favorite toy
Favorite spot to sleep: In mommy & daddy's bed
Archenemy: Rascal-plastic trash bags and the chicken next door / Abbie - squirrels!
Doxies2love writes:
We got Rascal at Christmas 2003. He has been the best dog ever. He is loving, stubborn, and very energetic. He would not survive if he was'nt able to snuggle with mommy & daddy each night at bedtime. He loves driving mommy crazy with his squeeky toy. He waits till mommy is preoccupied and continually squeeks it, loudly!
Abbie, we like to think of as our rescue dog, was welcomed into our home in June of 07'. She was the victim of household neglect where she was paid no attention or socialized with other people or animals. She has greatly improved in the year we have had her. All she needed was a lot of loving (like any dachshund), and a stable home life. Next to mommy, she most definately is the princess of the household. She is very persistent when she wants something. She will nudge you with her nose until you give in. We had our doubts about a "rescue" dog but she has changed our way of looking at that. She has changed into a wonderful, loving little girl.
Cant a dog just take a nap?
Rascal & Abbie sitting as close to mommy as possible without being on top of her.
Rascal taking a break
Even the dogs need a break after our wedding ceremony. I think he was nervous. It was his first time being the best man.
Flying Doxie
Rascal, coming after daddy, who is hiding his favorite orange squeeky toy!
Rascal in all his glory!
Mommy & daddy's little man. Life would not be the same without him.
Keeping a watchful eye while napping
Abbie in one of her favorite places.
Imitating Holly from Girls Next Door
Abbie trying on her outfit for Howl-o-weenie 08' in Cabbagetown (Atlanta)
Comments about Rascal & Abbie
May 25, 2022 9:09 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
You two sweeties will be in our thoughts today!
October 16, 2018 9:46 am
by Brian from Parksville Vancouver Island, BC
Proud owner of Dewy
Too Cute!
I hope all is well with you two and wishing you both good health.
October 16, 2018 6:29 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Every Day DOTD.
Rascal and Abbie make the perfect doxie couple. Hope the years have been kind. Always a pleasure to view your pictures.
March 1, 2015 9:15 am
by herbmeister from Tomball, TX
Proud owner of Herbie
Two beautiful and handsome doxies. Makes double love. Enjoyed all of your pics especially the ones of a dressed up dude peeing on a tree. Love how the two of you cuddle.
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